

aerobic:[英 [eəˈrəʊbɪk] 美 [eˈroʊbɪk] ]


aerobic 基本解释


形容词需氧的,有氧的; 有氧健身的,增氧健身法

aerobic 网络解释

1. 需氧:其广义的分类可以分成需氧(Aerobic)、嫌氧(Anaerobic)或需氧、嫌氧兼性(Aerobic-anaerobic facultative)分解. 在需氧情形下,微生物消耗溶解氧来将废物变成更多微生物及它们生存所需能量,最后的生成物是二氧化碳及水. 在低废物负荷情形下,


2. 好氧:生物处理主要分为喜气 / 好氧(Aerobic)及厌气 / 厌氧(Anaerobic) 两大类别. 但就普及性、方便性及稳定性而言,喜气处理占有率高达80%以上. 而喜气处理最主要之关键乃在於如何充份有效地将空气中之氧气,


3. 有氧运动:目标昌透过竞争得到优胜;后者不一定有特定的规范和竞争对手,常以促进个人健康为目的. 如以能量代谢分类,可分为有氧运动(Aerobic)和无氧运动. 前者透过耐力煅炼,以促进心肺功能为主;后者常运用重量或阴力进行,以加强肌肉骨胳为主.

aerobic 双语例句

1. aerobic的解释

1. This process is aerobic respiration via the Krebs cycle and oxidative phosphorylation.


2. We isolated a group of thermophilic, facultative anaerobic or aerobic spore bacillus by investigating contamination of total producing technical flowing and testing.


3. aerobic的反义词

3. There are good remove effect on the kjeldahl nitrogen and COD of leachate in aerobic reciculation, the rate of exorcize of kjeldahl nitrogen in aerobic columns rise steadily to about 90% in the start, steady about 90% finally.


4. Now includes support for Landscape and Windows Mobile 2003SE devices, as well as new aerobic distance reports and other enhancements.

现在包括支持景观和Windows Mobile 2003SE设备,以及新的有氧距离报告和其他功能。

5. Therefore, yoga training, do not feel it, a static aerobic exercise.

树式 因此训练瑜伽不会感到很,一种静态的有氧运动。

6. Yoga as a unique adjustable endocrine balance of the static aerobic exercise, yoga introverted girls can be found consistent pursuit of peace.


7. Nitrification reaction in the aerobic digestion led to the increase of NO(superscript - subscript 3)-N concentration and the decrease of pH.


8. aerobic的反义词

8. In the reactor containing 75% of feed sludge, TSS and VSS removal rates got to 49% and 50% after 28 days of aerobic digestion, respectively.


9. aerobic

9. Low Intensity Ultrasound; Biological Activity of Activated Sludge; Wastewater Treatment; Mechanism of Action; Sludge Aerobic Digestion



10. These goals can be accomplished by either anaerobic or aerobic digestion.


11. The system uses the aerobic principle of sewage digestion, coupled with treatment of the final effluent, and is generally accepted as the most compact, efficient and flexible system for use on board ship.


12. The resource reuse of sludge has become an important development direction in and outside of country, using sludge aerobic digestion technology can make sludge coincide with the standard of resource reuse.


13. This application relates to improvements to long vertical shaft bioreactors for the aerobic biological treatment of wastewater and aerobic digestion of biodegradable sludges.


14. In aerobic systems, oxygen is the terminal electron acceptor and is reduced.



15. The ratio of removed phosphorus to consumed PHA under anoxic condition was 063, which was 24% lower than 0.83 under aerobic condition; the amount of phosphorus taken up to per mole of electrons transferred under anoxic condition was 014 mol, which was 391% lower than 023 mol with oxygen as the electron acceptor.

与以氧为电子受体的系统相比硝酸盐系统利用PHA的效率低,缺氧系统中去除磷和消耗PHA的比例为0.63,比好氧系统中的0.83低24%;缺氧时每摩尔电子转移所吸收的磷为0.14 mol,比氧为电子受体时的0.23 mol低39.1%。

16. The isolated aerobic ammonia oxidizers could use nitrite as electron acceptor to carriy out anaerobic ammonia oxidation as well as using oxygen as electron acceptor to oxidise ammonia.


17. Regardless of age, weight or athletic ability, aerobic activity is good for you.


18. Anaerobic metabolism of carbohydrates and aerobic metabolism of fats and proteins yield non-volatile acid s, such as?


19. aerobic

19. Agriculture test of kailyard soil mixed with paper mill sludge, which had been alternatively treated with aerobic and anaerobic composting for 40 days, was carried out in a basin scale.


20. Result of the 3month stable operation of the system showed that the COD removal was kept over 85% with temperature in th e ra nge of 16~28 ℃, anaerobic organic loading of 5 kgCOD/(m3·d), aerobic organic loading of2kgCOD/(m3·d) and total HRT of 19h.


aerobic 词典解释

1. 有氧健身的

Aerobic activity exercises and strengthens your heart and lungs.

e.g. Aerobic exercise gets the heart pumping and helps you to burn up the fat.


aerobic 单语例句aerobic

1. Causes an increase in aerobic capacity, blood pressure and oxygen transportation.

2. Ye just finished altitude training to improve her aerobic capacity last week and said her goal at this meet was to recover her competitive form.

3. School officials say adding double dutch to the calendar should get hundreds of students participating in an enjoyable aerobic activity.

4. The researchers concluded that aerobic exercise is more effective in improving patients'defective cognitive faculties than medication alone.

5. Wang loves to attend ballet and aerobic gymnastic classes to keep her body nimble and relaxed.

6. Trainees do two hours'anaerobic exercise and another two of aerobic exercise a day.

7. Aerobic exercise is activity that makes the heart and lungs work harder and increases oxygen use.

8. During Beijing's heavier polluted days, aerobic exercise inside a gym is the best way to go.

9. Include basic aerobic exercise - jogging or walking is the best way to start your workout.

10. Aerobic exercises will improve oxygen consumption and will prepare the body for peaceful sleep.

aerobicaerobic 英英释义


1. depending on free oxygen or air

e.g. aerobic fermentation

Synonym: aerophilicaerophilous

2. based on or using the principles of aerobics

enhancing respiratory and circulatory efficiency

e.g. aerobic dance

running is very aerobic