

pave:[英 [peɪv] 美 [pev] ]


过去式:paved;   过去分词:paved;   现在分词:paving;

pave 基本解释

及物动词铺设; 为…铺平道路; 安排



pave 相关例句


1. The bricks are to pave the courtyard.


2. Our garden is well paved with flowers.



3. His visit paved the way for an agreement.



4. The road was paved with concrete.


pave 网络解释

1. 铺设:pause 中止;暂停怕(pa)在使用(use)中突然暂停pavement (英)人行道 门徒(ment)在铺设(pave)人行道peach 桃子,桃树 豌豆(pea)在长(ch)长的桃子上. pepper 胡椒 停车场(p)里的每一个(per)恶婆(ep)都有胡椒.

2. 铺路,铺筑:31.ensure 保证(05-6) | 32.pave 铺路,铺筑(05-6) | 33.senstive 敏感的(05-6)

3. pave的反义词

3. 铺:pattern 模范、式样、模式;模仿 | pave 铺 | pedicel 花梗、茎


4. 肉块:moelle 骨髓 | pave 肉块 | pigeon 鸽肉

5. pave

5. pave:position and velocity extraction; 位置和速度撷取

pave 双语例句

1. pave什么意思

1. The creation objective of this program is to pave the way for systematically studying Cost Accounting, Financial management and so on.


2. And in the international competition and development, so as to pave our enterprise internationalization development.



3. It is more important to pave the way for the child who desires for knowledge.


4. A long history of success may pave the way for further development.


5. These data on partial restoration of collagen VII in the skin demonstrate the excellent ratio of clinical effects to biological parameters, support suitability of fibroblast-based therapy approaches for RDEB, and, as a preclinical test, pave way to human clinical trials.

皮肤部分复原了VII-胶原蛋白,证明了良好的临床效果比对生物参数,支持以成纤维细胞为基础来治疗RDEB ,作为一次临床预试验,为人类临床试验铺平道路。

6. pave的翻译

6. The amendments also formalize a long-held ban against religious parties and pave the way for a list-based electoral system.


7. pave的翻译

7. The impressions most useful to my purpose seem always those I was unaware of and so made no note of at the time when taken, and the conclusion is come to that like the giants we are always hurling experience ahead of us to pave the future with against the day when we may want to strike a line of purpose across it for somewhere.


8. The impressions most useful to my purpose seem always those I was unaware of and so made no note of at the time when taken, and the conclusion is come to that like giants we are always hurling experience ahead of us to pave the future with against the day when we may want to strike a line of purpose across it for somewhere.


9. The purpose of this course is to pave the way for the systematic study of sale skill and methods.


10. I sincerely hope the 10th CIEET helps our students to pave their own ways of furthering their study abroad.


11. It is comprise of fill, pave geotextile and bamboo basketry, artificial insert plastic drain sheet, pave horizontal pipe network, fill mud seal, vacuum prepress.



12. But why cannot People build a wall or pave steps with it?


13. But why can't people build a wall or pave steps with it?


14. Some people seem to create themselves by their own, and grow up in the revese environment, alone but unstoppably, pave theirs ways in incountable barriers.



15. But, again, as we all know, Hell is pave with good intentions too.



16. The city council had recently authorized the company to pave an access way along the road verge.


17. pave在线翻译

17. We try and trive, cause that we want to be the pioneers, to pave a road for others who just like us.


18. Books of selected poetry are sure to pave a brilliant road for the contemporary Chinese poetry.


19. The details of the professional management that we pave a road to business success, hope that the general use of units give us an opportunity to work with you hand ADPL common cause of development of the railway, the railway business is to create brilliant!


20. Now we are on the road to pursue our success, rationally, optimisticly, ambitiously and determinedly. We try and strive, cause that we want to be the pioneers to pave a road for others who just like us.


pave 词典解释

1. 铺(路或地面)

If a road or an area of ground has been paved, it has been covered with flat blocks of stone or concrete, so that it is suitable for walking or driving on.


e.g. The avenue had never been paved, and deep mud made it impassable in winter.



...a small paved courtyard...


The sidewalks were paved with brick and lined with trees.


2. 为…铺平道路

If one thing paves the way for another, it creates a situation in which it is possible or more likely that the other thing will happen.

e.g. ...a new proposal intended to pave the way for the signing of a chemical weapons reduction agreement...


e.g. The discussions are aimed at paving the way for formal negotiations between the two countries.


pave 单语例句

1. Observers said Huawei need to buy up all the shareholdings scattered in the hands of company employees to pave the way for listings.

2. He formed the largest smuggling ring in China's history by buying off dozens of officials to pave the way.

3. Delegates proposed motions calling for legislation to create a circular economy, prevent soil pollution or pave the way for the recycling and reuse of electric waste.

4. Ma said the SDRC was drafting complementary rules and regulations for the reform plan so as to pave the way for implementation next year.

5. But to pave the way for such discussions, the parties concerned must refrain from making moves that will escalate and complicate the disputes.

6. The Pacific island nation is in the constitutional consultations process to pave the way for the 2014 national elections.

7. It will shield speculation risks and pave the way for the Renminbi's ultimate convertibility in China's capital account.

8. Doing so will not only enhance bilateral relations between China and Europe, but also pave the way for international help to debtor nations.

9. The owners accused that the commission misused its power to pave the way for the developer's changed plan and its decision was illegal.

10. Such a document will pave the way for more people to die with dignity, rather than hooked up to tubes and respirators that prolong their suffering.

pave 英英释义



1. a setting with precious stones so closely set that no metal shows



1. cover with a material such as stone or concrete to make suitable for vehicle traffic

e.g. pave the roads in the village