

vigilante:[英 [ˌvɪdʒɪˈlænti] 美 [ˌvɪdʒəˈlænti] ]



vigilante 基本解释

名词义务警员; (自发组织的)治安团体的成员; 〈美〉自卫队员

vigilante 网络解释


1. 义务警员:齐姆林教授从两方面来解释美国死刑所显现的与其他已废除死刑发达国家不同的模式. 要素之一为联邦制度,此种政体授予了各州在刑罚的选择与执行上的特权. 第二个关键因素是强有力的义务警员(vigilante)价值传统,此种价值观固然在全国都存在,但绝大多数却发生在南部与西南部诸州.

2. 义警:lynching 私刑 | vigilante 义警 | dubbed film 译制片

vigilante 双语例句

1. Those who make it into the US face armed white supremacist vigilante groups who patrol the border.



2. In the past week, villagers in the area had formed vigilante groups and killed at least 12 people suspected of being Mungiki members.


3. The subway vigilante in New York was in the media for weeks.


4. vigilante什么意思

4. Like some kind of vigilante showboat. Buthis days are done.


5. During the period March 23, 1933 to May 8, 1945, did you serve in, or were you in any way affiliated with, either directly or indirectly, any military unit, paramilitary unit, police unit, self- defense unit, vigilante unit, citizen unit of the Nazi Party or SS, Government Agency of Office, extermination camp, concentration camp, prisoner of war camp, prison, labor camp, detention camp or transit camp, under the control or affiliated with


6. You see also fishing communities forming vigilante groups to oust pirates because fishermen, and there are still descent fishermen there, are caught in the cross-fire between pirates and warships.


7. Become a masked vigilante to fight crime in WATCHMEN: The Mobile Game.



8. In a similar but distinct category, a hacktivist is more of a vigilante: detecting, sometimes reporting security vulnerabilities as a form of social activism.


9. Spanish also had an influence on American English (and subsequently British English), with words like canyon, ranch, stampede and vigilante being examples of Spanish words that entered English through the settlement of the American West.

西班牙语同样也对美国英语有着一些影响,例如 canyon峡谷,ranch大农场,stampede 惊逃和 vigilante治安维持会成员等词都是西班牙词汇,通过美国西部的聚集地传入英语中。

10. You're supposed to be my spy, not some vigilante.


11. Another is that of a protagonist as a vigilante hero.


12. Vigilante groups and gang crime are rampant in other parts of the world.



13. Like some kind of vigilante showboat. But his days are done.


14. You'd rather protect an outlaw vigilante than the lives of the citizens?



15. This kind of method is shirt-sleeve the most advanced the oldest tactics, and attracting more and more network vigilante to participate in come in.



16. Diy Whether you're trying to keep your own cat off the counter or the neighbor cats from clawing up your deck furniture this water gun with an infrared trigger will stand vigilante night and day.


17. Arun, Bharat, Arjun and Padma Kumar who turn vigilante in their fight against corruption.

Arun,Bharat,Arjun和Padma Kumar充当对抗腐败的义务警员。

18. vigilante

18. And with rocketing interesting rates, that`s bad news for home owners as the real estate continues its downward spiral. Coming up: the vigilante known as night watcher strikes again.


19. Under the leadership of two brothers, Maulana Abdul Aziz and Abdul Rashid Ghazi, the Lal Masjid had also become a base for Taliban-style vigilante squads, headed by fearsome, stick-wielding, burka-clad young women, which had been pouring out of the mosque and its two madrassas, one for men, one for women.


20. The truth, of course, could also set her father free since Det. Lance (Paul Blackthorne) was thrown in jail for working with the vigilante and refusing to give up his name.


vigilante 词典解释

1. (自发组成的)治安维持会会员;义务警察

Vigilantes are people who organize themselves into an unofficial group to protect their community and to catch and punish criminals.

e.g. The vigilantes dragged the men out.


e.g. ...vigilante patrols.


vigilante 单语例句

1. The Green Hornet history is as convoluted as the plots of the radio drama that spawned this masked vigilante.

2. Lao San assumes the role of a dedicated vigilante as a former Navy submariner whose brain is damaged after he is involved in an accident.

3. In 2006 the vigilante made a pledge to stop thieves, and since then helped nab at least 100 criminals in his home province of Liaoning.

4. He had spearheaded an increasingly violent vigilante campaign against vice in Islamabad.

5. A masked vigilante only known as " V " conducts terroristic raids on the oppressive police.

6. But many of those roads were blocked by palm tree trunks and car hulks - the work of vigilante groups that have sprung up recently.

7. Critics say that Harris's evolves into a " satire " of a generation inspired and excited by vigilante films.

8. Facing harsh crackdowns by government security forces and citizen vigilante groups, they are trying to lower their profile.

9. The AUC has its origins in vigilante groups set up by cattle ranchers and drug traffickers to combat guerrillas.

10. The father had tried at that time to persuade his son to quit his vigilante activities.

vigilantevigilante 英英释义


1. member of a vigilance committee

Synonym: vigilance man