

sublime:[英 [səˈblaɪm] 美 [səˈblaɪm] ]


过去式:sublimed;   过去分词:sublimed;   现在分词:subliming;

sublime 基本解释

形容词庄严的,雄伟的; 令人赞叹的; 极端的; 傲慢的

名词庄严,崇高; 高无上,顶点

及物动词(使)升华,精练; (使)变高尚

不及物动词升华; 变高尚

sublime 相关例句


1. sublime

1. I like sublime mountain scenery.



2. He is a man of sublime virtue.


3. Many species have been wiped out through sublime ignorance.


4. What a sublime meal that was!


5. You sublime idiot!


sublime 网络解释

1. 卓越:布拉斯(bill blass)的纽德(Nude帕图(Patou)的卓越(Sublime...;布拉斯>>(gil blas)杂志上. 一八八六年十二月再次发表于巴黎(La Vie Populaire)杂志上. ...

2. sublime什么意思

2. 恐怖杀人医院:老美并非不会营造绝佳惊悚气氛,(Sublime)就是一部这方面的佳作. 虽然环境设定不同,但潜意识里与内心最深处的恐惧作斗争的中心元素,还是一样的. 但是,人家就拍得迷离、诡异得多.

sublime 双语例句

1. You can also choose to imbibe slowly in small sips so that you can enjoy the pleasure given by tea and soar your spirits up and up into a sublime aesthetic realm


2. sublime

2. You can also imbibe it slowly in small sips to enjoy the beauty of drinking tea and make your spirits soar up and up into a sublime aesthetic realm.


3. Or you can drink it slowly to enjoy the beauty of the tea whit your spitits soaring up and up into a sublime aestheti realm.


4. sublime

4. According to the initial attempt, the next work of Nan Qi is to sublime his technique.


5. Sublime! When that smile of yours creeps into my mind Oh oh Nobody told me you'd feel so good Nobody said you'd be so beautiful Nobody warned me about your smile You're the light, you're the light When I close my eyes I'm colour blind You make me colour blind Feelin'red, when you spend all your time with your friends and not me instead Feelin'black, when I think about all the things that I feel I lack Feelin'jaded, when it's not gone right All the colours have faded, then I feel your eyes on me Feelin'fine! Sublime!

壮美! 当微笑,你悄悄地把我的心啊噢,没有人告诉我你的感觉很好,没有人说:你这么漂亮,没有人警告我,你的微笑,你是光,你当我结束我的眼睛,我色盲了,你让我色盲感觉的红色,当你用你所有的时间与你的朋友而不是我,而是感觉的黑色,当我想到所有的事情,我觉得我没有什么感觉的精疲力尽,筹募恩,它的不正确了,所有的颜色已经淡了,那我觉得你的眼睛,我就感觉'罚款!

6. The course was not so long, but to Shang Yang, it was a vital sublime.



7. At the halfway point, he had looked a contender for Man of the Match after two sublime assists.


8. sublime的近义词

8. Tertullian regards many of these passages as preludes to the Incarnation; as the Word of God adumbrating the sublime character in which He is one day to reveal Himself to men cf.


9. Lonely Planet offers a fully updated guide to the natural and cultural wonders of a country of sublime beauty.


10. sublime的意思

10. Moreover, it must be observed that all these peculiarities spring from the same cause: They all indicate a certain redundancy of ideas surging in upon a deep and tranquil meditation on a sublime subject, the various aspects of which simultaneously appear to the author's mind and evoke his admiration.


11. So these two beings lived in this manner, high aloft, with all that improbability which is in nature; neither at the nadir nor at the zenith, between man and seraphim, above the mire, below the ether, in the clouds; hardly flesh and blood, soul and ecstasy from head to foot; already too sublime to walk the earth, still too heavily charged with humanity to disappear in the blue, suspended like atoms which are waiting to be precipitated; apparently beyond the bounds of destiny; ignorant of that rut; yesterday, to-day, to-morrow; amazed, rapturous, floating, soaring; at times so light that they could take their flight out into the infinite; almost prepared to soar away to all eternity.



12. On the other hand I saw this wise deed under the sun, which I thought sublime.


13. Demetrius calls his statues sublime, and at the same time precise.


14. We walk, in imagination, with the noblest spirits, through the most sublime and enchanting regions.


15. We walk, in imagination, with the sublime and enchanting regions.


16. sublime

16. When the miracle of metamorphosis is complete, the eclosing, or rupture of a chrysalid, is one of nature's most sublime moments. It happen in secret, hidden under leaves, and rarely witnessed by humans.


17. Mr Scafi tells this story well from the sublime start to the ridiculous end, with spectacular flourishes of art history and confident quotes from Latin, Greek and Hebrew.


18. sublime在线翻译

18. I utilize Bakhtin`s poetics of carnival to explore the structural meanings of the episode of Granny Liu` trip to Prospect Garden. First, through Granny Liu`s trip, an extraordinary festival space is built for the women and girls who live in the inner quarters of the Jia`s Family. Second, by playing a cheerful clown, Granny Liu creates an atmosphere of collective, public-square carnival. Third, Granny Liu emphasizes the material aspect and the lower part of body, bringing them to focus and center. Fourth, the words play in jiou-ling games act as parody of the authority discourse. And with Granny Liu`s vernacular and vulgar colloquialism, a scene appears where art-language is confronted and deconstructed by life-language. Fifth, this episode is full of unpleasing or even dirty visions of grotesque animal figures and excrement. All these anti-sublime forces are against the idealized spiritual orientation of Prospect Garden, arousing Lin Dai-Yu`s abjection. Besides the contrasts and disturbances brought forth by Granny Liu, there is energetic and real force embodied in the spirit of carnival.


19. To reach that spot sublime!


20. Pali Devotional Chanting and Hymns - It is beneficial for every Buddhist to recite daily at least a few verses from the Vandana, recalling to mind the sublime qualities of the Buddha, the Dhamma and the Sangha.


sublime 词典解释

1. 崇高的;壮丽的;宏伟的;令人赞叹的

If you describe something as sublime, you mean that it has a wonderful quality that affects you deeply.

e.g. Sublime music floats on a scented summer breeze to the spot where you lie.


e.g. ...the sublime beauty of nature.



...the most sublimely beautiful of all living things.


2. 极端的;过分的;令人无比反感的

You can use sublime to emphasize a quality that someone or something has, usually a quality that is undesirable or negative.

e.g. The administration's sublime incompetence is probably temporary...


e.g. He displayed a sublime indifference to the distinction between right and wrong.



Mrs Trollope was sublimely uninterested in what she herself wore.

特罗洛普夫人丝毫不在意自己穿什么衣服。sublime 单语例句

1. The essence of both ingredients penetrates the soup to form a creamy, rich and sublime flavor with a subtle aftertaste.

2. Cole's tame volley didn't do justice to the sublime pass.

3. Several withdrawals could not gloss over another sublime year for " Super Dan ".

4. His second effort on 34 minutes was sublime as the nippy winger scored with a sumptuous chip over Amelia.

5. Wu's sublime textile creations may also earn him the honor of being an inheritor of China's intangible cultural heritage.

6. Coupled with the sublime skills of Mimosa's Culinary Director Stefan Stiller, the trio make a formidable kitchen force.

7. While patches of hovering mist make for sublime views as you ascend through them, it is usually a case of all or nothing.

8. Skillful winemakers are like top chefs in this way, combining ingredients to sublime effect.

9. Lugu Lake is embraced in sublime green mountains and the mountains are snowbound for over 3 months in a year.

10. There will be cocktails, a DJ and sublime views over the river.
