

irate:[英 [aɪˈreɪt] 美 [aɪˈret, ˈaɪˌret] ]


irate 基本解释


irate 网络解释

1. irate

1. 怒:退出可食用(esculent) 哥哥学习要收集(glean),哥哥离去小故障(glitch),哥哥速度会烦躁(grate),哥哥成熟会抱怨 (gripe) 里面惰性(inert)怕敏捷(pert),向外作用才施加(exert) 爱速度愤怒(irate),O 速度演讲(orate),


2. 生气:irascibly 易怒地 | irate 生气 | ire 忿怒

3. 发怒:inveigle诱骗 | irate发怒 | berate责骂

4. 发怒的:irascible 易发怒的 | irate 发怒的. | iridescent 闪光的,现晕光的

irate 双语例句

1. irate在线翻译

1. I would Irate you to think I didn`t care.


2. While the last lives in those images, and only in them, with joyful complacence, and never tires of scanning them down to the most minute features, while even the image of angry Achilles is no more for him than an image whose irate countenance he enjoys with a dreamer's delight in appearance--so that this mirror of appearance protects him from complete fusion with his characters--the lyrical poet, on the other hand, himself becomes his images, his images are objectified versions of himself.


3. Recent weeks have seen Philippine authorities scramble to augment rice stocks in the country, Indonesian officials warn of possible social unrest due to skyrocketing prices for basic foodstuffs, irate Egyptians protesting bread shortages, and international food aid programs unable to buy enough goods to meet their food distribution targets for vulnerable populations.


4. The irate quadruped made for our party, coming at a full jump.


5. irate的翻译

5. Wang Zhen, the minister, met Ruilan at the Merchants` Inn on his way back from his northern mission. He became irate when he learned that Ruilan had married without his permission and, what was worse, to a poor scholar!


6. I heard an irate voice call out.


7. Chorus} Wait, I`m coming undone, Irate, I`m coming undone.


8. He searched my face with eyes that I saw were dark, irate and piercing.


9. Be deliberate.{Chorus} Wait, I`m coming undone Irate.


10. Wait 2 seconds {Chorus} Wait I`m coming undone, Irate, I`m coming undone Too late I`m coming undone.


11. Paltering with an irate customer


12. irate的解释

12. Red-carded Timothee Atouba giving irate Hamburg fans the finger on his way out.


13. This information seemed to have a mollifying effect, and the irate young man favored Martin with a measuring stare.


14. irate是什么意思

14. But media reports and irate centre-right bloggers spoke of bungling and incompetence in the party, which commentators said could only hurt Berlusconi's image.


15. irate的翻译

15. And when you hate, then you're bound to get irate, yeah


16. Really irate, and you have to try and calm them down.


17. I was flicking through a newspaper when one very irate owner stormed over, snatched it from my hand and shoved it back into its slot. Very rude indeed!



18. The irate husband was jailed on suspicion of spousal abuse, and Mrs.


19. Thus, the pair of lovers could be jarred apart by misunderstood motives, by accident of fate, by jealous rivals, by irate parents, by crafty guardians, by scheming relatives, and so forth and so forth; they could be reunited by a brave deed of the man lover, by a similar deed of the woman lover, by change of heart in one lover or the other, by forced confession of crafty guardian, scheming relative, or jealous rival, by voluntary confession of same, by discovery of some unguessed secret, by lover storming girl's heart, by lover making long and noble self-sacrifice, and so on, endlessly.


20. Thus, the pair of lovers could be jarred apart by misunderstood motives, by accident of fate, by jealous rivals, by irate parents, by crafty guardians, by scheming relatives, and so forth and so forth; they could be reunited by a brave deed of the man lover, by a similar deed of the woman lover, by change of heart in one lover or the other, by forced confession of crafty guardian, scheming relative, or jealous rival, by voluntary confession of same, by discovery of some unguessed secret, by lover storming girls heart, by lover making long and noble self-sacrifice, and so on, endlessly.


irate 词典解释

1. 发怒的;极其愤怒的;被惹火的

If someone is irate, they are very angry about something.

e.g. The owner was so irate he almost threw me out of the place...


e.g. She then wrote an extremely irate letter to the New Statesman about me.


irate 单语例句

1. That incident led to United's irate manager Alex Ferguson being ordered from the dugout for swearing at the officials.

2. Although the shop owner insisted it was only a harmless prank, the irate woman nevertheless called the police and claimed she had been sexually harassed.

3. CHP Officer Elizabeth Addy said the woman escaped the crash Saturday without injury, but her boss was irate.

4. Instead of fighting each other, the irate parent and child turned their rage toward the officers and assaulted them.

5. Irate US lawmakers wary of Pakistan's promises of cooperation against militants in the region have threatened to cut off US aid to the country.

6. He became irate and violent after judges and policemen arrived at his home to enforce the ruling.

7. League officials say Jericho's mother became irate, threatening them and vowing to get the league shut down.

8. The statement could have been from anyone irate over soaring housing prices in Kunming, or any other Chinese city.

9. Mon Repos is usually a bustling marketplace on Saturdays, but everything was closed as irate villagers yelled at soldiers that began to arrive.

10. Two tourists were hurt when a brawl broke out between irate passengers and a group led by a bus driver in Beijing on Tuesday.

irateirate 英英释义


1. feeling or showing extreme anger

e.g. irate protesters

ireful words

Synonym: ireful