

ascend:[英 [əˈsend] 美 [əˈsɛnd] ]


过去式:ascended;   过去分词:ascended;   现在分词:ascending;

ascend 基本解释

及物动词攀登; 继承; 占领

不及物动词上升; 爬坡; 追溯

ascend 相关例句


1. The stairs in the Five-Star hotel ascend in a graceful curve.


2. Victoria ascended the throne in 1839.


3. He ascended the flight of narrow stairs to his bedroom.



1. His ancestors ascend to the 15th century.


2. ascend的反义词

2. The smoke ascends slowly to the sky.


ascend 网络解释

1. 上升:内部节点代表交换机. 胖树中的路由交换是相对简单的,因为两个处理节点间只会有一个最短路径. 路径包括上升(ascend)和下降(descend)阶段. 上升阶段直到找到最低的公共祖先. 下降阶段找到目的节点.

2. 递增:一个序列对象的定义中包含了以下主要信息:序列是递增(ascend)或递减(descend)Oracle 将一个数据库中所有序列(sequence)的定义存储在 SYSTEM 表空间内的一个数据字典表中.

3. 下一层:killall 全怪死翘翘 | ascend 下一层 | descend 上一层

4. ascend的解释

4. 提高#层地牢:Descend # 降低#层地牢(#为数字,下同) | Ascend # 提高#层地牢 | Fate Statue 命运神殿,可以随机出来怪或宝石

ascend 双语例句


1. Without the ability to take up one's sword and strike at one's internal demons, one cannot ascend.


2. The fourth part of this text, study Liu Xiu to ascend the throne and calm down course of world.


3. No, she can`t. But I have a lovely son to marry her to if needs be. Then he can ascend the throne and I will be the father of a king.


4. His lieutenants clothed him in the yellow imperial gown and asked him to ascend the throne.



5. The Queen: In a few weeks'time, you will ascend the throne as king, and I will let


6. Thy prayers ascend to the throne of god, and the angel of each entity stands before the throne to make intercession.


7. Ascend to heaven, in honour of my Love.


8. Small doses of astragalus can ascend blood pressure and large doses of astragalus can descend blood pressure.

结果 股静脉注射5%、10%、15%黄芪煎剂引起血压的升高(P.01),35%、40%、80%黄芪煎剂引起血压的降低(P.01),并且呈剂量相关效应。


9. The systolic pressure ascend over 30mmHg is the standard of success if the pulmonary hypertension model.


10. ascend的反义词

10. Last observe and write the blood pressure. Results 5%, 10%, 15% astragalu can sharply ascend the blood pressure.

每只大鼠肌肉注射地西泮溶液0.4 ml后,剪开腹部皮肤,腹主动脉放血至死。

11. The reliability of analysis result depends largely on the in-house experimental conditions. Unlike the previous analysis that only concerns the sole effect of permeable pressure, this article considers both permeable and confining pressure and deformation characteristics of concrete material under the interaction of them according to the real work state of construction, which may leads to the changing pattern of permeable rate as listed below: permeable rate always reaches its peak with the time process going on, than goes down and remains straight on some certain value; The PR will tend to decline while the confining pressure is increased, and the time taken before the peak will be extended as well; Under the constant permeable pressure and circularly changing confining pressure, the minus-exponential ascend and descend relationship could be applied between the PR and Time axes respectively with crannied and intact concrete samples, and the PR of crannied concrete is far more larger than that of intact concrete. The change pattern of concrete could also be mathematically analogized using the least square method.


12. ascend的意思

12. Large projection curtain wall, fantasy INTERNET VJ is confusing; The large hydraulic pressure ascend and descend T pattern stage, always present fascinating and choreographic performance, fashionable dresses show... It makes you to dance yourself into oblivion following the music rhythm...

