

enviable:[英 [ˈenviəbl] 美 [ˈɛnviəbəl] ]


enviable 基本解释


形容词值得羡慕的; 引起妒忌的

enviable 网络解释

1. 令人羡慕的:envenom 毒害 | enviable 令人羡慕的 | enviably 羡慕地

2. 令人羡慕的,值得羡慕的:envelop v. 包封,封闭 | 75. enviable 令人羡慕的,值得羡慕的 | envious 羡慕的,嫉妒的

3. 可羡慕的:enviable 令人羡慕的 | enviable 可羡慕的 | enviousenvyadmirebegrudge 羡慕

4. 令人羡慕的; 可羡慕的 (形):envenom 毒害 (动) | enviable 令人羡慕的; 可羡慕的 (形) | enviably 羡慕地; 嫉妒地 (副)

enviable 双语例句

1. enviable

1. Through continuous development of our products and production facilities, JUN-AIR is able to maintain an enviable reputation for quality and reliability.

经过我们的不断研究发展新产品和生产的设备与技术的不断提升,JUN-AIR 产品品质和可靠性始终保持不坠的声誉。

2. Gold, jewelry, works of art, enviable household furniture, are positive fetter s


3. This, from the point of view of the West, is something truly enviable and an idea that would be to consider in Europe.


4. enviable的意思

4. In this economy, having a healthy business is an enviable position to be in.


5. She has built up an enviable reputation as a harpist.



6. The 2180 is a proven product manufactured for over ten years and offering enviable standards of reliability.


7. Yet the difficulty rating is high: telling someone they stink is one of the least enviable tasks a manager might have to undertake.


8. enviable在线翻译

8. And it has an enviable presence in emerging markets.


9. enviable的解释

9. And it has an enviable presence in emergingmarkets.


10. While they may not really life coffee, they think it desirable and enviable to be lavish with money in those high-consumption places.


11. As well as our enviable fleet of luxury yachts for charter and sale, highly motivated people are our most important asset.


12. Over thirty years of dedication, development and expansion have seen the Group forge an enviable reputation in Chinese mainland, Hong Kong, Macau and the Asia Pacific region.


13. Although Chinese real estate developers dominate enviable wealth and social resources, they finally begin to show their frailty as a social group.


14. Some australians life style is extremely enviable as the ideal pastora l life.


15. I had the most hilarious time with this precocious class mate in primary school who had many and I, being the enviable moody girl at 7, I never failed to remind her the hideousness of her foreign treasured toy.


16. Convergence of the ambiguity of the past, from an enviable collection of beautiful, shame Xiaguang halo lost the passion and romance, low-key show, then to the birds being pull-out cover of the evening.


17. An area of 2723 square km and a garden she has an enviable mix of a King.



18. The love between elderly Lucy and Herman is enviable.


19. The coast of Peru, inner-city London, rugged Australian coastal sites, urban Sao Paulo, spectacular New Zealand alpine retreats and coastal hideaways, American prairies, frosty Oslo, the gorgeous West Indies, tropical Southeast Asia, suburban lithuania, and Costa Rica are just a sprinkling of the enviable sites featured.


20. enviable在线翻译

20. We aim to become the best operating results and the most enviable one.


enviable 词典解释

1. 令人羡慕的;引人妒嫉的

You describe something such as a quality as enviable when someone else has it and you wish that you had it too.


e.g. Japan is in the enviable position of having a budget surplus...


e.g. They have enviable reputations as athletes.


enviable 单语例句

1. Besides the enviable talent of the Brazilian players, the vice president also has determined his own " color scheme " to decide on his favorites.

2. " Look at what enviable talent has given me, " Vera complains.

3. They fear this reform will herald the end of an entire network of welfare benefits that makes France an enviable place to work and live.

4. It largely failed to achieve its goal of equality as it only shifted different people into the enviable positions of power.

5. Although the pace is still enviable for economies elsewhere, it marks an uncomfortable ebbing for China.

6. Enviable even by the standards of some established science and technology powers, the achievements demonstrate China's strong scientific and technological strength and potential for development.

7. Designed by local wonder boy Andre Fu, it has an enviable location above Pacific Place with stunning harbor and city views.

8. Having done away with unnecessary shackles of the past, the Chinese are brimming with confidence to carve out an enviable future.

9. China's economy continued to expand by an enviable 8 per cent in the first half of the year amid global sluggishness.

10. Our undergraduate programmes have an enviable reputation for their teaching quality and relevance to the real world of commerce.

enviable 英英释义


1. causing envy

e.g. an enviable position