

confidence:[英 [ˈkɒnfɪdəns] 美 [ˈkɑ:nfɪdəns] ]



confidence 基本解释


名词信心; 信任; 秘密

形容词骗得信任的; 欺诈的

confidence 相关词组

1. in confidence : 私下地, 秘密地;


confidence 相关例句


1. We have confidence in the mayor.


2. confidence的翻译

2. We have full confidence that we shall succeed.


3. confidence的翻译

3. He has the confidence to deny it.


4. confidence

4. She has a lot of confidences.


5. confidence什么意思

5. He lacks confidence in himself.


confidence 网络解释

1. 自信:Trek WSD之特殊设计,包含了 舒适 (Comfort) 操控 (Control) 自信 (Confidence) 我们称为3C . 如果你选择了自行车运动,那么,很高兴,我们有共同的运动项目,希望有机会多多交流!自行车运动又有很多分类. 我选择的是山地车(MTB)中的越野车,

2. confidence的翻译

2. 置信度:有两个量,置信度(Confidence)和支持度(Support). 假设有如下表的购买记录. 下面以迭代的方式 找出频繁集. 首先找出1-itemsets的频繁集,然后使用这个1-itemsets,进行组合,找出2-itemsets的频繁集. 如此下去,直到不再满足最小支持度或置信度的条件为止.

confidence 双语例句

1. Children with parents whose guidance is firm, consistent, and rational are inclin ed to possess high levels of self-confidence.



2. Integrated service network, and the professional service engineers with abundant experience is our source of confidence to guarantee satis faction to customers.

务体系完整,清易化工/ CLEKING 拥有一批经验丰富的洗涤技师,更是让使用清易化工/ CLEKING 产品的众多用户无后顾之忧。


3. The three years in high school was the most awful and unhappy time in my studying life, the pressure from environment, language, life and competition led me to lose my past confidence and interest in studying.


4. The influence in personal network and information:(1)To make friends with people from the same country not only promoting personal networks but also help them in mental; (2)The cross-national interflow help new female immigrants understand Taiwan customs and adapt to Taiwan; (3)Adult literacy education help new female immigrants to establish confidence and sense of security.


5. By earthquake probability spectrum analysis, we can obtain the abnormal confidence attribute of data in different value ranges.


6. It is fearful that you have no confidence.


7. Xie Zheng-feng tries to use his own story to encourage students to not lose self-confidence even when they face difficult situations.


8. confidence在线翻译

8. In life, we need turnoff confidence, we need to, we need to be strong.


9. The head of the European Central Bank pledged on Sunday to do whatever it takes to restore confidence to rocky markets, as governments world-wide pour cash into banks and markets hit by the financial storm that has toppled banks in the United States and Europe.


10. Later, Wen Zhong went to the State of Wu on diplomatic missions and helped Gou Jian gain the confidence.


11. This is another method of destroying your self-esteem and confidence.


12. I should be undeserving of the confidence you have honoured me with.


13. Expressive force, sensitivity, control, eloquence and confidence are in nestification like this


14. Aslam is full of confidence in his life in Keqiao.


15. I have a self-confidence and positive progress of the people.


16. The last aspect, the church orphanage set a good example for Jing Dianying to create Jesus Family with a new religious method and to make confidence for him creating religious association.


17. I shall remember New York, its vibrancy and confidence.


18. confidence什么意思

18. Because you have self-confidence to learn it, at least not afraid of difficulties arise.


19. And we've got to get some trust and confidence back to America.


20. confidence的近义词

20. Keep encouraging yourself to take the neccessary risks to refule your confidence.


confidence 词典解释

1. 信任;信赖

If you have confidence in someone, you feel that you can trust them.

e.g. I have every confidence in you...


e.g. This has contributed to the lack of confidence in the police...


2. 自信;信心

If you have confidence, you feel sure about your abilities, qualities, or ideas.


e.g. The band is on excellent form and brimming with confidence...


e.g. I always thought the worst of myself and had no confidence whatsoever.


3. 肯定;把握

If you can say something with confidence, you feel certain it is correct.


e.g. I can say with confidence that such rumors were totally groundless.


4. 私下;秘密

If you tell someone something in confidence, you tell them a secret.

e.g. We told you all these things in confidence...


e.g. Even telling Lois seemed a betrayal of confidence.


5. 秘密;知心话

A confidence is a secret that you tell someone.

e.g. Gregory shared confidences with Carmen.


6. see also: vote of no confidence

confidence 单语例句

1. As the holiday season approaches, new economic indicators show a business activity firming up and rising consumer confidence and spending.

2. Economists said that rebounds in both the official and the HSBC indicators in October represented a considerable boost to business manager confidence in coming quarters.

3. The quarterly " tankan " survey of business sentiment showed confidence rose for the fourth straight quarter amid growing faith in the global recovery.

4. Confidence levels of business people in construction, transportation and postal services were unchanged compared with the first quarter.

5. The only way to do good business is to have mutual confidence and trust based on a common moral issue.

6. Butcher's remarks came as a result of his confidence in the robust Chinese economy.

7. The commission said that it " supports and encourages " companies to buy back shares, saying such transactions help boost investors confidence.

8. Barca started the match buzzing with confidence thanks to their tremendous form in the Primera Liga.

9. The confidence comes from the fact that the current transportation cost by rail is far lower than that by road.

10. Confidence had been climbing, helped by consumers'faith in the job market.

confidence什么意思confidence 英英释义


1. freedom from doubt

belief in yourself and your abilities

e.g. his assurance in his superiority did not make him popular

after that failure he lost his confidence

she spoke with authority

Synonym: assuranceself-assuranceself-confidenceauthoritysureness

2. a secret that is confided or entrusted to another

e.g. everyone trusted him with their confidences

the priest could not reveal her confidences

3. a feeling of trust (in someone or something)

e.g. I have confidence in our team

confidence is always borrowed, never owned

4. a trustful relationship

e.g. he took me into his confidence

he betrayed their trust

Synonym: trust

5. a state of confident hopefulness that events will be favorable

e.g. public confidence in the economy