

agenda:[英 [əˈdʒendə] 美 [əˈdʒɛndə] ]


  复数形式:agenda; agendums;

agenda 基本解释

名词议事日程; 待议诸事项一览表; 日常工作事项; 议程( agendum的名词复数)


agenda 相关例句


1. What's on your agenda today?


agenda 情景对话



A:Ah, Lian and Lok. Welcome. It’s a pleasure to see you here again. Now, you know everyone here, except for Ahmed.


B:How do you do?



A:How do you do?


B:A pleasure.


A:Ahmed is our business manager. He’ll be sitting in. Can we get you anything? Tea or coffee?

阿麦德是我们的业务经理。他会旁听这次谈判。 二位需要喝些什么吗?茶还是咖啡?

B:No, thank you.


A:We’re fine thanks.



B:All right then. Please, take a seat. I know your time is valuable. We’re hoping that this meeting won’t go longer than an hour. Would you like me to arrange a taxi for you when we finish?

那好,各位请坐吧。 我知道各位的时间很宝贵,我们希望这次会晤的时间不要超过一个小时。 会谈结束时二位是否需要我们为您安排计程车呢?

A:Thank you. That would be great.


B:I’ll make a note of it. I have an agenda drawn up but feel free to change the order or add items as you wish.

我会记住这件事的。 我这里有一份起草好了的会谈程序,不过如果二位有任何议题需要增减的话,请务必不要拘泥于此。

A:This looks fine. You seem to have covered everything.


agenda 网络解释

1. 议程安排:议程安排(Agenda)议程安排(Agenda)议程安排(Agenda)议程安排(Agenda)议程安排(Agenda)议程安排(Agenda)灾难恢复机制--软件/配置回转(SCR)灾难恢复机制--软件/配置回转(SCR)集成的服务器负载均衡(SLB)集成的服务器负载均衡(SLB


2. 日程:只要按上面一个按钮,可以用在时间表 (Time Table)/日程 (Agenda)两种显示方式间切换. 在这个程式中,可以完全用滚轮单手操作来检视前后几天有没有空,也可以知道现在看的是几月几日星期几,第几个礼拜等等. 只要按下去就可以修改/新增行程了,

agenda 双语例句

1. agenda的意思

1. But he has failed to promote a free-market agenda—he is distressingly fond of farm subsidies and state intervention.


2. This is the next item on the agenda.


3. I'll put it on the agenda. Is that OK?


4. Now let's come to the next item on the agenda.


5. agenda

5. The next item on the agenda is...


6. Now we come to the main item on the agenda.



7. Carries a price tag. Yes, everyone has an agenda, no matter what they may tell us...and


8. From Paris, VOA White House correspondent Paula Wolfson reports the dispute over Iran's nuclear program and other Mideast issues dominated the agenda when Mr. Bush met with French President Nicholas Sarkozy.

VOA 白宫通讯员宝拉沃夫森在巴黎报道了布什总统与法国总统尼古拉斯萨科奇会面时就议程中最重要的伊朗核计划和中东问题的讨论。

9. The study of Social Security model in East Asia bas beame an important agenda in international society.

东亚社会保障模式的研究成为国际社会90 年代日益关注的前沿课题。

10. Therefore, such issues that how to analyze the characteristics of the enterprises and the surrounding environments and set a proper development mode of modern logistics become the top of the agenda of the traditional circulating enterprises.


11. Because the high-end niche products and general access to mainstream products is not the same, another environment is not suitable for our present anarchy. Under these circumstances, we referred the matter to the overseas marketing agenda.


12. He wants the issue to be on the agenda of the G8 summit in Japan in July, and said he had concerns about the way...


13. Climate change will be a major agenda on at the G8 summit Japan will be hosting in early July.


14. The problem will be high on the agenda at the G8 summit this month.


15. To combine the micro- and macro-analysis is a new task in the agenda of historians.


16. I want to thank Vice Premier Wang in particular for his personal role in advancing this agenda.


17. Send the agenda to all participants at least 2 days prior to the meeting.


18. Either way, it's up to you to stop this happening and to convince the dog that he's better off working for you than to his own agenda.


19. I know this might come as a shock, but not everyone operates from an agenda.


20. Top of his agenda will be trade, climate change and responding to China's rise.


agenda 词典解释

1. (政治)议题

You can refer to the political issues which are important at a particular time as an agenda.

e.g. Does television set the agenda on foreign policy?...


e.g. Many of the coalition members could have their own political agendas...


2. 议事日程

An agenda is a list of the items that have to be discussed at a meeting.

e.g. This is sure to be an item on the agenda next week...


e.g. High on the agenda of tomorrow's meeting will be the turmoil in Japan.


agenda 单语例句agenda

1. They have exceeded the line of justifiable action by pursuing their own political agenda in total disregard of other people's interests and safety.

2. He also denied reports that China had pressured Cambodia to pull the issue off the agenda of the bloc's summit this week in Phnom Penh.

3. CANBERRA - Australian federal government on Wednesday released a consultation paper to address credit products under its national consumer credit reform agenda.

4. With so many agencies charged with the same task, one cannot but acknowledge the weight of the fight against corruption on the official agenda.

5. Koizumi said voters had given him a mandate to privatize the postal system, the centrepiece of his reform agenda.

6. US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton yesterday reached out to the world's largest Internet community to push forward her agenda of combating climate change.

7. " The three areas are in line with Chinese government's agenda and priorities, " Chambers said.

8. I will also demand this be included as an additional agenda item at the start of the meeting.

9. " It has been a meeting of progress about clarification of the agenda for Cancun, " Figueres told China Daily.

10. Other changes on the agenda are specific classification of salary statistics and a new sample pool of the monthly unemployment rate.

agenda的意思agenda 英英释义


1. a temporally organized plan for matters to be attended to

Synonym: docketschedule

2. a list of matters to be taken up (as at a meeting)

Synonym: agendumorder of business