

laxative:[英 [ˈlæksətɪv] 美 [ˈlæksətɪv] ]



laxative 基本解释

名词泻药; [药]缓泻药


laxative 网络解释

1. laxative的解释

1. 泻药:鼠药李的叶片大而呈椭圆形,花朵很小,呈绿色. 它的果实是圆形的,类似浆果,成熟后变为黑色. 由于药鼠李树皮具有商业价值,人们种植这种树木,它的树皮可产生一种叫做鼠李皮(cascara sagrada)的药物,可用来当作泻药(laxative).

2. laxative的近义词

2. 通便剂:如果这些辨法都没有用,那就只好求助于通便剂(Laxative)了. 刺激性通便剂: 如果以上方法都没有用,那就只好刺激肠子了. 不过刺激太久,肠子变得迟钝,也会慢慢失效. 用得太多有时还会引起肠子病变. 这类刺激性通便剂较温和的是乐可舒(Dulcolax)塞剂.

3. 轻泻药:oral contraceptive pill: 口服避孕药 | laxative: 轻泻药 | antipyretic: 退热药

4. 轻泻剂:lawrencium 铹 | laxative 轻泻剂 | layer built cell 积层电池

laxative 双语例句

1. There are many excellent herbal laxative teas available, which contain ingredients such as senna and cascara sagrada bark.


2. Use the suppositories and laxative.


3. Once, just like a man given a laxative after going hungry for a few days, he could not even squeeze anything out no matter how hard he tried, and he just had to dismiss class a quarter of an hour early


4. It is an advanced alternative of laxative administration.


5. It has been proven as an excellent laxative source.


6. Many laxative have unnatural additives and sugar, which are not good for your health.


7. By learning which foods have a natural laxative property, you can control and eliminate your constipation.



8. Laxative products should not be used for a period longer than one week unless directed by a doctor.


9. In this case it may be a good idea to take either some herbal laxative tea or use internal salt water bathing.


10. Be s ure you are having three to four bowel movements a day by taking herbal laxative tea and the internal salt w ater bathing and try to keep a positive attitude and refraining from eating food and going off the diet.


11. B. C. Sumerian clay tablets found in the city of Nippur. Aloe used as a laxative agent.



12. Golden Seal has been around since times of the European conquest of America but has remained very strong because even today it is used for anti-catarrhal, anti inflammatory, antiseptic, astringent, bitter tonic, laxative, and muscular stimulants.


13. Some do not disclose their content of sugar alcohols, and some have so much of these additives that they are almost certain to produce laxative effects or gas.



14. Wood creosote has been used as a disinfectant, a laxative, and a cough treatment, but is rarely used these ways today.


15. Parity Supermarket of full range, well-equipped Fitness Center, romantic leiture place of seaside, elegant golf driving range, Recreation Center of laxative and comfortable, together with peculiar sunshine, beach, seawater, coconut trees, you will have wonderful experience of tropical coastal city.


16. If the high fiber supplementary food is made from natural ingredient, it won`t be like some laxative will loosen your intestinal tract, in reverse, fiber will enhance the peristaltic movement of gastro-intestinal tract, promotes healthier intestine and its function.


17. The health effect observed following sulfur sulfate ingestion are laxative action, diarrhea and enterogastritis.


18. The industry magnesia mainly uses in making the ceramics, the enamel, the fire-proof material and so on; In the polishing compound, the adhesive, in the paint manufacture takes the stopping; In the artificial fiber, the rubber (chloroprene rubber, fluorine rubber) make the promoter and the catalyst; Makes the antacid on the medicine in the laxative, uses in treating the hyperacidity, the stomach and duodenum ulcer; May take the hard sugar purification is the decolorant in the food processing, the ice cream pH value conditioner and so on; In the construction profession, the magnesia may the manufacturing contain the magnesium special cement and the heat preservation board and so on; The biggest use is serves as the fertilizer and domestic animal's feed in the agriculture, causes the plant and in the animal metabolism process principal element, when serves as cow's feed, may prevent because to lack nervous system function being out of balance which the magnesium causes, namely the so-called forage grass convulsion gets sick; Uses in the chemical industry making the metal magnesium and the magnesium chemical, like magnesium sulfate, magnesium chloride as well as other chemicals; Moreover also uses in the water treatment, the detergent which the flue was mad uses in the glass, the dye, the electric cable, the silcon steel industry, the uranium processing, the electronics industry, the insulation material industry, as well as uses in professions and so on petroleum chemical additive, casting, phenolic plastic.


19. The dried exudate of certain plants, as that of the Mediterranean ash tree, formerly used as a laxative.


20. laxative

20. Sweet fern and cold, and heat-clearing and detoxifying, laxative diuretic, nourishing the liver and kidney, the effect of insecticide-treated祛feng shi for Rectocele, jing feng children, chronic arthritis, high blood pressure, scurvy, bruises, internal injuries hematemesis, dizziness, insomnia have a better effect on measles, influenza prevention role.


laxative 词典解释

1. 泻剂;通便剂

A laxative is food or medicine that you take to make you go to the toilet.

e.g. Foods that ferment quickly in the stomach are excellent natural laxatives.


2. 有泻剂作用的;有通便作用的

A laxative food or medicine is one that you take to make you go to the toilet.


e.g. The artificial sweetener sorbitol has a laxative effect...


e.g. Molasses are mildly laxative and something of a general tonic.


laxative 英英释义


1. a mild cathartic



1. stimulating evacuation of feces