

blight:[英 [blaɪt] 美 [blaɪt] ]


过去式:blighted;   过去分词:blighted;   现在分词:blighting;

blight 基本解释

名词凋萎病; 坏因素; 毁坏; 衰退

及物动词使凋萎; 使颓丧; 损害; 妨害

不及物动词患枯萎病; 枯萎,颓丧


blight 相关例句


1. blight

1. The dry spell blighted the crops.


2. blight的意思

2. Her life was blighted by an unhappy marriage.


3. Frost blighted the crops.



1. Our potatoes blighted.



1. blight

1. These beetles are a blight to cotton.


blight 网络解释

1. blight

1. 枯萎:的转运和三磷酸腺甙(ATP)的合成. 噻苯达唑也是一种抗真菌剂,主要用于水果和蔬菜防霉(mold)和防枯萎(blight)

2. 枯萎病:枯萎病(blight)亦称疫病. 由真菌或细菌引致的植物病害,发病突然,症状包括严重的点斑、凋萎或叶、花、果、茎或整株植物的死亡. 生长迅速的幼嫩组织常被侵袭. 大多数重要经济作物均受一种或多种疫病感染. 疫病可影响花、叶、芽包、幼苗、小枝、茎(藤)及顶梢.

3. 见不到光就枯萎:我为生病而恸哭(wail)只有last 持续-最后(last),无法持续只能爆炸(blast),炸开了岩石成碎片(clast),前添后加才变灵活(elastic)布莱迷失是污点(blemish),虽然不多也很脏(blot),见不到光就枯萎(blight),不持续就爆炸(blast),

blight 双语例句


1. The best plan seems to be to answer that I have entirely abandoned mere literature, and am contemplating a book on'The Causes of Early Blight in the Potato, 'a melancholy circumstance which threatens to deprive us of our chief esculent root.


2. blight的解释

2. For example, rust, which we have just mentioned, is caused by fungi; fire blight of fruit trees and bacterial blight of bean s by bacteria mosaic by viruses; and root knot by nematodes.


3. blight的意思

3. In many dark night, I often lay against the corner of the wall and lighting up many cigarette, let that blight fire warm up the coldness in heart, let it listen the dropping sound of the tears, light blue smoke silently fill up my space.


4. Fire blight, cause by the Gram-negative bacterium Erwinia amylovora, is a destructive bacterial disease of pear and apple and other fruit trees and ornamental plants.

由格兰氏阴性菌 Erwinia amylovora引起的梨火疫病对梨树、苹果树以及一些观赏性植物具有极大的破坏性。

5. Monte-Carlo simulation was used for the evaluation of the risk probabilities of invasion of the fire blight disease caused by Erwinia amylovora via imported apple fruits by considering that the proportion of infected fruits varying on the production area and the year.



6. The leading rootstock is trifoliate orange. It is incompatible with the scions during the late period, and it has not the resistances of deep and harden soil, saility soil and the dramatical and huge change in the air temperature, and it is infected with exocortis, dam ping-off, bacterial wilt and fire blight easily.


7. Apple Powdery Mildew, HYG-3001-94, Fire Blight of Apples, Crabapples and Pears, HYG-3002-94, Scab of Apple and Crabapple, HYG-3003-94, Grape Black Rot, HYG-3004-94, Peach Canker, HYG-3005-94, Peach Leaf Curl, HYG-3006-94, Anthracnose of Raspberry and Blackberry, HYG-3007-94......


8. On the basis of ecologic balance, developing the complex biological preparation as a goal, we first explored two compatibly antagonists to control the leaf disease of forest plant and hoped this two antagonistic fungi could play a cooperative role in controlling the pine needle blight. The main research results were as follows: 1, The dual test showed the two antagonistic fungi(Gliocladiutm virens, Bacillus firmus)had some differences to Pestalotia funerea in the inhibition mode. The role of G virens to the P. funerea, mainly displayed the competition in the nutrition and space, but the B. firmus had the distinct inhibition zone to the P.

本研究以生态平衡为理论基础,开发复合生物制剂为目标,首次将两种亲和拮抗菌用于森林植物叶部病害,以期两种复合拮抗菌在松属植物赤枯病防治中发挥协同作用,其主要研究结果如下:1、对峙培养显示两种颉抗菌(Gliocladium virens、Bacillus firmus)对赤枯病菌的抗生方式有一些差异。G.virens对P.funerea的作用,主要表现为营养与空间上的竞争,无抑菌圈;而B.firmus对P.funerea有明显的抑菌圈(平均6mm),对峙培养4-5d后菌丝逐稀疏、干枯、变黄。

9. They could increase the rate of germination, promote seedling growth, delay and lowerase the incidence of maize sheath blight.



