

scorching:[英 [ˈskɔ:tʃɪŋ] 美 [ˈskɔ:rtʃɪŋ] ]


过去式:scorched;   过去分词:scorched;

scorching 基本解释

形容词极热的,烧焦似的; 苛刻的; 尖酸刻薄的

动词烧焦,烤焦(scorch的现在分词); 严厉批评; 切割; 过早硫化

scorching 网络解释

1. scorching

1. 焦烧:(78)焦烧(Scorching) 焦烧是指橡胶胶料在加工过程中产生的早期硫化现象. 为了避免烧焦的危险,可添加防焦剂,如氯丁橡胶混炼时加入的醋酸钠.

2. scorching

2. 早期硫化:scopoline 莨若林 | scorching 早期硫化 | scorification 熔融法

3. scorching的解释

3. 激烈的:scorcher 大热天 | scorching 激烈的 | score out 划掉

4. 烧焦:scorcher 极热的东西 | scorching 烧焦 | scorchline 簇叶烧焦线

scorching 双语例句

1. scorching在线翻译

1. Thorough purification from heart trouble to remove all the thickness of the contaminated and non-prescribed shelter, so that knowledge of the heart with the clean bright as the scorching sun to disperse the dark clouds, which freed all the suffering, that to reach at a complete self-realization, that is Buddhism core to all Buddhist on increasing certification.



2. In scorching hot summer people's demand for UV (ultra-viotlet)-cut clothes begins to grow tremendously.


3. Often when I thought of those who took part in the Olympics big brother, big Sister, in order to honor the indomitable and training for more than 10 hours, and never called out hard, shouting out tired; injuries than under the training ground, and never give up easily; whether Handonglayue or scorching sun, they Perseverance, indomitable and hard training.


4. And scorching heat to knock on doors of perfect strangers, and from the


5. Colorful garden of colorful, light spring green spring vegetable bed, jade-like transparent, Doo-Yan flowers, blooming race, cold wind and opened the Happy蜂蝶; calm sea, fishes fish salty gash of the wind waves, 水灵like precious stones, rough waves, one after the other, petrels soar down in the storm clouds; sparsely populated desert, the scorching sun baked the shortage of barren rock, hell dead, Cheng Wang snow from cold water, flowing babble, Ganquan started Oasis of the curtain.



6. Even though the sun is always shinning, it doesn't feel scorching, the ocean breeze is very soft but firm.



7. It grew strength from the young people who rejected the myth of their generation`s apathy; who left their homes and their families for jobs that offered little pay and less sleep; from the not-so-young people who braved the bitter cold and scorching heat to knock on the doors of perfect strangers; from the millions of Americans who volunteered, and organized, and proved that more than two centuries later, a government of the people, by the people and for the people has not perishe d from this Earth.



8. Waterproofs – unless it's a scorching summers day you know that it is bound to rain when you are miles from home, so well worth it.


9. On this scorching summer afternoon broke out.


10. scorching是什么意思

10. It grew strength from the youngpeople who rejected the myth of their generation's apathy; who left their homes and their families for jobs that offered little pay and less sleep; from the not-so-young people who braved the bitter cold and scorching heat to knockon the doors of perfect strangers; from the millions of Americans who volunteered and organized, and proved that more than two centuries later, a government of the people, by the people and for the people has not perished from this earth.



11. However, if your heart could ever find peace in the day, you do certainly be chastened by the fragrance of osmanthus, jasmine and perhaps even the scorching midday wouldn`t fail to fascinate you.


12. Guard at every crossing where stand you and miss you into a scorching pain.


13. Acne: The acne, is black-headed, papula, forms scorching acnes such as festival, pustule, cyst, reduce sebum actively, wipe out the acne bacterium, improve oily skin.


14. Europe's heatwave is continuing with another scorching day of 40 degree temperatures across the continent.



15. So, I under the scorching sun, leaving the children fever is conducting home visits.


16. Whether in the freezing winter, a deep-autumn air in the fall, the scorching summer, or the cold spring, boys are there at any time.



17. In one of `Myth` paintings, the huge stones almost occupy fully the whole surface; in contrast, the figures let down, after intense struggle, as if collapsedly, chikenlike, tiny, impotent, unreconciled and depressed, just like giving up battling with the stones. In this series of heroist mode, particularly as against with the picture surfaces in which the giantlike bodies and energy are expressed, the figures in it even look a sense of funniness – wherein we are certain that irony has been engaged in his paintings, and it can be understood as a self-irony that it is not a floppy laziness, while he indeed does not need to tighten his muscles, not to keep a zealous and single gesture for fighting, as if it seems difficult for everything to continue, and in the paintings when the heroes unpack the stones, the artist seems unpack the dream of heroes, letting alone the huge stones burning and overspreading, surrounding us, pressing us and scorching us, even running over the whole picture. It suffocates us with all these heaviness, hardness, and acuity, as registers our weak life like a paper-cut.


18. The term itself originated as a way of describing those white folks in the South who worked out in the fields all day long and the backs of whose necks were burned red by the scorching southern sun.



19. With it, you do not have to worry about the scorching sunshine.


20. This solar umbrella is of high performance to price ratio. With it, you do not have to worry about the scorching sunshine.


scorching 词典解释

1. 酷热的;高温的

Scorching or scorching hot weather or temperatures are very hot indeed.

e.g. That race was run in scorching weather...


e.g. It was a scorching hot day.


scorching 单语例句scorching

1. He looked exhausted after all his cheering and drum pounding in the cloudless, scorching Beijing morning.

2. The scorching temperatures in many parts of China over the past week have prompted an increasing number of tourists to seek relief in coastal cities.

3. Let a few filthy rich consume luxury items under the scorching eyes of the general public who regard such behavior as flashy and bad taste.

4. Visitors could also save precious time under the scorching sun when cycling on the complicated, narrow and winding alleys.

5. Sweating under the scorching sun, they performed traditional lion dances for delighted crowds during Chinese festivals to raise money.

6. The plant where Siemens was working is key to boosting generating capacity to meet the surge in power demand during Iraq's scorching summer.

7. Tourists wear hats to protect themselves against the scorching sun in Beijing.

8. A worker at a railway construction site in Ningbo drinks water to protect himself against the high temperature and scorching sun on July 29.

9. A rain shower had stopped just before the officials arrived, and some residents were spreading their wet sheets out to dry under the scorching sun.

10. At least eighty fires have been caused by the scorching sun since August 1, according to the municipality's disaster relief office.

scorching 英英释义


1. hot and dry enough to burn or parch a surface

e.g. scorching heat



1. capable of causing burns

e.g. it was scorching hot