

fickle:[英 [ˈfɪkl] 美 [ˈfɪkəl] ]


fickle 基本解释

形容词浮躁的; 薄情的; (爱情、友谊等)易变的,无常的


fickle 相关例句


1. fickle

1. The weather's so fickle in summer.


2. He is a fickle lover.


3. He is fickle to a proverb.


fickle 网络解释

1. 善變:放卷范围:全身卷轴名字:聪明(Smart) 卷轴等级:C级接尾 放卷范围:帽子卷轴名字:结实的(Compact) 卷轴等级:A级接尾 放卷范围:盾卷轴名字:治疗的(Careful) 卷轴等级:8级接尾 放卷范围:头盔卷轴名字:善变(Fickle) 卷轴 等级:4级

2. 易变的:finicky 挑剔的 | fickle 易变的 | venal 贪污的

3. fickle是什么意思

3. 变幻无常的:fichu 三角形披肩 | fickle 变幻无常的 | fickle-minded 易变的

4. 多变的:fervid#热情的;灼热的 | fickle#多变的 | flaccid#软弱的;松弛的

fickle 双语例句

1. Don't be so fickle in your affections.


2. This paper, by interpreting Marx`s theory on fetishism, summarizes the fetish in capital society, analyzes the reality of the three fetishism s, and concludes that the ideology of fetishism in capital society might offer ideas and lessons for dealing with the fickle mind of some people at this stage when planned economy is turning into market economy in China.


3. You are fickle and tend to fall out of love easily.


4. Because the daguerreotype is much more fickle and dangerous to work with, there are fewer artists making daguerreotypes.


5. fickle的近义词

5. Many of these assets were funded by lenders in fickle wholesale markets.


6. fickle什么意思

6. We told our daughters, `It`s not something to be ashamed of, but if you tell your friends, your friends may trust you today, you may be good friends, however, roll the clock forward, people are fickle, and preteens and teens can be downright cruel.`


7. fickle什么意思

7. Some of the fickle populace began to doubt whether they had not been rather precipitate in deposing his brotherWashington Irving.


8. Inconstant in love; fickle; heartless


9. Its sources of funding are so many, dispersed, small, and fickle that Michel Chancy, the deputy minister, says he is unsure of its total budget.


10. Is inconsistent and fickle, distant and great ideal?


11. fickle的解释

11. Were they pitiful maidens cheated by fickle men?


12. fickle的近义词

12. Were they pitiful maidens deflowered by fickle men?


13. fickle

13. Like love with a smile told me to the last is tolerance This reminds me hug you feel short Memorial In between you, I sometimes is fickle Like pyrotechnics下一秒disappear Think of your smile this brief commemorative picture You said on the inside of the heart forever Stay in yesterday when it is my most beautiful Memorial Are you with me through all this Your memory of those smiling faces

像是笑着告诉我爱到最后是宽容想起你的拥抱这感觉短暂纪念在你我之间有时说变就变就像烟火下一秒消失不见想起你的微笑这画面短暂纪念放在心里面你说过的永远留在昨天就当它是我最美的纪念还有你陪我走过这一切记忆中你那些微笑的脸是一首歌 ``哪位英语达人能帮忙翻译成英语

14. fickle的翻译

14. Karl is a fickle boss; it`s hard to predict what he will do.


15. I am not his sort, who is fickle and always blowing hot and cold.


16. I am not her sort, who is fickle(fickle-minded易变的, 不专的)and always blowing hot and cold.


17. Numerous instances can be cited in evidence of such fickle-minded behavior of the masses where the self-interests overshadow the fury upon the loopholes in the security measures of the nation, leaving behind only false speeches, incomplete protests, ruins of a would-be revolution and the victims reeling under the loss suffered by them with nothing but pity in their hands.


18. That's completely different from what you are saying before. Are you really that fickle - minded?


19. That's completely different from what you were saying before. Are you really that fickle- minded?


20. Blood glucose levels are also notoriously fickle, changing depending on how recently the patient exercised or ate a meal or snack.


fickle 词典解释

1. 变化无常的;善变的

If you describe someone as fickle, you disapprove of them because they keep changing their mind about what they like or want.

e.g. The group has been notoriously fickle in the past.



...the fickleness of businessmen and politicians.


2. 无常的;靠不住的

If you say that something is fickle, you mean that it often changes and is unreliable.

e.g. Orta's weather can be fickle.


fickle 单语例句fickle

1. That curve is also attracting investors with enough money to speculate in a fickle market of subjective desires.

2. This fickle behavior of the " Mother River " has caused long stretches of drought along some of the most densely populated and farmed regions of China.

3. England's Ian Poulter and Justin Rose also made heavy work in the fickle conditions, seeing their hopes of lifting the trophy disappear in the steamy atmosphere.

4. With the help of corporate expense accounts, my taste buds blossomed into a thousand little discerning and fickle things.

5. Lu blamed dishonest, fickle and inappropriate distribution of public funding for research for deteriorating ethical standards of scientists.

6. Today all the former ethics have been overthrown, people are fickle and indulge themselves in sensual pleasure diversified and yet a little degenerated.

7. However, nature is much more complicated and fickle than their imagination.

8. If fickle buyers tighten their spending in the face of higher prices in the market, the US economic recovery can hardly last long.

9. " Fickle weather and the current brisk traffic have compounded the difficulties of safe flight, " said the circular.

10. The weather is also notoriously fickle, with the risk of a sudden torrential downpour during the race.

fickle的反义词fickle 英英释义


1. liable to sudden unpredictable change

e.g. erratic behavior

fickle weather

mercurial twists of temperament

a quicksilver character, cool and willful at one moment, utterly fragile the next

Synonym: erraticmercurialquicksilver(a)

2. marked by erratic changeableness in affections or attachments

e.g. fickle friends

a flirt's volatile affections

Synonym: volatile