

ax:[英 [æks] 美 [æks] ]


过去式:axed;   过去分词:axed;   现在分词:axing;   复数形式:axes;

ax 基本解释



动词削减; 解雇

ax 相关例句



1. After several months the project was axed by the government.


ax 网络解释

1. 斧子:同~ax串记:斧子(ax)打腊(wax)收传真(fax)税(tax). 同~ay串记:日期(day)对,快乐(gay)给. 射线(ray)锐,干草(hay)黑. 放(lay)要垒,付(pay)要赔. 海湾(bay)在北,问路(way)喊喂. 说话(say)是谁?可以(may)才美--末尾字均为相应单词谐音.

2. 辅助开关:分断容量增加 与原有产品相比分断容量增加5~20% 附属装置 辅助开关(AX) 显示塑壳断路器ON/OFF状态的附属装置. 最多安装(3极型产品为基准)- Meta-MEC (30AF~225AF) : 2个- Meta-MEC (400AF~800AF) : 4个-原有产品(1000AF,

3. ax的翻译

3. 装置维护实验和监测设备:AT 清洗,干燥,过滤和分离设备 | AX 装置维护实验和监测设备 | BB 储存设备(箱体)


4. 斧头:as astronaut 太空人,宇航员 | ax 斧头 | ba bag 背包

5. ax.:axis; 轴心

ax 双语例句

1. Then there are a total of five points of contact with the stream bottom, two pairs of boots and the ax.


2. It should be kept in mind that wet logs and boulders may be very slimy and, slippery, and the ice ax can be used for an additional point of contact.


3. He will lean heavily on the ax facing upstream and move only one foot or the ax at a time.


4. If the ice ax is carried in hand, it may be held in self-arrest position


5. ax

5. The results demonstrated that the related substances of phosphorothioate oligonucleotides can be well analyzed by AX-HPLC and CGE.



6. If you have the money, you should buy a really good ax.


7. I did it with my ax.


8. ax的解释

8. Do you know where your ax is?


9. Finite element method is formed a linear equation Ax=b, in which A is a large sparse, banded, symmetric, complex matrix. Its condition number is far larger than 1, and it is a severe ill-conditioned matrix. So to solve this large scale ill-conditioned linear equation is very difficult.


10. Then she thought, I will quickly go home and get my ax and chop the glass mountain in



11. The blunt or broad end of a tool such as a hammer or an ax.


12. I held the ax the same way you do. Concentrate on getting up in the tower.


13. Function 5803H: Set Upper Mammy Link This operation can link or unlink the upper memory area and, if the area is linked, can al- locate memory from it: MOV AX, 5803H; Request MOV BX, linkflag; link/unlink INT 21H; upper memory area The link flag parameter has the following meaning: 00H = unlink the area and 01H = link the area.

功能5803h :集上mammy链接这次行动可以链接或unlink上层内存区,如果该地区是相连的,可以基地寻找记忆,从它:MOV说明的AX ,5803h ;请求 MOV说明bx值,linkflag ;连接/ unlink 诠释21小时;上层内存区联系国旗参数有以下意义:分钟= unlink面积和1小时=链接该地区。

14. Sometimes we only forgive enough to keep an open door, but we don`t put the ax [102] to the root of unforgiveness.


15. ax的意思

15. The principal axis is connected through and with a buffer of by a motor through driving wheel and tension gear to make the bowl rotate around its own ax is at a extra speed and form a strong centrifuge force field.


16. And at last he was caught by the owner of the ax.


17. These 1Dx5 genes over-expressed in transgenic wheat B72-8-11b stably and they expressed in different levels in cross and back-cross progenies. On the other hand, a new subunit whose molecular weight was near to 1Ax1 was produced in some progenies.


18. Give a sigh of relief when the ax known as'restructuring'or'downsizing'- or just plain getting laid off - falls on other heads.


19. The genetic distance a mong different splash types of H. axyridis was 0.0021 to 0.0328 The aver age gene tic distance was 0.0193 The molecular phylogenetic tree suggested that the me mb ers with the same elytron color were grouped together with high bootstrap confid ence values, showing low diversity among the populations. H. axyridis ab. luna t a Hem and H. axyridis var. spectabilis Fald were most closely related. H. ax yridis var. axyridis Pallas was a primordial population of coccinellidae, which wa s differentiated earlier than the other populations.


20. An upright piano includes a fall-board (12) hinged to a upper sill (10f) and connected through a pair of flexible coupling (13) to side arms (10b), and each of the flexible couplings has a rotary damper (13b) embedded in the side arm and an Oldham's coupling (13a/ 13c/ 13q) connected between the fall-board and the rotary damper so that the Oldham's couplings take up misalignment between the rotational axis (AX1) of the fall-board and the rotational axes (AX2) of the rotary dampers.


ax 单语例句ax在线翻译

1. Officers arrived two minutes later and tried to arrest the assailant, who wielded an ax at a police officer.

2. Not surprisingly, a disproportionate number of women would get the ax.

3. When his daughter returned to the house after work and discovered the three bodies, he struck her three times from behind with an ax then fled.

4. Dong Gang is accused of hacking his father to death with an ax after drinking alcohol in the morning and being criticized by his father.

5. Under the intertwined tree branches there is a man who is wielding an ax chopping it.

6. " First I grabbed his hand with the ax so he wouldn't kill me, " he told Channel 10 TV.

7. Police said Xiong used an ax, a brick and a harpoon to kill his victims.

8. One of them is carrying an ax and another a fake handgun.

9. Photographs of the remains of the sign showed the ETA logo, a snake wrapped around an ax.

10. Some of these people " are just grinding a political ax, " he added.

ax 英英释义


1. an edge tool with a heavy bladed head mounted across a handle

Synonym: axe


1. terminate

e.g. The NSF axed the research program and stopped funding it

Synonym: axe

2. chop or split with an ax

e.g. axe wood

Synonym: axe