

savings:[英 ['seɪvɪŋz] 美 [ˈsevɪŋz] ]


savings 基本解释

名词储蓄; 节约( saving的名词复数 ); 节俭; 储蓄金; 挽救

savings 相关例句


1. He used his savings to buy the bicycle.


savings 情景对话



A:Can I help you?


B:I like to (open up a savings account/ change money/ take out a loan), please.



A:We can offer a 10% discount for orders over 10000 pieces.


B:I‘m not sure we can use that many .


A:It would represent quite a savings .



B:Ok, I‘ll see what I can do .



A:I’d like to open a savings account. Can you tell me how to do it?


B:O. K. You have to fill out this form and let me see three identification cards or documents.


A:I have a driver’s licence, a membership card and my passport. Will they do?


B:Let me see them. Yes, they’re O.K.


A:What’s the minimum amount I can deposit in an account?


B:You can deposit an initial amount of ten dollars.

开户金额可以是10 元。

A:Thank you.


savings 网络解释

1. 储蓄:而且也影响了居民可支配收入的合理流向 居民可支配收入流向的简单模式:DPI=C S在这个模式中,DPI表示居民可支配收入(disposable personal income),C表示居民消费(comsumption),S表示居民储蓄(savings)多数居民的可支配收入除去消费部分,

2. 存款:2、有银行数据大集中项目经验 3、 英语口语能力强职位描述 1、 大学本科(或以上)毕业,计算机、工商管理、金融、会计或相关专业 2、 在下列银行业务领域具有丰富的经验(至少精通其中一项业务,行业经验5年以上),熟悉银行相关业务流程及操作规范:存款(Savings)贷款(Loan)支

3. savings

3. 节约:看待(Treat)皮肤特别干燥的患者,擦纯油型的保湿商品(Products)(比如凡士林),只能保住皮肤原有的水分,但是皮肤便黑白常干燥缺水,只有节约(Savings)是不足(Notenough)的,必须先填充(Added)皮肤的水分,比如运用温泉水先喷脸,

savings 双语例句

1. He expects consumers to borrow and spend less, and to rebuild their savings.


2. Rabies eliminatio n efforts that focus on mass vaccinatio ns of dogs are financiall y justified by the future savings of discontinu ing post-exposure preventive treatment for people.


3. savings的近义词

3. We pooled our savings.


4. I'd like to make a deposit (=pay some money) into my savings account.


5. You have proposed to fix it by letting people put some of the money collected to pay benefits into private savings accounts.


6. But you'd be unwish to invest all your savings in stocks.


7. savings

7. The pocket money in the child's hand is more and more, formerly the parents give the children's pocket money, request them the savings get up until the children have already need and know how to spend just use; The society in nowadays is a merchandise society, many parents give kid the purpose of the pocket money let them master and as early as possible adapt a society.



8. In thinking through these questions, you might determine, for example, that quitting your well-paying job and spending your savings to pursue an invention idea isnt a risk you find tolerable.


9. In thinking through these questions, you might determine, for example, that quitting your well-paying job and spending your savings to pursue an invention idea isn't a risk you find tolerable.


10. Bernard Madoff who operated a billions-dollars Ponzi scheme which made many investers lose all of their savings, was sentensed to 150 years'imprinsonment today.


11. Savings of up to 50 percent are obtainable.


12. We may define savings and investment as constituting respectively the supply of and demand for new capital.



13. You want to be sure that you can recoup these costs with your interest savings.


14. Customers can now save timemaintenance costs through faster membrane access by using our products, best of all, these savings continue year after year.


15. The flowers of the lock with water after soaking clothes, put it gently 40 ° c - 50 ° c (in constant scientific alkyl PVC ether) in aqueous solution, will face the underwear of clothing to observe, temperature and fade savings.

把花绺的衣物用清水浸泡后轻轻挤干,放入 40℃-50℃恒温的平平加水溶液中,要将衣面向内衣里向外,随时注意观察溶液温度和退色积蓄。

16. Therefore, it shows that mixture replacing pure substance has advantage of energy savings and provides a theory basis for further research.



17. To be useful for investors between savings and stocks.


18. Teachers themselves and the construction of the wall had甬lu Shop to achieve campus-wide closed schools and nearly 20, 000 yuan savings.


19. Amass the combined savings of a great number of investors, thus, the corporation is an ideal means


20. The savings compound during installation due to ease of handling and only one set of flange studs is required. Therefore, it is more cost effective to install, and also to maintain.


savings 单语例句

1. Nowhere is this more clearly apparent than in the bank's booming savings and loan business.

2. A drop in tourism and business in Las Vegas could also translate into savings for travelers this year.

3. Banks welcomed the move which represented fresh business opportunities and the chance to utilize soaring foreign exchange savings deposits more efficiently.

4. It enables the banks to expand their business sphere and improvise a profit model, meanwhile offering the savings fund wider investment channels.

5. Fund sales and custody have become a major source of intermediary business income for banks, which are shifting focus from the traditional lending and savings businesses.

6. Due to the overwhelming importance of the postal savings business to the postal system, efforts to correct the interest rate problem have long met strong resistance.

7. Feng's parents are retired workers who put most of their savings into their son's business.

8. It disposed of the assets of failed savings and loans and then went out of business.

9. Hu has also set aside a good deal of her savings for her son's further education.

10. I believe that only a limited amount of money from China's substantial savings and bank reserves will be needed to activate the GEM.

savings 英英释义


1. a fund of money put by as a reserve

Synonym: nest egg