

erupt:[英 [ɪˈrʌpt] 美 [ɪˈrʌpt] ]


过去式:erupted;   过去分词:erupted;   现在分词:erupting;

erupt 基本解释

不及物动词爆发; 喷发; 突然发生; 出疹



erupt 网络解释

1. 爆发:招收(enroll)现场进入(enter)了全部(entirety)准备应聘的人,甚至来自赤道(equator)的民族都涂掉(erase)黑色的肤色,激情(火山,情感,战争等)爆发(erupt)在这些人骨子里本质的(essential)思想中,

2. erupt

2. 喷出:emerge 浮出,出現 | erupt 噴出 | evade 逃出

3. erupt的反义词

3. 喷发:error treatment 误差处理 | erupt 喷发 | eruption 喷发

4. 喷发,喷出,爆发:eruption 喷发,爆发 | erupt 喷发,喷出,爆发 | escaping hatch (潜艇的)逃生舱口

erupt 双语例句

1. System would the auto is aborn order of customer, and hand over the order to erupt goods according to the information for fill inning of customer.


2. System would the auto is aborn order of customer, and hand over the order to erupt goodsaccording to the information for fill inning of customer.


3. erupt什么意思

3. Erupt, irrupt, flare up, flare, break open, burst out flare


4. erupt在线翻译

4. The large concentrations of gas and dust in both galaxies may well erupt into regions of active star formation in the near future.


5. erupt的解释

5. Minerals that melt at lower temperatures and are lighter than the surrounding meterial tend to rise, melting their way up through the overriding plate to erupt as voicanoes on the ocean floor.


6. erupt的近义词

6. Many coessential change an appearance, the getaway that the gregarious website of indication home still is in cultivate virgin soil level, still also erupt hard at present real commercial value.


7. Microsoft is perfect in ultimatum the negotiation skill that developed use both hard and soft tactics, showed enough menace and draw sb over to one's side to Yahoo board of directors and partner, and Yahoo board of directors subsequently make known his position to will decide to buy battle this to whether can erupt finally.


8. We also want to study to erupt some technique in the control.


9. Lesions may continue to erupt in crops for as long as 2 to 3 weeks.


10. Nevertheless, he does not have those who think of financial crisis to erupt.


11. I turned and walked on, trying to control my trembling chin and the tears that threatened to erupt.



12. Hassles with your boss are sure to erupt if you speak your mind.


13. Pipe out strong charge of his case, the natural understanding of all things, just the break he and Meng-Tsan Chiang and family problems, a long time the backlog of anger erupt in the most vulnerable contact with humans."


14. A quiescent prominence typically lasts about a month and may erupt in a coronal mass ejection expelling hot gas into the solar system.


15. This kind of technique is make the blood into sharp object to erupt to shoot and attackstone of sorcery.



16. They are notoriously unstable and commonly erupt as this one did in a dramatic fashion.


17. It also looks into the reasons why volcanoes form and erupt.



18. But scientists say the volcano is still rumbling deep within the earth and could erupt again.


19. erupt

19. And erupt simultaneously offer utilization rate, demand decides, the title of this card has a place...


20. So if the weather is good I must be patient and wait for it to erupt, whether it is lunchtime or two in the morning.


erupt 词典解释

1. (火山)喷发,爆发

When a volcano erupts, it throws out a lot of hot, melted rock called lava, as well as ash and steam.

e.g. The volcano erupted in 1980, devastating a large area of Washington state...


e.g. Scientists say Mount Pinatubo could erupt again soon.



...the volcanic eruption of Tambora in 1815.


2. (冲突、战斗等)突然发生,爆发,突然加剧

If violence or fighting erupts, it suddenly begins or gets worse in an unexpected, violent way.


e.g. Heavy fighting erupted there today after a two-day ceasefire...


e.g. Violence erupted as the boys were driven away in two police vans.



...this sudden eruption of violence.


3. (某地)爆发动乱;(人群)突然暴怒,发生骚乱

When people in a place suddenly become angry or violent, you can say that they erupt or that the place erupts .

e.g. In Los Angeles, the neighborhood known as Watts erupted into riots...


e.g. This region which had been relatively calm erupted in violence again this spring.


4. (感情)迸发,突然转变;(常指)变得狂躁

You say that someone erupts when they suddenly have a change in mood, usually becoming quite noisy.


e.g. Then, without warning, she erupts into laughter...


e.g. Newman fled barefoot as the cheated husband erupted in fury.



...an eruption of despair.


5. (斑疹等)突然出现,冒出

If your skin erupts, sores or spots suddenly appear there.

e.g. At the end of the second week, my skin erupted in pimples.



...eruptions of adolescent acne.


...an unpleasant skin eruption.

令人难受的皮疹erupt 单语例句erupt的反义词

1. Devils lurk everywhere in summer and you never know when they will possess some stranger to erupt in violence or spontaneously combust.

2. Striking a happy medium between those who favor fireworks and their foes could eventually erupt into a conundrum for the government.

3. Economics theory tells us a lot about which countries are most vulnerable, but specifying exactly where and when crises will erupt is far more difficult.

4. But Taylor has insisted peacekeepers deploy before he will go to ensure fighting does not erupt again.

5. Rebellions and wars were more likely to erupt during the cold phases, he says.

6. A vulcanologist said the quake had heightened volcanic activity at nearby Mount Merapi, a volcano experts believe may be about to erupt.

7. Turkey's military warned Friday that " bloody " internal fighting could erupt in Iraq if political power there is divided up based on ethnicity.

8. Despite repeated government pledges to " crack down " on food industry standards and inspections, safety scares continue to erupt one after the other.

9. Glen said although she did not feel worried, she would not venture into some parts of town where trouble could erupt.

10. Though the US and Russia have both given up a strategy of confrontation, there still is a chance that a nuclear war could erupt.

erupt什么意思erupt 英英释义


1. become active and spew forth lava and rocks

e.g. Vesuvius erupts once in a while

Synonym: belchextravasate

2. erupt or intensify suddenly

e.g. Unrest erupted in the country

Tempers flared at the meeting

The crowd irrupted into a burst of patriotism

Synonym: irruptflare upflarebreak openburst out

3. become raw or open

e.g. He broke out in hives

My skin breaks out when I eat strawberries

Such boils tend to recrudesce

Synonym: recrudescebreak out

4. start abruptly

e.g. After 1989, peace broke out in the former East Bloc

Synonym: break out

5. appear on the skin

e.g. A rash erupted on her arms after she had touched the exotic plant

6. break out

e.g. The tooth erupted and had to be extracted

Synonym: come outbreak throughpush through

7. force out or release suddenly and often violently something pent up

e.g. break into tears

erupt in anger

Synonym: breakburst

8. start to burn or burst into flames

e.g. Marsh gases ignited suddenly

The oily rags combusted spontaneously

Synonym: ignitecatch firetake firecombustconflagrate