

verve:[英 [vɜ:v] 美 [vɜ:rv] ]


verve 基本解释


名词气魄; 热情; (艺术品等的)气韵,神韵; 生气,活力

verve 网络解释

1. 活力:vertigophobia 眩晕恐怖症 | verve 活力 | very bright 聪明儿童

2. 神韵公司:38.Roulette 轮盘赌公司 | 39.Savoy 萨伏伊公司 | 40.Verve 神韵公司

verve 双语例句

1. He did not ask me to tears, but struggling to sing-song, sing the song are some of verve.


2. Or are Verve doomed to languish on the margins, three musicians with credibility plus one exhibitionist without a public?


3. He is invariably alert, usually enthusiastic, and always willing to tackle a new problem, usually with verve and irrepressibility.


4. verve

4. It is so profound that it has sapiential philosophy and extraordinary ideology in deposit. This is the space verve what we are pursuing-vacancy, restraint and asense of Buddhism.


5. Or the ancient lute, only the name itself is full of rhyme already. But in my opinion the lute is more suitable for those unruly minstrels or laddish young girls(while the harpplayers should be mature bewitching women). They have goldenorebony hair, tip-tilted nose, smiling eyes and ripe lips. They hold the lutes like cherishing their lovers. Its tone, living, full of verve but still soft and graceful, is so harmonious for improvising some dance music around the bonfire, like the one played in the dance party, in which Tess met Angel Clare; or singing some love stories in the celebration square, and everyone wept for the heartrending part.


6. verve的近义词

6. Will they simply sit back on welfare and pension entitlements or will they respond with creativity and verve?


7. It can embody the verve of the scenery painted better than the traditional Chinese realistic painting, and express author's emotion more directly.



8. Do your best to leverage this verve as it comes, rather than frittering it away on things like furniture shopping.


9. It has orient verve and combines ancient culture with modern design.


10. verve

10. Simultaneously, the label released this collection, which contains all the same numbers in their original form, calling it Verve Unmixed.


11. verve是什么意思

11. His style took previously taboo subjects and not only dumped them all in the audience's lap, but did it with a creative verve that made him the wildest, the hippest, the most controversial, and simply the best comic trotting the boards.


12. The early portions, featuring Alice as a child, are shot through with verve and a sense of impending loss, but the book loses that verve as it turns into a generic Victorian romance.


13. Against a backdrop of Wildean quotes and music by the Verve, Domenico and Stefano showed rococo Ruritanian military jackets with distressed jeans, shirts, and pants printed with equally rococo swagging, a biker jacket in astrakhan, and combinations of moiré and jacquard that hinted at an aristocratic opium dream. Floral-printed velvets, flocked brocade, and a tee printed with Jacques-Louis David's Leonidas at Thermopylae amplified the entirely aesthetic nature of the collection. Frankly, as the last show of Milan's men's calendar for Fall 2009, it was refreshing to see something that was reckless enough to go Out There.

援引了王尔德作品的背景,在the Verve的摇滚音乐的伴奏下,Domenico和Stefano带来了一系列充满浪漫皇室色彩的洛可可风格军装夹克,搭配同样装饰华丽的牛仔裤、衬衣和裤装;动辄整件铺满羊羔毛的机车夹克,以及大量云纹和提花织机组合图案的应用,十足的贵族气派;而那些印花天鹅绒,软毛金线织锦缎,以及印有法国古典浪漫主义画家Jacques-Louis David著名画作《雷奥尼达在温泉关》的T恤,则提升了整个系列的艺术气质。

14. verve什么意思

14. English Summary/英文概要: In the spirit of Natalie Angier`s The Canon, and writing with the verve and wit of Bill Bryson, Small Wonders takes the reader on a fantastic voyage to the microscopic, but massively influential, world of microbiology.

Chinese Summary/中文概要:秉承娜塔莉·安吉尔《正典》的精神,继承比尔·布莱森大气睿智的写作风格,《微小的奇观》引领读者踏上神奇之旅,有机会发现显微镜下有着广泛影响力的微生物学世界。

15. verve什么意思

15. Starting with a representative three-part aboriginal folk song of Zhuang, the film adopts structurally the contradistinctive techniques in terms of movement and stillness, scene scales, internal and external scenes, natural light and lamplight, and develops the atmosphere from serenity to vehemence, the scenes from small scale to large scale, the verve from constringency to unlashing before reaching the climax.



16. In China, David international has established Beijing David Oriental Verve International Architectural Design Consultation Co., Ltd, has shared CO+E Co., Ltd, cooperating closely with excellent design organization in the industry to carry on joint-design business and engineering project cooperation.


17. A spirit ed quality in action or style; verve.


18. A spirited quality in action or style; verve.


19. He is samrt with great verve man.


20. Their opus with full of oriental verve are infuriation and superposition


verve 词典解释

1. 活力;热情;激情

Verve is lively and forceful enthusiasm.


e.g. He looked for the dramatic, like the sunset in this painting, and painted it with great verve...


e.g. She revelled in big MGM musicals with their colour and verve.


verve 单语例句verve在线翻译

1. But a high level of customization should help shoppers find their individual level of verve.

2. Showing the representations of things is never the purpose of Chinese paintings - the expression of inner verve has become the highest pursuit.

3. As uncertainties still hang over the Chinese economy, analysts said yesterday's rebound is no way a sign of regaining its verve.

4. The Swedes hit out with the keener verve in the early going.

5. Girvan Dempsey and Denis Hickie scored two tries apiece as Ireland regained the verve missing from their narrow win over Scotland last weekend.

6. When Mamer plays the guitar, he plays it with the rhythmic patterns and verve of the dombra.

7. Germany's young side has played with such verve and teamwork that it is the favorite.

8. The Verve made its Asian premiere at a recent auto show in Guangzhou.

9. A well spoken and presented Australian brimming with talent and verve seeks employment in the sales or marketing areas.

10. If there is an underlying theme to this diverse collection of objects and inspirations, it has to be the verve.

verveverve 英英释义


1. an energetic style

Synonym: vitality