

pleading:[英 [ˈpli:dɪŋ] 美 [ˈplidɪŋ] ]



pleading 基本解释

名词恳求,请求; 辩论,辩护; [法]诉状; 诉讼程序


动词恳求,请求(plead的现在分词); 抗辩,答辩; 恳求,请求

pleading 网络解释

1. 请求:令状制度-一种建立在对各种晦涩难懂的技术名词进行强制统一的基础上的制度-之所以消亡,其传统解释认为是由于在19世纪初令状作为实践性的、有效的诉讼请求(pleading)工具并不能令人满意.

2. 抗辩:player 唱机 | pleading 抗辩 | please blank numbers 请将某号电报作为空号


3. 恳求:46: 冷漠的人Lindifferent 03:08 | 恳求Pleading | 47: 恳求Pleading 03:01

pleading 双语例句

1. In my mother's pleading, I have an opportunity.


2. This means a lot to me. I'm pleading with you.


3. If you'll hear my pleading, I'll return to you again.


4. I personally think that Dumbledore was pleading for the lives of his students and not his own.


5. pleading是什么意思

5. OK, stop pleading, I`ll tell you how it happened.



6. He is shown pleading and saying that it was a great mistake, he`s then shot dead.


7. By JENNIFER LOVEN 03.19.07, 5:51 PM ETThe Iraq war lumbered into its fifth year Monday with President Bush pleading for patience to let his revised battle plan work and Congress'new Democratic leaders retorting that none remains.



8. A similar but more complicated legal fiction involed pleading in the common law action of ejectment by wich title to real property was tired.


9. In the stories discussed above, although the ghost is sometimes seen pleading with her victim, her actual words are not overheard.


10. It was the pleading cry of a strong man in distress, but Bill's head did not turn.


11. It was the pleading cry of a strong man in distress, but Bill`s head did not turn.


12. pleading

12. None could remember the like of it for passionate pleading and moving and beautiful language.


13. The Goldfinches are back, or others like them, and the White-throated Sparrow's five-note song, pleading and pleading, brings tears to the eyes.


14. As he saw his brothers pleading with tears for their brother Benjamin, he realized they were different.


15. pleading的反义词

15. It seems like they're pleading for something, Zhang said to his secretary.


16. The former are actus reus and mens rea, the latter are factors of pleading no guilty.


17. According to Trevor Shaw, Crown Counsel, Commercial Crime Section of the CJB of the AGBC, a prosecutor and defense lawyer would, before the court hearing, arrange to settle a case against the defendant with the prosecutor agreeing to dismiss some of the charges against the defendant or reducing the charges in exchange for the defendant pleading guilty.



18. Someone was pleading for the return of a beagle puppy lost in the vicinity of our grade school.


19. In April he was sentenced to ten years in jail after pleading guilty to lèse majesté, the crime of defaming or threatening the Thai crown.


20. pleading是什么意思

20. I tried reasoning, pleading, and grouching, all to no avail.


pleading 词典解释

1. (表情或姿态)恳求的,请求的

A pleading expression or gesture shows someone that you want something very much.


e.g. ...his pleading eyes.


e.g. ...the pleading expression on her face...



He looked at me pleadingly.


2. 恳求;请求;吁请

Pleading is asking someone for something you want very much, in an intense or emotional way.

e.g. He simply ignored Sid's pleading.


e.g. ...the pleadings of the poorer countries.


pleading 单语例句

1. Tse's children also spoke on their father's behalf, pleading that their father had been careless but now was repentant.

2. A television channel showed a young women pilgrim pleading for water in a corner as rescuers brought more injured people on stretchers for treatment.

3. Lohan served 84 minutes in jail last month after pleading guilty to misdemeanor drunken driving and cocaine charges unrelated to the 2005 crash.

4. Anders Behring Breivik has confessed to the attacks but denied criminal responsibility, pleading not guilty on Monday to one of the deadliest modern mass killings in peacetime.

5. He was held in solitary confinement for nine months, then released in 2000 after pleading guilty to mishandling computer files.

6. Former security guard She claimed he was deprived of sleep during 10 days of interrogation until he signed documents pleading guilty to murder.

7. Green Bay Packers defender Johnny Jolly was sentenced to probation on Thursday after pleading guilty to a drug possession charge.

8. The first public sign of life came March 1 with the release of a video showing a weary and distraught Aubenas pleading for help.

9. The family's plight has drawn the sympathy of their neighbors and former colleagues, who jointly wrote a letter to the court pleading for mercy for the mother.

10. Reality television star Nicole Richie was sentenced to four days in jail a week ago, after pleading guilty to charges of driving while intoxicated.

pleading 英英释义


1. (law) a statement in legal and logical form stating something on behalf of a party to a legal proceeding



1. begging

Synonym: beseechingimploring