

expanse:[英 [ɪkˈspæns] 美 [ɪkˈspæns] ]



expanse 基本解释


名词广阔的区域; 扩张,展开; 苍天

expanse 相关例句


1. expanse

1. The Sahara is a vast expanse of desert.


2. A vast expanse of rice fields was laid out before us.


expanse 网络解释

1. 宽阔:expanding 展开的 | expanse 宽阔 | expansibility 扩展性

2. expanse的翻译

2. 广阔:frontier 邊緣地帶 | expanse 廣闊 | seagoing 遠洋航行的

3. 膨胀:expandtubes 胀管 | expanse 膨胀 | expansibility 膨胀率 膨胀性 胀度

4. 广阔;浩渺;太空;膨胀:expanding-spread vertical-loop technique 展开排列垂直回路技术 | expanse 广阔;浩渺;太空;膨胀 | expansibility 膨胀性

expanse 双语例句

1. 6 God said, Let there be an expanse in the midst of the waters and let it separate water from water.

1:6 神说:让那里有一大空域,使它和水与水分开。

2. The Singapore Flyer, a giant Ferris wheel, looks down on the vast expanse of building site.


3. 15 And let them serve as lights in the expanse of the sky to give light on the earth.

1:15 和使它们成为天空上照地的光体。

4. expanse的意思

4. Jingjing from the broad expanse of forest, a symbol of the harmonious coexistence of man and nature.


5. Jingjing from the broad expanse of forest, as a symbol of harmony between man and nature coexist.


6. The Pacific Ocean is a vast expanse of water.


7. However, in this vast expanse of water, I was able to learn to find a sheltered harbor you - is you.


8. expanse的翻译

8. Not quite sure of her direction Tess stood still upon the hemmed expanse of verdant flatness, like a fly on a billiard-table of indefinite length, and of no more consequence to the surroundings than that fly.


9. expanse的反义词

9. This is a vast expanse of space, it seems a deadly silence......


10. Schools located in the boundless expanse of blue water of Hengshui Lake - Jizhou


11. Yueqing Branch Electronics Co., Ltd. is located in boundless expanse of blue water of the East Sea, the world's Yandangfoot.


12. It glides past the great plains, prairie, leaving a shadow there; it glides past the great forest, leaving gloomy darkness; it glides past the stream, dissolving the dark gray gloaming into the rippling water sound, with the surface of the water shimmering in tranquility; it glides past the top of mountains, leaving them the light of stars and the moon; if glides past the small village, leaving a vast expanse of evening smog…slices of the dusk are torn off by corners of the wall and spider webs.


13. expanse

13. Spring, the campus fine spring day, students filled with cheerful mood and birds joints duet; summer, tree-lined campus, students and cicadas composing poems and couplets; fall, the campus became a golden sea, great achievements company of the students and leaves together to learn new knowledge, to share the joy of harvest; winter, the campus became a vast expanse of whiteness, the students and Axue girl friends, and spent memorable years.


14. Gold Coast is a beautiful tourist city on the east coastline of Australia. The 70km coastline features Australia's largest expanse of calm water.


15. Lyle established the tone of his brother and sister-in-law`s home at the entry, bracketing the foyer between a glossy black archway and an expanse of ebony wallpaper.


16. Days is the weight, how wide expanse days how?


17. Due to this even expansion, a greater expanse of alveolar membrane becomes available for gas exchange.


18. Robert had eaten nothing that morning, but he glanced at the long expanse of dreary table-cloth, the silver tea and coffee equipage, the stiff splendour and the very little appearance of any substantial entertainment, and he declined Mr. Talboys'invitation.


19. He had begun an anecdote, and in his broad expanse of face his tiny mouth writhed like a


20. He had begun an anecdote, and in his broad expanse of face his tiny mouth writhed like a caterpillar.


expanse 词典解释

1. 广袤;辽阔;浩瀚

An expanse of something, usually sea, sky, or land, is a very large amount of it.

e.g. ...a vast expanse of grassland.


expanse 单语例句

1. And the expanse of of JW Marriott Hotel's conference room in Admiralty yesterday still seemed like outer space to them.

2. Mist creeps across a green expanse of water in the diffuse dawn light, as a small fishing boat bobs in our wake.

3. The factory is about an hour's drive from downtown, standing out on a vast expanse of moorland with no other buildings nearby.

4. That's an expanse of nearly 6 billion trillion miles of emptiness, a University of Minnesota team announced Thursday.

5. Xinjiang is well known for the expanse of its area and richness of natural resources, as well for its wonderful scenic spots and enchanting spectacles of nature.

6. But beyond the narrow strip of water between the two countries, the expanse of unfavorable mutual perception is wider and far more difficult to bridge.

7. His dragons are portrayed in different settings including the seasons as well as the seminal moments in the broad expanse of Chinese history and culture.

8. Many developers have failed to keep their promise when it comes to the quality of houses or the expanse of greenery in a residential complex.

9. The massive concrete silos of a grain elevator towered over the flattened expanse of what was left of the town.

10. Looking down on the hilly road leading to the Longmen Cave, the vast expanse of rape flowers stretches out like a yellow sea.

expanse 英英释义


1. a wide scope

e.g. the sweep of the plains

Synonym: sweep

2. the extent of a 2-dimensional surface enclosed within a boundary

e.g. the area of a rectangle

it was about 500 square feet in area

Synonym: areasurface area

3. a wide and open space or area as of surface or land or sky