

mathematician:[英 [ˌmæθəməˈtɪʃn] 美 [ˌmæθəməˈtɪʃən] ]



mathematician 基本解释



mathematician 网络解释

1. 数学家:masseuse : 女按摩师 | mathematician : 数学家 | mechanic: 机械师 ,机修工

2. 数学家 yKq中国英语学习网:masseuse : 女按摩师 yKq中国英语学习网 | mathematician : 数学家 yKq中国英语学习网 | mechanic: 机械师 ,机修工 yKq中国英语学习网

3. mathematician的意思

3. 家:masseuse : 女按摩师 | mathematician : 家 | mechanic: 机械师 ,机修工


4. 算术家:expert on folklore俗学家 | mathematician算术家 | biologist生物学家

mathematician 双语例句

1. mathematician的翻译

1. You have a strong ability to process visual-spatial and mathematical information and this, combined with your logical mind, means you are a Visual Mathematician.


2. The new clerk was a clever mathematician but was content to hide his light under a bushel.


3. Alfred North Whitehead (1861-1947), the famed mathematician-philosopher, sought a set of metaphysical concepts that would be able to explain all individual beings, from God to the most insignificant thing.

曹绍伟北白石( 1861年至1947年),著名的数学家-哲学家,寻求一套形而上的观念,将能解释所有个别的人,从上帝到最微不足道的事。

4. The project was designed to be elaborated on and built by the client, an enterprising mathematician and motorcyclist.


5. He is as great a mathematician as any.


6. He was a mathematician of the first order.


7. I'm a doctor, not a mathematician.


8. He is as great as a mathematician as any.


9. My father is a doctor, and my mother is a mathematician.


10. The mathematician said: Thank you, thank you for asking me.


11. The primary members were Hermarchus, the financier Idomeneus, Leonteus and his wife Themista, the satirist Colotes, the mathematician Polyaenus of Lampsacus, and Metrodorus of Lampsacus, the most famous popularizer of Epicureanism.


12. mathematician

12. The wife of the well-known physicist PORY left him and eloped with a mathematician.


13. Renes Descartes, French Philosopher and mathematician


14. One important reason of forming diversity geometry curriculum versions is that the understanding of mathematician to the status and role of geometry in the mathematics curriculum is inconsistent to mathematics educators.


15. mathematician什么意思

15. 1947 British mathematician, logician, philosopher, founder of process philosophy.


16. Everyone admired the mathematician.


17. mathematician的近义词

17. In Angola, the Chokwe people draw lines in the sand, and it's what the German mathematician Euler called a graph; we now call it an Eulerian path -- you can never lift your stylus from the surface, and you can never go over the same line twice.


18. Leonardo Fibonacci (1175 - 1250), who was born in Paris, is a famous Italian mathematician.

斐波那契(1175 - 1250)出生於巴黎,是一位著名的意大利数学家。


19. Qin Jiushao (about 1202 – 1261) was a famous Chinese mathematician during the Song Dynasty.

秦九韶(约公元1202 – 1261)是中国宋元时期一位著名数学家,著有《数书九章》共18卷。

20. mathematician的意思

20. It was the brainchild of Fred Hoyle, a distinguished mathematician


mathematician 词典解释

1. 数学家

A mathematician is a person who is trained in the study of numbers and calculations.

e.g. The risks can be so complex that banks hire mathematicians to puzzle them out.


2. 善于计算的人;有数学头脑的人

A mathematician is a person who is good at doing calculations and using numbers.

e.g. I'm not a very good mathematician.


mathematician 单语例句

1. With his enigmatic maxim that " one plus one equals one, " Tan describes himself as a " spiritual mathematician " and is known for his creative scoring.

2. The Fields medals were founded in 1936 and named after Canadian mathematician John Charles Fields.

3. Particle physicist Paolo Giordano and mathematician Guillermo Martinez discuss how their training has molded their minds and inspired their work.

4. The archive was collected by Einstein's colleague Ernst Gabor Straus, a young mathematician whom the great physicist selected to help him during his Princeton years.

5. He is a former university lecturer and gifted mathematician, whom police suspect of designing the bombs used in the Bali attacks.

6. Marks with pronunciations similar to Newton - the famed mathematician - and movie stars Zhang Ziyi and Fan Bingbing will also be up for sale.

mathematician 英英释义



1. a person skilled in mathematics