

despatch:[英 [dɪ'spætʃ] 美 [dɪˈspætʃ] ]


despatch 基本解释


名词& 动词派遣




despatch 网络解释

1. 速遣费:如租船人在装卸期间届满前提前完成装货或卸货,则由船方向货方支付速遣费(Despatch). 通常速遗费为滞期费的一半. 转运(Transhipment)指需要两个以上运输工具才能完成的货物运输. 由于转运会增加成本延长运输时间,因此,

2. 调度:desorption 解吸 | despatch 调度 | destructive combustion 完全燃烧

3. 派遣:despairingly 绝望地 | despatch 派遣 | desperado 暴徒


4. 派遣 运往(送):custom 习俗 惯例 | despatch 派遣 运往(送) | difference 差别 差额

despatch 双语例句

1. 6If the Contract shall be terminated under the provisions of the last preceding sub- clause, the Contractor shall, with all reasonable despatch, remove from the site all Constructional Plant and shall give similar facilities to his Sub - Contractors to do so.


2. When the cause excuse excusing the deviation or delay ceases to operate, the ship must resume her course, and prosecute her voyage, with reasonable despatch.


3. The Buyer shall pay to the Seller demurrage for all time lost in excess of allowed laytime at Discharging Port and the Seller shall pay to the Buyer despatch for the working time saved at Discharging Port against the allowed laytime.


4. The Master to prosecute all voyages with the utmost despatch and to render customary assistance with the Vessel's Crew.


5. The Master to prosecute all voyages with the utmost despatch and to render customary assistance with the Veesel's Crew.


6. despatch的近义词

6. We will add the seafreight costs to the Invoice at the time of shipment and despatch as requested on a CIF Fuzhou City Limits.


7. Computing freight, collecting and effecting payment for account of the EntrustingParty, attending to settlement of despatch money and/or demurrage


8. The rate of despatch money shall be half of the rate of demurrage.


9. Mainly used at the despatch department or at the storage plant.


10. UnderCFR terms, the sellers shall advise the buyers by CABLE/FAX/TELEX of the contract No., commodity, invoice value and the dateof despatch two days before the shipment for the buyers to arrangeinsurance in time.


11. I used all despatch, and am thankful I was not too late: as you, doubtless, must be also.


12. DHDWTS despatch money bends half demurrage and for working time saved. at both ends.

装卸 港口的速遣费均按滞期费的一半,和按节省的工作时间计算。。。

13. I will want you to help me collect this deposit and despatch it to charity organizations.


14. Please let me know whne you will despatch - as soon as you can

请让我知道你会派遣whne -只要您能

15. despatch

15. Opportunity for despatch of my hands is a long, cloth, I am stunned: What is this?


16. Opportunity for despatch my hands is a long, cloth, I stunned: What's this?


17. 1 Unless otherwise notified by the Company to the contrary, the Supplier shall be entitled to invoice the Company on or at any time after delivery of the Goods, or performance of the Services, as the case may be, (subject always to an unqualified Acceptance Acknowledgement of Order having been received by the Company) and each invoice shall quote the number of the Order, the invoice number, the packing or despatch note number, the quantity and description of the Goods and/or Services, the date of delivery and/or performance, the Supplier's name, address, telephone number and the Supplier's VAT registration number.

6.1 除非被对方另外告知,供应方将有权在交付货物或履行服务时或其后开具发票,(即便交易对象不符合合同的接收认可条件但已被接收方接受)。发票要包括的内容有:合同编号、发票编号、包装配送编号、物品或服务项目的数量及描述,交付日期,供应方的名称、地址、电话号码以及供应方的增值税注册号。

18. It is a condition of this insurance that Assured shall act with reasonable despatch in all circumstance within their control.


19. It is a condition of this insurance that the Assured shall act with reasonable despatch in all circumstances within their control.


20. This range of variable spring supports is preset to the installed load position prior to despatch from our works.


despatch 词典解释

1. -> see dispatch

despatch 英英释义



1. the act of sending off something

Synonym: dispatchshipment

2. killing a person or animal

Synonym: dispatch

3. the property of being prompt and efficient

e.g. it was done with dispatch

Synonym: dispatchexpeditionexpeditiousness

4. an official report (usually sent in haste)

Synonym: dispatchcommunique



1. send away towards a designated goal

Synonym: dispatchsend off