

swimmer:[英 [ˈswɪmə(r)] 美 [ˈswɪmər] ]



swimmer 基本解释



swimmer 相关例句


1. swimmer

1. Is he a good swimmer?


swimmer 网络解释

1. 浮子:swelling capacity of coal 煤的膨润度 | swimmer 浮子 | swing 摇动

2. swimmer的意思

2. 游泳运动员:fortune-teller 占卜者,算命先生 | swimmer 游泳运动员 | snake-charmer 弄蛇者

3. 游泳选手:蹼泳 fin swimming | 游泳选手 swimmer | 分组预赛 heat

swimmer 双语例句

1. A rat-sized animal with a chubby face and dark chocolate-brown fur, the water vole is a good swimmer and lives beside ponds, rivers and ditches, where it digs burrows in the banks and feeds on juicy vegetation, roots and bark.


2. A gentleman, an idealist, an irregular church visitor, a 9 to 5 job, a computer geek, a condo at riverside, an old Lexus, a mortgage, a hamster, a regular swimmer, a enthusiastic reader, a traditional music lover, a non-smoker, a red wine advocate, an average cook, a disastrous bargainer, a easy going teammate, a fantastic listener.



3. He is a very good swimmer.


4. I'm a good swimmer.



5. She is a very good swimmer.


6. My wife was a collegiate swimmer and turned to triathlon after college.


7. Swimmer Erik Vendt took home silver medals in the 2000 and 2004 Olympics for the 400 meter individual medley and then retired, citing the stress of training.


8. swimmer在线翻译

8. Indian swimmer Rehan Poncha on his way to win bronze in the 400 meters individual medley swimming finals at the Afro-Asian Games in Hyderabad, India, Saturday, Oct.

印度亚非运动会各项赛事全面展开。在男子400米个人混合泳比赛中,印度选手Rehan Poncha获得铜牌。图为他

9. swimmer

9. I'm a Coast Guard rescue swimmer here to help you, son.


10. I'm a Coast Guard rescue swimmer. I'm here to help you.


11. However, the vessel and the swimmer insensibly neared one another, and in one of its tacks the tartan bore down within a quarter of a mile of him.


12. To account for imperfect segmentation, the average of the swimmer's centroids over a few consecutive frames is used.


13. swimmer

13. Originally he was a swimmer and is an owner of physical beauty. A splendid muscle hides under the costume.


14. Since the flow is already turbulent a swimmer must streamline his body to reduce the flow separation even more.


15. Not only am I color-blind, a non-swimmer, and a non-dancer, but I can sing out of tune better than anyone else.



16. The swimmer was seized with a cramp and had to be helped out of the water.


17. The swimmer is seize with a cramp and have to is help out of the water.


18. Cramp 抽筋, 痉挛: The swimmer was seized with a cramp and had to be helped out of the water.


19. In the first photo, and in the first part of the video clip, our swimmer is letting his lead arm drop during the breath.


20. Give us hard tummies behind the cummerbund and long swimmer's muscles under the hound's tooth so that we may enjoy our long life.


swimmer 词典解释

1. 游泳运动员;游泳爱好者;游泳者

A swimmer is a person who swims, especially for sport or pleasure, or a person who is swimming.


e.g. You don't have to worry about me. I'm a good swimmer...


e.g. She wants to become an Olympic swimmer...


swimmer 单语例句

1. CHICAGO - The marketability of record - breaking Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps could suffer after a British newspaper published a photograph purportedly showing him smoking marijuana.

2. I will not be complacent about being the fastest swimmer in Asia.

3. Amid the confusion several apparent world records went unratified because of what the swimmer was wearing.

4. Pope said Hackett's fast times were shoring up the swimmer's confidence ahead of the challenges he faces at the Water Cube in Beijing next month.

5. If the animal finds a rogue swimmer, it can clamp the cuff around the person's leg.

6. Eggbeater - powerful way of treading water that allows the swimmer to perform arm movements while staying afloat.

7. But Chen's care of Zhang allowed the swimmer to dig into his potential while training in Australia.

8. After 2 km the strong swimmer managed to struggle ashore where he promptly fainted from the shock the ordeal.

9. The swimmer explains that after more than a decade of leaping from cliffs and bridges, diving sets his mind racing faster than his heart.

10. Since her Olympic triumph poor health has dogged the swimmer, and there are widespread doubts over her 2008 prospects.

swimmer 英英释义


1. a person who travels through the water by swimming

e.g. he is not a good swimmer

Synonym: natatorbather

2. a trained athlete who participates in swimming meets

e.g. he was an Olympic swimmer