

catfish:[英 [ˈkætfɪʃ] 美 [ˈkætˌfɪʃ] ]


  复数形式:catfish; catfishes;

catfish 基本解释



catfish 网络解释


1. 鲇鱼:美国食品及药物管理局说,他们已扣押了一批中国鲇鱼(catfish)、巴町鱼(basa)和鲮鱼(dace),以及虾和鳗鱼. 该局官员在去年10月至今年5月抽检进口...

2. catfish

2. (猫鱼):并每年都举行比赛.比赛者都要在比赛日当天在附近河道中徒手捉猫鱼,并在规定时间前运送到比赛现场.谁的鱼最重就得胜.参加人数可以是个人或团体,所以非常热闹.人人参加,不限年龄、性别.大猫鱼(Catfish)是淡水鱼类,生活在内河之中,

3. 鲶鱼, 淡水鱼,肉质滑嫩但土腥味较重,可红烧:bass 海鲈鱼, 肉质鲜嫩, 清蒸或烧均可. | catfish 鲶鱼, 淡水鱼,肉质滑嫩但土腥味较重,可红烧. | croaker 白花鱼,跟黄花鱼是一类,肉质很嫩,清蒸.

catfish 双语例句

1. No, trust me, you want the catfish.

不 相信我你想要的是鲶鱼

2. Depending upon the type and size of catfish you plan to fish for, you may need...


3. Catching catfish is supposed to be easy.


4. It was a very big catfish.


5. However, there are several other ways in which to prepare catfish rigs that can guarantee good results.



6. When the giant catfish was caught in May, a biologist named Zeb S.

巨鲶在五月被捉时,一位名叫Zeb S。


7. The first victim of an ecological crisis could be the Mekong giant catfish, which has been on the ropes for years.


8. Mather M E%Di R T Oxidant, mixed function oxidase and peroxisomal responses in channel catfish exposed to a bleached kraft mill effluent 10.1007/BF01064409 Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 1991, null


9. The results were as follows:The pituitary of Long-snout catfish included adenohypophysis and neurohypophysis. The adenohypophysis have six-cell types in common, i. e adrenocorticotro-phs, lactot-rophs, somatotrophs, gonadotrophs, thyrotrophs, and Melanotroph cells. In neurohypophysis, there were three types of neurosecretory fibres, types A1, A2 and B. There were different typesgranules in type A neurosecretory fibres axone. In type B neurosecretory fibres axone, there were many small transparent vesicles.


10. The results were as follows: The pituitary of Long-snout catfish included adenohypophysis and neurohypophysis. The adenohypophysis have six-cell types in common, i. e adrenocorticotro-phs, lactot-rophs, somatotrophs, gonadotrophs, thyrotrophs, and Melanotroph cells. In neurohypophysis, there were three types of neurosecretory fibres, types A1, A2 and B. There were different types'granules in type A neurosecretory fibres axone. In type B neurosecretory fibres axone, there were many small transparent vesicles.


11. There are a few basic methods that are effective in catching catfish.


12. Q. What's the difference between a catfish and a lawyer?


13. The pilchard that social status does not poor people drowsy, and carnivorous person the arrival of catfish, make them to flee for one's life a scene of bustling activity, vibrant.


14. Few areas in the Midwest, let alone North America, offer such a diverse variety of fish species - Musky, Walleye, Smallmouth Bass, Crappie, Northern Pike, Channel Catfish, Bluegill, Largemouth Bass, Yellow Perch, Trout and more abound here.

在中西部,更不用说美国北部的几个领域提供这种不同的各种鱼类的-Musky 明太鱼、小嘴鲈、Crappie、北 Pike、通道鲶鱼、Bluegill、大嘴鲈、黄鲈鱼、鲑鱼、更多在这里不胜枚举。

15. Whether elicited by infection or intraperitoneal injection of i-antigen, the serum and mucus antibody responses of channel catfish immunized against I. multifiliis did not occur synchronously.


16. The rate of juvenile to glochidia parasitized in yellow catfish and grass carp was obviously higher than that in silver carp, bighead and crucian carp.


17. The results showed that either higher or lower parasitic density of glochidia, either longer or shorter parasitic time, the quantity of glochidia infested on yellow catfish and grass carp was obviously higher than that on silver carp, bighead and crucian carp.


18. catfish在线翻译

18. In addition to the two new cyprinid species described in this study, the authors also mention other undescribed fish species in the South Rukuru River, which include at least one other `Barbus` species, two species of the amphiliid catfish Zaireichthys.

在这项研究过程中,除了所描述的两个新种鲤科鱼之外,作者也提到在南方Rukuru 河还有其他未被描述过的种类,这至少包括另外一种'鲃属的鱼,以及两种Zaireichthys属的amphiliid 鲶鱼。

19. And he caught the biggest catfish in Plaquemines County.


20. If she married the guy who caught the biggest catfish in Plaquemines County.


catfish 词典解释

1. 鲶鱼

Catfish are a type of fish that have long thin spines around their mouths.

catfish 单语例句

1. His goal is to see how many of these catfish are left.

2. Four boats mark the area where wealthier fishermen use the long nets that end up trapping the giant catfish.

3. It also has sparked an outcry from Vietnam, which faces similar penalties for catfish exports and has called the US effort protectionist.

4. There are 12 seasonal dishes, such as braised catfish with spring bamboo shoots and steamed shad with rice wine.

5. Mississippi's catfish farmers could also be wiped out if the Yazoo floods their ponds and washes away their fish.

6. Giant catfish becomes resident's pet fish A recently netted giant catfish has become a pet fish.

7. Wu is all the more worried about the US restrictions because that country is the major destination of Chinese catfish exports.

8. Low water levels and a summer heat wave probably killed the catfish, among the biggest found in Germany.

9. The only thing Wu and the other catfish breeders can do is keep their fingers crossed.

10. His company rears catfish for exports and has suffered huge losses because of the restrictions.

catfish 英英释义


1. any of numerous mostly freshwater bottom-living fishes of Eurasia and North America with barbels like whiskers around the mouth

Synonym: siluriform fish

2. large ferocious northern deep-sea food fishes with strong teeth and no pelvic fins

Synonym: wolffishwolf fish

3. flesh of scaleless food fish of the southern United States

often farmed

Synonym: mudcat