

spit:[英 [spɪt] 美 [spɪt] ]


过去式:spat;   过去分词:spat;   现在分词:spitting;

spit 基本解释



名词口水; 唾沫; 烤肉叉

不及物动词吐痰,吐口水; 发出劈啪声

spit 相关例句


1. Spit your gum out before you come into the classroom.


2. spit的翻译

2. The sky began to spit snow.


3. He spat curses at me.



1. You'll be fined if you spit on the streets.



1. spit的解释

1. Mary's spit flew as she shouted.


spit 网络解释

1. 沙嘴:最常见到的沙岸地形,则包括了海滩(beach),河口,沙嘴(spit),障岛沙洲(barrierisland),潟湖(lagoon)以及海岸沙丘(coastal dune)等地形区. 以台湾的海岸地形...

2. 吐痰:以上述文字为说明,写一篇与礼貌有关的英语作文,在文中需使用打喷嚏(sneeze) ;吐痰(spit)等词汇.


3. 唾液:唯一一直喜欢但是却心里一直想忘记却不能释怀的女孩,是的,她太好了. 我真懦弱,太懦弱了.不过,诗人及词源学家约翰.斯亚迪认为这个短语起源于巫术. 凭借一个人的唾液(spit)和一个人形玩偶(image),巫师可以让所有的不幸都降临到某个倒霉的人身上.

4. spit的翻译

4. spit:single point in time; 单时间点

5. spit:standard processing language internally translated; 标准处理语言内部转换

spit 双语例句

1. It was said that he can spit fire from his mouth.


2. What you eat is sweet and what you spit is black?


3. spit的反义词

3. Also, you're going to see these crazy spiraled flowers that you can attack and get to spit out health.


4. I tried to make him spit it out, but he just won't tell me.


5. She said that she wants to spit.......


6. It's bad manners to spit in public.


7. It is rude to spit in public.


8. The first three months of what is spit out what to eat, you can have something to eat!


9. spit在线翻译

9. It can meet the group to smoke cigarettes swallow spit fog enjoyment, but also to smokers without any harm.


10. In front of the screen you cool mist of spit tobacco to swallow, you spit in the flue gas will be a lot of bad components attached to the LCD screen, a long time on the screen surface will cause corrosion and damage to the screen surface coating.

在您对着屏幕潇洒的吞烟吐雾的时候,您吐出的烟气中很多的不良成分都会附着在 LCD 屏幕上,时间长了就会对屏幕表面造成腐蚀,破坏屏幕表面涂层。


11. You may not want to swim in your spit, but if you saved it all up, you could.



12. A sooty, sweating peasant lad was turning a joint of beef on a spit; he winced as the dripping fat made the flames sizzle.


13. spit的近义词

13. If you've got a problem, just spit it out and tell me.


14. Maybe you should spit it out now...


15. You're the reigning champion, so you get to spit first



16. It will take a lot of spit and polish to get this room habitable again.


17. With a bit of spit and polish the chairs and tables will look as good as new.


18. My wife is using a lot of spit and polish on the house ready for her mother's visit at weekend.


19. We could well do without so much spit and polish as part of our routine.


20. And they spit upon him, and took the reed, and smote him on

27:30 又吐唾沫在他脸上,拿苇子打他的头。

spit 词典解释In American English, the form spit is used as the past tense and past participle. 在美国英语中,过去式和过去分词为 spit。

1. 唾液,唾沫(常指唾沫星子)

Spit is the watery liquid produced in your mouth. You usually use spit to refer to an amount of it that has been forced out of someone's mouth.


2. 吐唾沫(常表示憎恨或轻蔑)

If someone spits, they force an amount of liquid out of their mouth, often to show hatred or contempt.

e.g. The gang thought of hitting him too, but decided just to spit...


e.g. They spat at me and taunted me...


3. 吐出(少量液体或食物)

If you spit liquid or food somewhere, you force a small amount of it out of your mouth.


e.g. Spit out that gum and pay attention...


e.g. He felt as if a serpent had spat venom into his eyes...


4. (机器) 噼啪作响;(煮着的食物)毕剥作响

If something such as a machine or food that is cooking spits, it sends out small amounts of something, making a series of short, sharp noises.


e.g. The engine spat and banged.


e.g. ...the fire where pork chops were sizzling and spitting.


5. (咬牙切齿地)愤愤说出

If someone spits an insult or comment, they say it in an angry or hostile way.

e.g. 'Wait a damn minute,' Mindy spat. 'Nobody said anything about staying overnight.'...


e.g. Cramer spat an obscenity.


6. 下毛毛细雨

If it is spitting, it is raining very lightly.

e.g. It will stop in a minute — it's only spitting.


in AM, use 美国英语用 sprinkle

7. 烤肉叉;扦子

A spit is a long rod which is pushed through a piece of meat and hung over an open fire to cook the meat.


e.g. She roasted the meat on a spit.


8. 岬角;海岬

A spit of land is a long, flat, narrow piece of land that sticks out into the sea.


9. 离…非常近

If one place is within spitting distance of another, they are very close to each other.


e.g. ...a restaurant within spitting distance of the Tower of London.


10. 极像…的人;和…一模一样的人

If you say that one person is the spitting image of another, you mean that they look very similar.


e.g. Nina looks the spitting image of Sissy Spacek.


相关词组:spit out

spit 单语例句

1. Or spit out particles that could turn the planet into a hot dead clump?

2. Hospital administrator William McMillan says an errant keystroke caused the hospital's computer to spit out the wrong discharge instructions for the grandfather.

3. Hong Kong members of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference recently suggested the Guangzhou municipal government increase punishment for those who spit in public places.

4. Police said the man then insulted the weight of one officer and then cursed and spit in his face.

5. Apparently some sort of alien entity took over his body for a couple of minutes and forced him to spit at an opposing player.

6. I can think of no other sport in which one player can spit in the face of an opponent and get away with it.

7. Amuse your friends by showing how far you can spit the bones!

8. Adults spit everywhere as they like and cough openly under any circumstances are really intolerable.

9. Make use of all those litter bins and resist that urge to spit, unless you want to land up with a fine.

10. " You can wrap your spit with a napkin and throw it into a trash bin, " she added.

spit 英英释义


1. the act of spitting (forcefully expelling saliva)

Synonym: spittingexpectoration

2. a skewer for holding meat over a fire

3. a clear liquid secreted into the mouth by the salivary glands and mucous glands of the mouth

moistens the mouth and starts the digestion of starches

Synonym: salivaspittle

4. a narrow strip of land that juts out into the sea

Synonym: tongue


1. expel or eject (saliva or phlegm or sputum) from the mouth

e.g. The father of the victim spat at the alleged murderer

Synonym: ptyalizeptyalisespewspue

2. utter with anger or contempt

Synonym: spit out

3. drive a skewer through

e.g. skewer the meat for the BBQ

Synonym: skewer

4. rain gently

e.g. It has only sprinkled, but the roads are slick

Synonym: sprinklespatterpatterpitter-patter