

periphery:[英 [pəˈrɪfəri] 美 [pəˈrɪfəri] ]



periphery 基本解释

名词外围; 边缘; 圆周; 边缘地带

periphery 网络解释

1. 外围:在他的模型中,处于中心或核心(core)的是制造业地区,外围(periphery)是农业地区,这种模型的形成及其效率取决于运输成本、规模经济和制造业的聚集程度. 可以说,克鲁格曼是继马歇尔之后第一位主流经济学家开始把区位问题和规模经济、竞争、均衡这些经济学常年研究的问题结合在一起,

2. 外周:这一畸形可以是单侧或双侧,可以合并或不合并分叉部(bifurcation)狭窄;此外病变通常向外周(periphery)延伸呈节段分支狭窄. 继发于肺动脉环缩(PA banding)术后的肺动脉狭窄也属于这一诊断范畴内.

periphery 双语例句

1. periphery的翻译

1. The phantom limb phenomena may attribute to abnormal nerve activities resulted from the interruption of afferent impulse from the periphery to central nerve system.


2. periphery的翻译

2. In China, areas suitable for building wind farms are mostly located on the periphery of power grids.


3. This money comes from the women's packsack of unique design pink colour classics, the periphery has been qualified for metal combination but Cheng, Seiko are thin compose, the aureate collocation effect with pink colour, lets female skin appear bright more, these all are fond dreams of a lot of females oh!


4. periphery的意思

4. Most of the radiation is not energetic enough to penetrate the gate electrode, so damage is confined to the periphery of that electrode


5. He lives, n. t. is a school in his room can see the periphery of the school, sometimes came the sound of the students, but frolics won't feel what habit.


6. Integrated analysis of 7 times heavy rain in Yunnan from July 19 to August 2 based on actual observation weather datum and satellite cloud atlas and Doppler radar image. The results show that: high-low southwest jet stream is important effect system. The maintenance of southwest jet stream provides water vapor, momentum, fast transfer of unstable energy for the lasting heavy rain. The further configuration of plateau shear line and southwest jet stream is necessarily condition about 7 times heavy rain. The lasting heavy rain appeared on big value region of 500hPa vapour flux and vapour flux divergence. The shear cloud band and subtropical high cloud band crossed and confluenced in Yunnan on the satellite cloud atlas. The maintenance and intensification of shear cloud hand and periphery cloud band of subtropical high correspond quite well to heavy rain falling region and cloud band distribution.


7. periphery的翻译

7. RhoA`s effect may be opposite to Cdc42 and Rac, which increases the contraction of cell periphery or cell processes, and cause the cell rounding.

通过调节细胞骨架,Rho GTPases影响细胞分裂,细胞迁移,神经生长,细胞分泌,胞内囊泡运输等各种过程。

8. The major purpose of this study is to operationalize the core and periphery industries proposed by the dual economy theory, based on the unit of Taiwanese two-digit industrial codes.


9. Susan Roane, author of the book How to Work a Room...Stand in the periphery, do agreeable body language, smile, nod your head, and when someone looks your way you can step in. But here's the magic of the mingling maven - when you see someone in your periphery when you are in a group, step back.


10. The company locates at periphery of Songjiang industrial estate in Shanghai and the factory occupies and areas of about 3100 square meters.


11. periphery

11. The company locates at periphery of Songjiang industrial estate in Shanghai and the factory occupies and areas of about 3100 square meters. It`s surrounded by Hu Hang expressway, Hu Song highway etc., it`s fast to join other loop-lines and many main arterial highways of traffic rapidly.



12. At 12 weeks after surgery, calcium deposited in bone trabeculas, with a Haversian canal in the center, canal of bone opening in inner wall and lamellar bone arranged in periphery in the experimental group.


13. periphery

13. A saw that has a steel disk with cutting teeth on the periphery; rotates on a spindle.


14. If dragon Yi Yuan is achieved, free cool breeze, blackart is versed in room, cruel overflows guest, 17toon to wait is to compare distinctive periphery store.


15. In the syncytial skeletal muscle cells, more than 100 nuclei are evenly distributed at the periphery of each cell, with 3–8 nuclei anchored beneath the neuromuscular junction.


16. The innumerable greens luminous spot wells up unceasingly from the periphery air to her, and the green corona glitters the gentle ray to link with other people in the same place.


17. The resultS show that the warm core structure of typhoons and the activity of Properly strong cold air in the periphery are advantageous to the Perturbation development in typhoons, and the stronger the typhoons, i.


18. The blades at its periphery throw off air centrifugally in a direction following the rotation.


19. The green blue color Qi no omen passes my body, the light green blue color Qi also surrounded my both hands, the periphery air as if somewhat is coagulating, the temperature reduce below zero 20 suddenly.


20. For external application: All early sores and furuncles, if the swelling do not fester, dissolve ten or more pills in a little water or vinegar, apply it to and rub the periphery of the inflammation several times daily till the swelling is eliminated.


periphery 词典解释

1. 边缘;周围;外围

If something is on the periphery of an area, place, or thing, it is on the edge of it.

e.g. Geographically, the UK is on the periphery of Europe, while Paris is at the heart of the continent...


e.g. Taste buds are concentrated at the tip and rear of the tongue and around its periphery.


2. (学科、兴趣的)边缘,次要部分

The periphery of a subject or area of interest is the part of it that is not considered to be as important or basic as the main part.


e.g. The sociological study of religion moved from the centre to the periphery of sociology.


periphery 单语例句

1. Punters can perch on a raised platform that runs along its periphery to gaze at the bustling bridge and watch boats float below.

2. Effectively lowering the cost of travel will reduce segregation and allow people living in the city's periphery to come to the city center to work.

3. They also found the Slit protein is not evenly spread throughout the tumour, with more in the centre and less on the periphery.

4. Its 10 hot spring pools are all outdoors, clustered around the periphery of a small lake.

5. China has gone from the periphery of the international community to the center of the world stage in a short period.

6. This is in contrast to the new flats that are usually located on the periphery of the city.

7. That is when the crisis spread to the periphery of the world economy, because countries on the periphery could not provide equally credible guarantees.

8. Regional economic planning in China focuses on spreading development gains from south to north, east to west and from periphery to center.

9. Beijing's peculiar spatial layout has made it a sprawling metropolis, with most of its population distributed around its periphery.

10. At least 58 CCTV cameras will be installed on the periphery of Red Fort.

periphery 英英释义


1. the outside boundary or surface of something

Synonym: fringeouter boundary