到处可见INTERNET VJ大型投影屏幕墙,梦幻迷离;大型液压式升降T型舞台,时时上演精彩的舞蹈表演,缤纷的时装彩秀……让您置身其中,真实感受到强劲震撼的一流视听效果,不由自主地会随着音乐节拍翩翩起舞,令您流连忘返

13. Let us request that soul return unto the land and ensoul and ascend the vegetables, fruit, nuts, legumes or grains.


14. Before haveing not started chatting, in fact also have no what chat so much of, but in the beginning you an a ground to me chatted, can also chat a lot ofly, But she that says that she gose to school how don't ascend, the reason wanted to review to test to grind, so I din't want to bother heras well, but she says like don't ascend, on the but again, Iam really not understand she, so Idon't chat as well from now or little chat, it amkes her able to with concentration order to review.


15. ascend的翻译

15. Much of this shift is the result of Terra and all kingdoms collectively choosing to retrieve the dream that had been moved from the land and sea to ascend and into the human pyramidal system.

这一变迁的大部分,是 Terra以及所有王国一起集体选择来恢复曾被从大地海洋上移走,而进入了人类金字塔系统的提升梦想的结果。

16. It is only in a state of resonance that one can continue to ascend.


17. Who may ascend the mountain of Jehovah, And who may stand in His holy place?

24:3 谁能登耶和华的山,谁能站在祂的圣所?

18. ascend

18. Make sure that you have all your daypack items (containing at least drinking water, your lunch pack and extra clothing) with you as the porters ascend a lot quicker than the hikers.


19. Are you going to be with those who will ascend


20. ascend在线翻译

20. As self healing begins, one will release the patterns most obstructing one's ascension, or at cause of why one may have become ill in the choice to ascend.


ascend 词典解释

1. 攀登;登上

If you ascend a hill or staircase, you go up it.

e.g. Mrs Clayton had to hold Lizzie's hand as they ascended the steps...


e.g. Then we ascend steeply through forests of rhododendron.


2. (楼梯、路)上升,升高

If a staircase or path ascends, it leads up to a higher position.

e.g. A number of staircases ascend from the cobbled streets onto the ramparts.


e.g. ...an ascending spiral path leading to a tower.


3. (通常指垂直地)上升

If something ascends, it moves up, usually vertically or into the air.

e.g. Keep the drill steady while it ascends and descends...


e.g. Nott and Dickinson set a new altitude record when they ascended 55,900 feet in their balloon.


4. 升迁;升职;(君主)登基,即位

If someone ascends to an important position, they achieve it or are appointed to it. When someone ascends a throne, they become king, queen, or pope.

e.g. ...the same year he ascended to power...


e.g. Before ascending to the bench, she was a lawyer in a large New York firm.


5. (事业、社会地位)提高;晋升

If you ascend in your career or in society, you gradually achieve success or a higher status.

e.g. Mobutu ascended through the ranks, eventually becoming commander of the army...


e.g. They move freely from one department to another as they ascend the civil service ladder.


6. (在某些宗教中指灵魂)升天,进入天堂

In some religions, when someone's soul goes to heaven, you can say that they ascend to heaven.

e.g. ...the belief that the souls of the faithful and virtuous would ascend to heaven.


7. (境界)上升;升华

If something or someone ascends to a higher level, they reach a state that is better than the one they were in before.


e.g. The story ascends from a gothic tragedy to a miraculous fairy-tale.


8. see also: ascending

ascend 单语例句

1. Go across the cavity and ascend the peak, you will come to Jade Screen Pavilion.

2. While patches of hovering mist make for sublime views as you ascend through them, it is usually a case of all or nothing.

3. Nepal bans attempts on Everest for those under 16, so younger climbers have traveled to Tibet to ascend from the Chinese side.

4. Soon I was aware that the driver hadn't overcharged me, for it was truly difficult for his vehicle to ascend the steep mountain path.

5. As symbols of bravery and immunity to evil, the two animals are meant for those aspiring to ascend to heaven to ride on.

6. Aiko cannot inherit the throne under the existing law, which states that only males descended from an emperor can ascend the throne.

7. There's no cable car and the route is surprisingly challenging - it requires four to five hours to ascend and descend.

8. Most simulate a working computer keyboard and mouse and help players ascend into the virtual world faster and more easily.

9. When environmental rights ascend to the level of human rights, their protection should also be lifted to the level of human rights protection.

10. Hikers here can choose to ascend the mountainside on foot, or ride up in a gondola or cable car.