

buffoon:[英 [bəˈfu:n] 美 [bəˈfun] ]



buffoon 基本解释

名词愚蠢的人; 傻瓜; 逗乐小丑; 滑稽的人


buffoon 网络解释

1. buffoon什么意思

1. 小丑:This buffoon couldnt groom the paws of a real king.|这小丑连给国王扦脚都不够格 | Buffoon?!|小丑?! | Ive lost my friend.|我失去了朋友

2. 演出时的丑角,粗俗而愚蠢的人:66. brute: 残忍的人. adj.残忍的. | 67. buffoon: 演出时的丑角,粗俗而愚蠢的人. | 68. bully: 欺负别人者. v. 恃强凌弱.

3. 小丑,演滑稽戏的人:macaroon 小杏仁饼 | buffoon 小丑,演滑稽戏的人 | quadroon (有四分之一黑人血统的)混血儿

buffoon 双语例句

1. Look at the faces of the actors and buffoon s(丑角、小丑、滑稽剧演员) when they come off from their business; and Tom Fool washing the paint off his cheeks before he sits down to dinner with his wife and the little Jack Pudding s behind the canvas.


2. My hat is so long, I like it, bec I can wear it in winter, I feel warm. and I aslo can wear it to go to circus, so that I can play as a buffoon, then I will earn money and buy my favourite chocolate cookies.


3. In the evening event, the funny buffoon in colourful dress conjoured for children.


4. To Chinese people, CNN is just like a buffoon and it is lavatorial and filthy to the justicial world.



5. Hence, it is high time to be free from fetter of logical senses; stereotype viewpoints and gender masks and explode with parody/prank/buffoon/stunt and whatsoever, turning the debate to be a humour-spree mini-carnival.


6. buffoon

6. JVG continues to be a complete buffoon and is letting Snyder continue to get smoked by Kobe.


7. buffoon什么意思

7. While he passed the iron box his son hid in, in order to avoid hurting his son`s spirit, although he knew he was going to die, he tried to act funny like a buffoon, making his son trusted that it was a game.


8. The routine is from happy to disgusting, funny to ridiculous, entertainment to buffoon, celebrity to rogue.


9. Had he been less of a buffoon, South Africa`s road to democracy might have been bloodier.


10. I would not be mopish because I heard buffoon shout abuses in the street.


11. A jester or buffoon. A jester at the court of his master, indulged and disesteemed, winning a clement master's praise


12. buffoon的解释

12. Here`s a mouth-frother, here`s a bigot, here`s a stiff-necked buffoon who, in one ranting article, shows all that is wrong, footling and absurd about modern China.


13. buffoon在线翻译

13. He is a buffoon that nobody would listen to him in the class.


14. In the world, many people willing to dedicate themself to you, not only me'buffoon'.


15. You should know he pretty much felt that you're an incompetent buffoon.


16. buffoon的解释

16. I hope she`s doing your brother right now, you big-headed buffoon.


17. And having him dance like a buffoon knowing that I can't dance, either.


18. buffoon的反义词

18. Get off of me, you buffoon!


19. And having him dance like a buffoon knowing that i can't dance, either.


20. buffoon在线翻译

20. Act like a buffoon; utterly ridiculous; cut a ludicrous figure


buffoon 词典解释

1. 小丑;愚蠢的人

If you call someone a buffoon, you mean that they often do foolish things.


e.g. ...the man once dismissed by the West as a drunken buffoon.


buffoon 单语例句

1. Critics deride Johnson as a bumbling buffoon but experts say he gives the Conservatives a real shot at unseating Livingstone.

2. She claimed she had a lot of nightmares about her mom's buffoon acts in parents'meetings.

3. Democrats who normally deride Bush as an inarticulate buffoon now hail him as the finest public speaker since Demosthenes.

buffoon 英英释义


1. a person who amuses others by ridiculous behavior

Synonym: clowngoofgoofballmerry andrew

2. a rude or vulgar fool

Synonym: clown