10. Resistance: high resistance to falling over, the northern Blight of corn, the grey leaf spot of corn head smut and maize Borer.


11. Identification of disease and pest resistance was done by Institute of Plant Protection, Hebei Academy of Agricultural Science, and the variety demonstrated resistance to southern blight leaf; mid-resistance to stalk rot, corn Curvularia leaf spot; high resistance to northern blight leaf, corn smut, corn dwarf mosaic; and sensitive to corn borer.


12. blight在线翻译

12. Rice bacterial blight resistance; japonica hybrid rice; marker-assisted selection; transgenic japonica restorer line; transgene Xa21


13. blight

13. After the promotion of anti-stripe virus disease rice, rice sheath blight disease has become the primary disease that affects organic rice production. As most of the rice breeds promoted in Jiangsu cannot resist sheath blight disease, the Farm should further its investigation into organic rice disease prevention and control. The following are some pieces of advice concerning the above mentioned problems: implementation of integrated layout and design of organic rice base, together with alteration of facilities, improvement of pig waste utilization rate, enhancement of envirenmental protection and extinction of envirenmental pollution; the harmony and continuous development of stockbreeding and organic rice industry; selection of anti-disease breeds so as to meet the needs of organic rice production; formulation of technical regulations of organic rice production; establishment and development of disease forecast system; populization of planting techniques; enhancement of envirenmetal awareness among inhabitants on the farm, etc.



14. This paper describes fluopicolide, a new fungicide for control of Oomycete diseases such as downy mildewand late blight, providing its chemical name, physical and chemical properties, toxicity, route of discovery, mechanismof action, efficacy, patent status, and synthesis methodology.


15. This paper describes fluopicolide, a new fungicide for control of Oomycete diseases such as downy mildew and late blight, providing its chemical name, physical and chemical properties, toxicity, route of discovery, mechanismof action, efficacy, patent status, and synthesis methodology.


16. blight的解释

16. In the greenhouse, tomato seedling was treated with 100 times, 200times and 300times of juice of clover and leek and wood vinegar, and with three different way of treatment: spraying the leaf, sprinkling the root and sprinkling the root combination of spraying the leaf. Then the disease index of tomato early blight was investigated, and the controlling effects was calculated. At the same time, the quantities of microbes around the tomato root were counted.


17. blight的翻译

17. Upgrade Aura of Blight - Increases the regenerative effect of the Obsidian Statue''''s hit point regeneration.


18. blight是什么意思

18. Having bad teeth can blight your life.


19. And it's the Fed's responsibility to do all it can to end that blight.


20. Cazaril is left to try and figure out what he can do to remove this blight.


blight 词典解释

1. 破坏因素;祸根;阴影

You can refer to something as a blight when it causes great difficulties, and damages or spoils other things.


e.g. This discriminatory policy has really been a blight on America...


e.g. Manchester still suffers from urban blight and unacceptable poverty.


2. 破坏(生活);使(希望)破灭;摧毁;损毁

If something blights your life or your hopes, it damages and spoils them. If something blights an area, it spoils it and makes it unattractive.


e.g. An embarrassing blunder nearly blighted his career before it got off the ground.


e.g. ...thousands of families whose lives were blighted by unemployment.


3. (植物的)枯萎病

Blight is a disease which makes plants dry up and die.

blight 单语例句

1. China is determined to continue its offensive against the abject poverty which continues to blight millions of lives.

2. Yet scientists insist it would be relatively easy to introduce a basic gene construct into potatoes that would make them resistant to blight.

3. Many people look down upon the homeless and consider them a blight.

4. The collapse of the Lotus building was not the first major accident to blight Shanghai's construction industry in recent months.

5. Tests on a tree in Wakefield have confirmed the blight is now present in Yorkshire in the north of England.

6. To tackle this worrying blight on the nation's future prospects, reforms should be carried out in the following ways.

7. The area is a beloved institution or a blight, depending on whom is asked.

blight 英英释义


1. any plant disease resulting in withering without rotting

2. a state or condition being blighted


1. cause to suffer a blight

e.g. Too much rain may blight the garden with mold

Synonym: plague