

vehement:[英 [ˈvi:əmənt] 美 [ˈviəmənt] ]


vehement 基本解释


形容词激越; 感情强烈的,热情的,热烈的; 激烈的,热烈的; 慷慨

vehement 相关例句


1. vehement

1. I have a vehement hatred of people who are cruel to animals.



2. They are vehement in their praises of the new system.


vehement 网络解释

1. 激烈的:C .自然的爱同时也是扭曲的爱,也就是我们所谓的罗曼蒂克(Romantic)和激烈的( Vehement)爱. 这种爱普通体现在我们所说得自我感官意识的满足下,也就是所谓德来不来电,一旦来电疯狂式的爱地死去活来. (后果可想而知,因为只是在自我意识满足下的一时只需)

2. vehement的意思

2. 热烈的:vegetative stimulus 植物神经性刺激 | vehement 热烈的 | vehicle 媒介物

3. 暴烈的 热烈的:thwart (战争是我们反对的)反对 阻碍 挫折 | vehement 暴烈的 热烈的 | benign 亲切的 和蔼的

4. 猛烈的:vehemence 猛烈 | vehement 猛烈的 | vehicle 车辆

vehement 双语例句

1. vehement

1. People will not only suffer from death and parting, but also experience vehement and infinite afflictions because of bad karma they made by killing in previous lifetimes.


2. The scholars who protest keeping or abolishing the death penalty make vehement controversies from three aspects, i. e. whether it corresponds to justice or not; whether it can achieve the aim of preventing crime; and yet whether it agrees with the criminals penal responsibility.


3. Blatter was vehement in his opposition last week, so Scudamore has his work cut out.


4. We surpass rivals in vehement market competion and achieve steady growth.


5. And still they sing a vehement, eager chant, the chant of the turbulent waters.


6. For the vehement competition in the market, all kinds of manufacturers must found ripe design-supported system. According this demand, we introduce a method for forecasting the cost of mechanical parts during the first phase of normal design.


7. Do you desire to sense the song of spiritual from ice-cold meditation, vehement flaming and profound inquiry?


8. To be brief, the English romanticism on the one hand further pushes ahead the project of modernity in the artistic or aesthetic field, but on the other hand it also launches a vehement aesthetic critique of modernity, thus resulting in the birth of aesthetic modernity; the Chinese romantic movement represented by the Creation Society is characterized by a different Janus'face: like English romanticism, it is a significant artistic articulation of the principle of subjectivity (which is the kernel of modernity) in its initial stage, yet influenced by the interaction of individual enlightenment and the national salvation, a pair of conflicting themes typical of China's modernity project, the Creation Society gradually turns to the left and consequently not only radically politicizes its romantic spirit but also ironically suppresses the search of modernity.


9. Set me as a seal upon thine heart, as a seal upon thine arm: for love is strong as death; jealousy is cruel as the grave: the coals thereof are coals of fire, which hath a most vehement flame.


10. vehement的近义词

10. And in saying this he would lift the last sounds into a vehement roar.


11. His historicaland realistic tragic sense was expressed, through his poetic soul with surpassing grief and joy, as resplendent and flowery but mournful and touching tragicexquisiteness in vehement but desolate poetic...


12. If a modern enterprise wants to stand on incincible position in vehement market competition, it is need to master development trend of market and arrange in reason to exploit resource advantage of the enterprise.


13. In respect to the vehement criticism that the novelist writes too much for the purpose of showing off, it is argued that his writing on people`s versatile talents can be interpre...



14. She suddenly became very vehement and agitated, jumping around and shouting



15. Along with the vehement competition, Business enterprise accelerates the progress of product thrown into market.


16. vehement的意思

16. Since Thou hast made me to love Thee, cause me to be carried away with vehement affection for Thee!


17. Government bond purchases would provoke vehement opposition in some European quarters, particularly in Germany, where many people regard such purchases as an abuse of central bank power.


18. He could hear Hilton's strident voice rising in vehement argument with Houston.


19. He looked from the plate-glass windows in turn at the garden and the street, in a mood of vehement self-reproach.


20. She was herself a vehement protagonist of sexual equality.


vehement 词典解释

1. 激情的;激烈的;暴烈的

If a person or their actions or comments are vehement, the person has very strong feelings or opinions and expresses them forcefully.

e.g. She suddenly became very vehement and agitated, jumping around and shouting...


e.g. One vehement critic is Michael Howard...



He spoke more loudly and with more vehemence than he had intended.


Krabbe has always vehemently denied using drugs...


I'm vehemently against any form of censorship.

我强烈反对任何形式的审查制度。vehement 单语例句

1. The law was adopted following some food scandals that triggered vehement calls for overhauling China's current monitoring system.

2. Bush administration for a radar site and interceptor rockets in the Czech Republic and Poland, which had met vehement opposition from Russia.

3. The virus of the wax fruit had a vehement force and we did something outrageous for a DINK family with low income.

4. Among them, producers of edible vegetable oil will be in the front row against vehement foreign competition.

5. Words like " irresponsible " and " disgusting " were thrown around, and director Michael Winterbottom seemed taken aback by the vehement criticism.

6. They contain either vehement attacks or lavish support, and scientists say that such polarizing arguments are misleading the public.

7. More vehement behaviors, such like rape and sexual harassment are also occasionally committed.

8. That practice has evoked vehement public complaints over rising medical costs, prompting policymakers to overhaul the hospital system.

9. Anger toward these perpetrators is so vehement that Web users tend to forget these people also need to have their privacy protected.

10. The statements infuriated thousands of netizens, who posted vehement remarks online about the driver and the investigation.

vehement 英英释义


1. marked by extreme intensity of emotions or convictions

inclined to react violently


e.g. fierce loyalty

in a tearing rage

vehement dislike

violent passions

Synonym: fiercetearingviolenttrigger-happy

2. characterized by great force or energy

e.g. vehement deluges of rain

vehement clapping

a vehement defense