

disproportionate:[英 [ˌdɪsprəˈpɔ:ʃənət] 美 [ˌdɪsprəˈpɔ:rʃənət] ]


disproportionate 基本解释

形容词不成比例的; 不相称的; 不均衡的; 打破平衡

disproportionate 相关例句


1. disproportionate的反义词

1. They suddenly found out that they had spend a disproportionate amount of their money on clothing.


disproportionate 网络解释

1. 不相称的:此角色有没有不常见的发型,或者其头发有没有相对於其他角色而言不相称的(disproportionate)性质(description)?23. 即使对这角色而言这种穿著极其不符合逻辑(illogical)亦然?(基於财政上的(monetary)问题,或者这对角色的职业构成干扰)27.

2. 不成比例的:disproportion 不相称 | disproportionate 不成比例的 | dissection 剖分

3. 不成比例:disproportionally 不相称地 | disproportionate 不成比例 | disprovable 可证明为误的

4. disproportionate

4. 不相称的,不匀称的:disproportionate 不相称的,不匀称的 | objectionable 令人不愉快的,有害的 | abnormal 不正常的

disproportionate 双语例句

1. By far the worst form of competition in schools is the disproportionate emphasis on examinations.


2. disproportionate在线翻译

2. Growing awareness of this disproportionate exposure to systemic risk may reduce investors` appetite for securitised products.


3. To deduce that in this case it invalidates the election is disproportionate-as the Constitutional Court may well conclude.


4. To deduce that in this case it invalidates the election is disproportionate—as the Constitutional Court may well conclude.


5. You must not allow it to usurp a disproportionate share of your interest.


6. The device of committing the collection of the revenue to middlemen, the publicans, who p46 realised profits altogether disproportionate to their services, was superseded partly by the direct collection of the taxes by Imperial officials, partly through the agency of the local magistracies of the towns.


7. For organizing vegetation submodel, started with the bottom-up gateway to agglomerate plot-data. The vegetation types must be confirmed before predictive vegetation mapping, therefore designed a transforming program to combine 585 plot-data from different surveys for the purpose. But the result of the classification and ordination of the combined plot-data couldn`t display comprehensive vegetation types of Taiwan, because the plots were insufficient and disproportionate. Consequently, this study adopted the top-down gateway to divisive vegetation. After referring to Taiwan and east-Asia vegetation research papers and American national vegetation classification system etc., the physiognomic classification scheme of Taiwan had been drafted as vegetation submodel. The scheme included 4 levels: 2 classes, 5subclasses (subarctic, coldtemperate, cooltemperate, warmtemperate, subtropical), 8 groups (based on phenology and types of predominant leaf) and 16 formations (based on moisture regime and predominant taxa). And, the scheme dealt completely with the diverse nomenclatures of vegetation types in the past.

为建立植群亚模型,首先依「整合大量样区资料,由下而上的低阶植相聚类」之途径,设计建档程序及转档程式,成功整并不同来源之585个样区资料,但因样区数目不足且分布不均,分析结果未能显示出台湾完整的植群类型;故转循「预先设定植群类型,由上而下的高阶形相分类」之途径,经参考他国植群分类系统及台湾、东亚植群分类研究报告,订定分类原则及架构,提出4阶层之潜在植群形相分类方案:(1)寒原、森林2类群系纲;(2)亚寒带、冷温带、凉温带、暖温带、亚热带5类群系亚纲;(3) 8类群系组表徵优势植群之叶片的物候与形态;(4) 16类群系说明其水分境制及优势分类群;此方案统一处理了过去各种有关植群划分之纷岐名制,方案之各阶植群类型亦即本研究之植群亚模型。

8. Skilled immigrants have many other advantages: they have very low crime rates, they are young and employed, they do not draw unemployment compensation benefits or social security benefits, they contribute a disproportionate amount in taxes, and their children generally do well in school.


9. disproportionate的意思

9. Therefore, operating income and operating costs could be disproportionate.


10. disproportionate在线翻译

10. Many of these tools provide value vastly disproportionate to the literal number of people they reach.


11. From the most recent industrial value-added output data it is not clear that mandated production cuts by select industrial enterprises in regions near to Beijing had a disproportionate impact on output growth, yet.


12. Can the heart become misshapen and contract incurable deformities and infirmities under the oppression of a disproportionate unhappiness, as the vertebral column beneath too low a vault?


13. The purpose of the Uniform Act is to assure fair and equitable treatment of displaced persons so that such persons do not suffer disproportionate injury from projects designed to benefit the public as a whole.


14. The sanctions are without precedent to this level and totally disproportionate to the alleged offence and the financial penalty imposed.


15. disproportionate的近义词

15. Urban per capita housing area of urban housing and the proportion of disadvantaged groups is manifestly disproportionate, one of the reasons is that part of the stock of idle resources seriously.


16. One of the mechanisms for disproportionate permeability reduction is that a new flow path will be produced with the residual oil when oil flows through oil-bearing porous medium treated by the gel.



17. When you embark upon litigation you don't know whether you will have to spend a reasonable amount proportionate to the importance of the dispute or whether you are going to spend a disproportionate amount.


18. disproportionate是什么意思

18. What I put into my work, and what I get is a little bit disproportionate.


19. With the improvement in the level of China's market-oriented, as well as changes in domestic and international trade environment, SMEs in the economy is playing an increasingly important role, but their access to financial resources and their economic and social development in the position and role are is extremely disproportionate, the issue of SME financing difficulties common.


20. Study on the improvement of ZSM-5 zeolite properties for increasing of selectivity for aromatizition and para-xylene in toluene disproportionate are in progress.


disproportionate 词典解释

1. (数量或尺寸)不成比例的,不相称的

Something that is disproportionate is surprising or unreasonable in amount or size, compared with something else.

e.g. A disproportionate amount of time was devoted to one topic...


e.g. This sentence is totally disproportionate to the alleged offence.



...a disproportionately high suicide rate among young prisoners.

年轻囚犯特别高的自杀率disproportionate 单语例句

1. Spain and Poland are determined to hang on to voting rights that give them a disproportionate weight inside EU councils by comparison with their populations.

2. The legal remedies for workers in Singapore may be limited and not effective, but the calm response of the Chinese workers has invited highly disproportionate punishment.

3. That is why even small incidents often see a disproportionate response and repercussions that further complicate things.

4. The revelations reinforced their perceptions that Americans have little respect for their culture or dignity and often use disproportionate force to crush their will.

5. The PLA navy's current defense capability is still disproportionate to the requirements of its missions.

6. Fake employment figures could deceive potential students, and result in disproportionate allocation of resources in the education sector.

7. Much of the answer lies in " positive discrimination " - that is, in directing a disproportionate amount of investment and management time to China.

8. Among other reforms he wants is an overhaul of the electoral system, which is blamed for giving small parties disproportionate weight in fragile coalitions.

9. The challenges that the country will face include a lack of educated and skilled workers, a growing number of migrants and a disproportionate sex ratio at birth.

10. He and other voting rights advocates said the disproportionate number of Democrats reporting such problems was probably due to higher awareness of voter protection coalitions.

disproportionate是什么意思disproportionate 英英释义


1. not proportionate

2. out of proportion

Synonym: disproportional