

bliss:[英 [blɪs] 美 [blɪs] ]


bliss 基本解释


名词极乐; 狂喜; 天赐的福; 幸福无比



bliss 相关例句


1. They were in a state of bliss during the honeymoon.



2. What bliss to be going on holiday.


bliss 网络解释

1. 祝福:然后聚会的内容又返回到了对新郎的文明的祝福(bliss). 单身聚会就这样收场了. 但是现在的男子单身聚会与过去那种正式(formal)的庆典相比,在很多重要方面都不相同了. 最近的单身男子聚会可以反映出未来新郎的兴趣(interests).

2. 幸福:曼斯菲尔德的短篇小说(Bliss)于1918年8月刊载在上,是她颇具影响的优秀作品之一. 讲述的是一对夫妇--柏莎和哈里宴请朋友的简单故事,展示了女主人公柏莎由极度的幸福突然跌落至情感深渊的心路历程.

3. bliss:basic language for implementation of system software; 实现系统软件的基本语言

4. bliss:basic language for implementing system software; 执行系统软件的基本语言,BLISS语言

bliss 双语例句

1. bliss的意思

1. You are the first and the only one to paint a picture of marital bliss for me and I am genuinely touched by what you wrote.


2. bliss

2. So only when you run into the embrace of nature by yourself, like a naked child running to the embrace of his mother, only then you'll know what a soul's delight is like, how happy it is just to live, what a bliss it is to merely breathe, merely walk, merely opening your eyes to see and prick up your ears to hear.


3. Whether is it better, I ask, to be a slave in a fool's paradise at Marseilles- fevered with delusive bliss one hour- suffocating with the bitterest tears of remorse and shame the next- or to be a village-schoolmistress, free and honest, in a breezy mountain nook in the healthy heart of England?


4. It is bliss to feel contented and enough in chasing for fame and interest.


5. Real Programmers dont write in BLISS, or ADA, or any of those pinko computer science languages.


6. Real Programmers don't write in BLISS, or ADA, or any of those pinko computer science languages.


7. bliss

7. Most self-help books on the subject offer tips on how to maximize one`s bliss, but a new study suggests that moderate happiness may be preferable to full-fledged elation.


8. The idea for the FitFlops came from Marcia Kilgore, founder of health spa company Bliss Spas.


9. bliss

9. And finally we came with the best procedure: you pour refined spirits up to a third of a glass and take it in one gulp. Immediately after that you take two gulps of water – and you are in perfect bliss!



10. They can get high on just one capsule of LSD and feel as carefree as if they were in the Land of Ultimate Bliss. But Dharma Master Hsuan Hua can take more than ten capsules without being affected in the least. He doesn't get high or feel as carefree as if he were in the Land of Ultimate Bliss.


11. bliss

11. If you want to reach a state of bliss, then go beyond your ego and the internal dialogue.


12. This kind of bliss is not uniquely avai


13. bliss的意思

13. He spent a week fasting in the Anupiya Mango Grove, enjoying the bliss of solitude.


14. MASTER (to Keshab's mother): Please pray to the Divine Mother, who is the Bestower of all bliss.


15. 87It's the way you love me [00:32.60]It's a feeling like this-- It's centrifical motion [00:37.64]It's pertpetual bliss.

它是你爱我的方式的 [00:29.87] 它是像这一样的感觉的 [00:32.60]--它是 centrifical 运动它是 pertpetual 福佑的 [00:37.64]。

16. 81Ride me off into the sunset [01:07.81]Baby, I'm forever yours [01:10.97]It's the way you love me [01:13.56]It's a feeling like this-- It's centrifical motion [01:18.59]It's perpetual bliss.

01:05.81 进入日落之内走开骑我 [01:07.81] 宝贝,我是永远地你的它是你爱我的方式的 [01:10.97] 它是像这一样的感觉的 [01:13.56]--它是 centrifical 运动它是长备的福佑的 [01:18.59]。

17. bliss

17. 52It's that pivotal moment [02:10.04]It's Subliminal [02:12.56]This Kiss, This Kiss [02:16.40](It's Criminal) [02:17.73]This Kiss, This Kiss [02:33.35]It's the way you love me [02:35.86]It's a feeling like this-- It's centrifical motion [02:40.98]It's pertpetual bliss.

它那牛鼻子性的片刻的 [02:07.52] 它是下意识的 [02:10.04] [02:12.56] 这一个吻,这一个吻 [02:16.40] [02:17.73] 这一个吻,这一个吻它是你爱我的方式的 [02:33.35] 它是像这一样的感觉的 [02:35.86]--它是 centrifical 运动它是 pertpetual 福佑的 [02:40.98]。


18. The world is because we are really at the main channel, the World of Ultimate Bliss is vice channel, but through to the point, fuzzy image.


19. 13Forlorn most of his life, Coleridge was acutely aware of the 14bliss of human connection.


20. It doesn't pay to be smart and ignorance really is bliss if you want a long life -- at least if you're a fly, according to new research by a Swiss university. Scientists Tadeusz Kawecki and Joep Burger at the University of Lausanne said Wednesd...

还是不懂温柔如何伪装但至少朋友都夸我健康柔弱的份子在我基因中缺乏我不会欣赏也不必勉强总会有个人懂我的漂亮美味让笨牛反刍也略显糟蹋 all right all right就跟着我大声念一遍 don't cry don't cry男人都不值得掉眼泪 no one no one比他愚昧他就是没有眼光。。。

bliss 词典解释

1. 巨大的幸福;极乐

Bliss is a state of complete happiness.

e.g. It was a scene of such domestic bliss.


bliss 单语例句

1. It is named after an ancient potion said to bestow powers of perception, energy and bliss.

2. Inner peace can be taken to yet another level - that of finding bliss and enlightenment.

3. Alicia Keys has spoken about her " bliss " at becoming a mother.

4. For those of us lucky enough to spend this monumental 2008 in Beijing, countless tall tales of Rat Year bliss will be nostalgically recounted to our grandchildren.

5. But wedded bliss doesn't last long for the young couple after Bella finds herself pregnant with a vampire baby that is slowly killing her.

6. Egyptian officials had warned earlier that Gazans'brief bliss of freedom, shopping and visiting relatives would soon end with the resealing of the border.

7. He extended festival greetings to the oil workers and gave his bliss to all the people working in the oil industry.

8. People should get married for their personal and true happiness, instead of following an official standard of what constitutes marital bliss.

9. Let us enjoy the festival in moderation so that we can reminisce the moments of bliss later in life.

10. A youthful shutterbug discovers divine bliss in ordinary pursuits and routine activities.

bliss 英英释义



1. a state of extreme happiness

Synonym: blissfulnesscloud nineseventh heavenwalking on air