

fin:[英 [fɪn] 美 [fɪn] ]


过去式:finned;   过去分词:finned;   现在分词:finning;   复数形式:fins;

fin 基本解释

名词鱼鳍; 散热片; 鳍状物; (汽车、飞机、炸弹上的)尾翅

及物动词给…装上翅片; 切除鳍

不及物动词潜泳; (猛烈地)拍动(鳍)

fin 相关例句


1. The cylinder head is heavily finned for strength.



1. fin的反义词

1. Fish could be sighted finning near the surface.



1. fin

1. You owe me a fin.


fin 网络解释

1. 芬兰:阿尔巴尼亚(ALB) 爱尔兰(IRL)安道尔(AND) 以色列(ISR)亚美尼亚(ARM) 意大利(ITA)奥地利(AUT) 比利时(BEL)保加利亚(BUL) 白俄罗斯(BLR)克罗地亚(CRO) 塞浦路斯(CYP)捷克(CZE) 丹麦(DEN)爱沙尼亚(EST) 芬兰(FIN)马其顿(MKD)

2. 散热片:铜环保化学抛光剂是一种没有危害性和毒性的产品,应用于红铜(无氧铜)抛光处理,特别是应用于散热片(fin)及散热管件抛光领域中,生产中为除去铜表面层的氧化层,修复凹凸面,使其整体 ...最后修改日期:2009-08-01

3. fin:fasting insulin; 空腹胰岛素

4. fin:finnish olympic committee; 芬兰奥林匹克委员会

5. fin:finish; 芬兰芬兰语

6. fin:federal information network; 联邦情报网

fin 双语例句

1. fin的意思

1. I`m spending much of my day ferrying my son Fin to camp.


2. I'm spending much of my day ferrying my son Fin to camp.

除了在E MAIL上继续工作,我花了很多时间送我的儿子DIN去露营。


3. By using H-R element, dynamic characleristics of a composite tail fin were calculated and satisfactory resu...


4. Applicable to Lu Jin, shark fin, fish and other raw materials, prepared at the request by the slow burn in the fire, or natural juice Jiyong Euryale ferox.


5. Diagnostic characters for the recognition of species include the presence or absence of pectoral fin, the position of dorsal fin origin, gill opening, anus, nostril opening and eye, the cirri present or not, the dentition type, the body coloration, and th


6. I'd like some steak, bread, crispy duck, shark's fin and meat.


7. The heat and mass transfer mode of plate-fin enthalpy exchanger is simplified as the cross-flow type in which the fluids of two sides do not mix up.


8. As you know, i have never been a fan of quad finned surfboards.

大家都知道,就我个人而言,我从来不是Quad fin (4fin)的爱用者

9. St a tement of the fin a nci a l position of a comp a ny a t a p a rticul a r time, such a s the end of the fin a nci a l ye a r or the end of a quarter.



10. From May to August in 2000, in Xiangshang Bay, Ningbo, Zhejiang province, the net-cage cultured large yellow croaker occurred infection diseases, the infected fish showed two types of main symptoms: one type, the skin festered and the caudal fin rotted; the other type, the infected fish was anorexia, its stomach and intestine were empty, and the end intestine was full of yellow mucus.


11. Knife cut the umbilical, and then cut in the fin under the knife, removing intestines stomach into 60 degrees warm water to soak 5 minutes, using water to wash away mucus, and then use cut白鳝paragraph, each about 3 cm.

制法 1。在白鳝脐上切一刀,再在鳍下切一刀,抽去肠肚,放入60摄氏度温水浸透5分钟,用清水洗去粘液,然后将白鳝用刀切段,每段约3厘米。

12. The basic structure and working principle of biomimetic fish fin is briefly introduced.


13. fin

13. The opportunity will slip through your fin gers if you do not seize it.


14. fin的解释

14. Considering above study, a mathematics model to simulate the ignition transient process of the motors with fin slots has been developed. The ignition transient process of an actual motor and the effects on parameter limits variety have been analyzed.


15. The software is made up for ship rolling gesture control and random sea wave simulation. The simulation and calculation of fix angle-ratio main/flap fin stabilizer joint control system and variational angle-ratio main/flap fin stabilizer joint control system validate that the latter has better control result and saves a lot of energy.


16. A tail fin, for example, has many different types of cells and is a very intricate structure.


17. Yet many fish can still swim even if most of the tail fin is a bitten or cut off.


18. The important role of tail fin of a fish in swimming is to produce a thrust.



19. The main difference between it and the final ship as built is the tail fin design.


20. If a zebrafish loses a chunk of its tail fin, it'll grow back within a week.


fin 词典解释


A fish's fins are the flat objects which stick out of its body and help it to swim and keep its balance.


2. 鳍状物;(飞机等的)垂直安定面;(火箭、炸弹等的)尾翼

A fin on something such as an aeroplane, rocket, or bomb is a flat part which sticks out and which is intended to help control its movement.

fin 单语例句

1. The large amount of contaminated shark fins confiscated came as a shock to local Cantonese residents with whom shark's fin dishes are popular.

2. He declared on Dec 27 on his micro blog that he would cease serving shark fin in his restaurant.

3. A diner ordered fried rice with shark fin but failed to find any shark fin with even 3 pairs of chopsticks.

4. The industry and commerce department in Zhejiang province conducted a check of shark fin soup, a popular dish often served at luxurious banquets.

5. China has a glorious history in fin swimming, having participated in world championships a dozen times and won some one hundred gold medals.

6. Animal rights advocates criticise the shark fin harvest but others say that eating shark fins is an old cultural tradition.

7. Attached to the dolphins pectoral fin is a pinger device that allows the handler to keep track of the dolphin when out of sight.

8. I used to love shark's fin and have been curious to try it again, and this soup did not disappoint.

9. Disney had defended its plan saying shark's fin soup was a traditional Chinese dish and would be served in respect to cultural sensitivities.

10. Stengel used a special prosthesis that features an artificial foot that can be extended so a dive fin can be used as normal.

fin 英英释义


1. organ of locomotion and balance in fishes and some other aquatic animals

2. a stabilizer on a ship that resembles the fin of a fish

3. a shoe for swimming

the paddle-like front is an aid in swimming (especially underwater)

Synonym: flipper

4. one of a set of parallel slats in a door or window to admit air and reject rain

Synonym: louverlouvre

5. one of a pair of decorations projecting above the rear fenders of an automobile

Synonym: tail fintailfin

6. the cardinal number that is the sum of four and one

Synonym: five5VcinquequintquintetfivesomequintupletpentadPhoebeLittle Phoebe


1. show the fins above the water while swimming

e.g. The sharks were finning near the surface

Synonym: break water

2. propel oneself through the water in a finning motion

3. equip (a car) with fins