

frond:[英 [frɒnd] 美 [frɑ:nd] ]



frond 基本解释


frond 网络解释

1. 藻体:紫杉叶蕨藻属绿藻植物门松藻目蕨藻科海草,型态包括假根(Rhizoid)、匍匐茎(Stolon)与藻体(Frond)等三大部分,因藻体酷似紫杉叶片而得名. 该种蕨藻原生於巴西、印尼、菲律宾、越南、坦桑尼亚等地之热带海域,原生型(native strain)之体型较小,

2. frond是什么意思

2. 叶:frogeyeofsoybean大豆斑点病 | frond叶 | frontloader前端装载机

3. 蕨叶:trizygoid 三对型 | frond 蕨叶 | intercalated pinnule 间小羽片

4. frond是什么意思

4. 叶状体;羽叶;藻体:freshwater habitat 淡水生境 | frond 叶状体;羽叶;藻体 | frontal lobe 额叶

frond 双语例句

1. frond的反义词

1. A fan used especially in India, made of a palm frond or strip of cloth hung from the ceiling and moved by a servant.


2. The instrument has been designed based on pulse sequential counting principle; trace filtering and peak sequence detection are involved in frond-end signal processing section; by adopting large sealed programmable logical device and USB interface, the logic design and data communication are achieved.


3. Pouch, Blister, Pilllow can connect in frond of this cartoning machine and pack, hot shrink can connect behind.


4. When you walk out the train station, you will see the bank in frond of you.



5. I am nerves in frond of a number of strangers.


6. Near the window The man in frond of you is a thief from England.


7. Is the fat lady in frond of the hotel the reporter from HongKong?


8. frond的反义词

8. The guard walked back and forth in the frond of gate.


9. frond的翻译

9. The days during I studied in the collage, I frond I have no friends, even I can't trust anyone.


10. I looked around, it's dark and raining, the wind blowing, a wall with a door loomed in frond of me.


11. A urothelial carcinoma of the urothelium is shown here at low power to reveal the frond-like papillary projections of the tumor above the surface to the left.


12. As can be seen frond the diagram.


13. frond的反义词

13. The still waters of the water under a frond of st...


14. frond的反义词

14. Ever since Palm Sunday 1996, when we both reached for the same frond.

自从1996 Palm 的周日,当我们同时摘那叶子时。

15. Frond from rhizoids, stems, leaves and airbag components.


16. Seed explants of Eleutherococcus senticosus produced somatic embryos directly ongrowth regulator-free medium. The results were showed that use low temperature stressmethod to relieve the Eleutherococcus senticosus seed conformation dormancy andphysiological dormancy, to induce seed germinate. Proliferation of Eleutherococcus senticosussomatic embryo without any plant growth regulathors was better in liquid medium containing1/3MS+sucrose 3%, and better in solid medium containing 1/3MS+sucrose 1%.Eleutherococcus senticosus secondary embryo was stick to matrix through espial of cytology. Eleutherococcus senticosus somatic embryo was cultivated some times to form immature frondin liquid medium, then transfer into solid medium to form full plant. The experiment wasindicated that much more Eleutherococcus senticosus immature frond can be cultured inbioreactor, so large-scale production in bioreactor culture can be done.


17. Aguaje palm-bast (Mauritia flexuosa, Mauritia minor, or swamp palm) and the frond spears of the Chambira palm (Astrocaryum chambira, A. munbaca, A. tucuma, also known as Cumare or Tucum) have been used for centuries by the Urarina of the Peruvian Amazon to make cordage, net-bags hammocks, and to weave fabric.

Aguaje棕榈韧皮(夜蛾荠,夜蛾未成年人或沼泽手掌)和钱比拉棕榈藻体枪(Astrocaryum钱比拉,A.munbaca,A.tucuma,也被称为库马雷和图库曼)已使用了几百年的 Urarina 秘鲁亚马逊做出绳索,网袋吊床,并编织织物。

18. The neoplastic glands are long and frond-like, similar to those seen in a villous adenoma.


19. Have some of large alga, be like marine kelp, round of alga of fresh water, on the appearance, although also can divide it, be root, bine and Xie San part, but the system is provided without dimension inside body, not be true root, bine, leaf so, accordingly, the frond of alga calls thallus or former plant system more.


20. frond

20. Genetic studies of color type of frond on laminaria. 1.comparison of absorption spectra of blades of different color types


frond 词典解释

1. (长且边缘分成细叉的)叶

A frond is a long leaf which has an edge divided into lots of thin parts.

e.g. ...palm fronds.


frond 单语例句frond的翻译

1. The frond spike arises from the base of the leaves with its own stipe.

2. Pull back a palm frond at the northernmost point of the Fifth Ring Road and take a peek.

frond 英英释义


1. compound leaf of a fern or palm or cycad