

frightening:[英 [ˈfraɪtnɪŋ] [ˈfraɪtnɪŋ] ]


过去式:frightened;   过去分词:frightened;

frightening 基本解释



frightening 网络解释

1. 可怕的:11 C 前后照应逻辑推理 大部分的人都认为这些脚印仅仅是一般(ordinary)动物,即上文中的monkey or bear,留下的足迹,无所谓巨大的(huge),可怕的(frightening)动物,更与最近(recent)无关.

2. 驚嚇:瘧疾 malaria | 驚嚇 frightening | 挑戰 challenge

3. frightening

3. 令人恐惧的:noise=啸叫; | frightening=令人恐惧的; | last=持续;

4. frightening的反义词

4. 心令人恐俱的:frightened受惊的.受恐吓的 | frightening心令人恐俱的 | congratulation 祝贺.(复数)

frightening 双语例句

1. A catastrophe such as an earthquake, hurricane, tornado, fire, flood, or violent acts is frightening to children and adults alike.


2. Now the waste, enough to install a trolley full of frightening.


3. frightening

3. Searching in that area, he found a peculiar statue of some weird goddess, presumably some four-armed Daedra, that was surrounded by frightening worshipers who, when he asked them where he was, told him that he should return at night with some Nightshade if he was searching for the Webspinner's blessing.


4. They were frightened to hear the frightening sound.


5. That doesn't sound very frightening, Paul. I've seen worse. What did


6. It may sound frightening but makes a lot of sense.


7. The changes may sound rather frightening to some of you who have not yet been so well informed.


8. frightening的反义词

8. E. g. They were frightened to hear the frightening sound.



9. I've got to go Gotta leave you all behind and face the truth Mama, I don't want to die I sometimes wish I'd never been born at all I see a little silhouetto of a man Scaramouche, Scaramouche, will you do the Fandango Thunderbolt and lightning, very very frightening me Galileo Galileo Galileo figaro Magnifico I'm just a poor boy and nobody loves me He's just a poor boy from a poor family Spare him his life from this monstrosity Easy come, easy go, will you let me go Bismillah!

有时候,我希望自己没有出生到这个世上,我看到一个男人的侧影,Scaramouche ,你会跳西班牙舞吗?雷鸣与闪电把我吓坏了,Galileo Galileo Galileo figaro Magnifico 我只是个穷人的孩子,没有人喜欢我,他只是个来自穷苦人家的可怜孩子,饶了这个怪胎一命吧!

10. Frightening Rock music got into his life then and made him go to professional music school. 1998, Wang Wei graduated from ALTAS college where he studied BLUES and ROCK.

就在十多岁的时候惊世骇俗的摇滚音乐进入了王威的生命中,他进入专业音乐学校学习。1998年毕业于巴黎ALTAS 音乐学校。

11. frightening的近义词

11. It was a frightening time for us because the goat milk and the kids were part of our income in supporting the farm.


12. Sigmund Freud Frightening as it may be, the Earth`s fate rests in the hands of children.


13. frightening的翻译

13. However, the frightening fact was that this shut down was caused by a network system shut down which resulted in it being unable to send signals to the trains.


14. frightening的解释

14. With these frightening predictions in mind, we need to try to heat-proof our agriculture.


15. The tiger thought the kotgahm must be a terrifically fierce creature to be more frightening than a tiger.


16. At that time, the frightening, robotic creature had a pair of legs astride an actual rock drill.


17. frightening

17. In fact, at the same time the public was accusing Zhang Jianhua`s artworks of grotesqueness and of frightening viewers, he was similarly receiving attacks from the academic community.


18. The image of one baby seal alone on the ice or one baby girl orphaned in war is still frightening in its helplessness.


19. frightening在线翻译

19. To me, this is really a frightening prospect, and I don't want to be caught in it; but I still don't know what to do.


20. Therefore, having a USN or USNS ships tagging around the PRC Coast is a frightening waste of time and money.


frightening 单语例句

1. The fact that he also challenges the men who follow him on emotional and psychological levels makes him not just charismatic but downright frightening.

2. While Romero's sixth zombie movie shows flashes of his signature cheeky sense of humor, it's never frightening or suspenseful.

3. The real world can be a frightening and lonely place for people with autism, and many wind up living at home with their parents in adulthood.

4. There is only one thing more frightening than China's exponential growth.

5. The round ones are perfect for frighteningly smiling faces while protruding teeth would fit on the long ones to make frightening yelling faces.

6. Brazil's greatest footballer said he was most concerned about delays in building or improving stadiums and modernising the country's " frightening " airport system.

7. Brendan is a huge animal lover and they generally like him, but he did once have a frightening moment with an enraged gaggle of geese.

8. Not even the frightening gravitational forces of an imperfect landing could taint the rare experience.

9. The horse broke through the hall's glass doors and began running around the business hall, frightening three clerks working behind the counter.

10. Their noble deeds lent a touch of humane warmth to that otherwise frightening night.

frightening 英英释义


1. the act of inspiring with fear

Synonym: terrorizationterrorisation


1. causing fear or dread or terror

e.g. the awful war

an awful risk

dire news

a career or vengeance so direful that London was shocked

the dread presence of the headmaster

polio is no longer the dreaded disease it once was

a dreadful storm

a fearful howling

horrendous explosions shook the city

a terrible curse

Synonym: awfuldiredirefuldread(a)dreadeddreadfulfearfulfearsomehorrendoushorrificterrible