

compose:[英 [kəmˈpəʊz] 美 [kəmˈpoʊz] ]


过去式:composed;   过去分词:composed;   现在分词:composing;

compose 基本解释


及物动词组成,构成; 调解; [印刷]排(字); 使安定

及物/不及物动词创作(乐曲、诗歌等); 为…谱曲


compose 相关例句


1. compose

1. She composed herself to answer the letters.


2. Water is composed of hydrogen and oxygen.



3. He spent his spare time composing poetry.


1. She composed herself to answer the letter.



1. He teaches music and also composes.


2. That child prodigy began to compose at the age of five.


compose 网络解释

1. 撰写:2.如果你没用becky,或没装x-face插件,可以看邮件的头(headers)信息,如果有x-face这些内容,就是带有x-face,比如邮件的头信息是这样的:完全可以,在邮箱设置(mailbox setup)将HTML格式的模板设置为默认撰写(compose)模板就行了.

2. 合成:我从 Algol 中捕获的中心想法是基于把原子类型(包括结构)合成(compose)到数组、指针(引用)和函数(过程)内的一种类型结构. Algol 68 的联合(union)和强制(cast)概念也在后来影响. 在语言命名之后快速的变更继续着,例如介入了 && 和 || 操作符.

3. 作曲:原文链接:Part1Part2Part3Part4关于HipHop音乐的采样(Sample)与作曲(Compose),一直以来都有争执. 我们很难道出它的始末,不过有一点是肯定的,热爱HipHop的人都更愿意听采样出来的歌曲,因为确实让人有似曾相识的感觉. 而坚持作曲 ...

4. compose什么意思

4. 创作:似乎完全没有难度,声音中有一种狡黠. 他不见得要做抗议歌手,但歌词中对唱片工业,唱片通路以及媒体的观察也可见他的敏锐. 2.跨国制作两年,全部都是力宏包办:创意发想(creation)、创作(compose)、制作(produce)、编曲(arrangement)

5. compose:computerized production operating system extension; 计算机化生产运行系统扩展

compose 双语例句

1. compose

1. The mechanism partakes as a result of the risk in BOT in the meantime, so this risk is on guard systematic compose is built involve each project participator, the angle that is not one party of mere Cong Mou sets out.


2. Day I has let me cook meal, the noisy bell has also bloomed, I have felt have sth. on one's mind to be engaged, as soon as do not know having been awake also slept well, got up luckily at 6 o'clock much time, in the evening, have been ready for breakfast for them, 2nd day has broken down, the noisy bell has also been unable to hear, one sleep to 7 o'clock, late meal of sleep still is to be going to compose, just being it is exactly by one point lately.


3. To inhibit neurotropic virus as HIV-1 migrating through brain microvascular endothelial cells, which compose the blood-brain barrier.

抑制HIV -1透过组成血脑屏障大脑的微脉管上皮细胞迁移的向神经病毒。

4. This money comes from the women's packsack of unique design pink colour classics, the periphery has been qualified for metal combination but Cheng, Seiko are thin compose, the aureate collocation effect with pink colour, lets female skin appear bright more, these all are fond dreams of a lot of females oh!


5. Make the use of AD7730 and dsPIC30f6010A to compose the sampling and arithmetic unit of the electron belt weigher.

利用 AD7730和 dsPIC30f6010A 构成电子皮带称的采样和运算单元。

6. I'll compose more about this very powerful force majure in the coming months.


7. From the aspect of system data description, this paper uses TLAC-based data modeling method to pick up characteristic data from fixture components and typical structures to compose low and line of TLAC, description hierarchy is proposed according to the different data storage.


8. Thus, an integrated framework model of MFCBMS based on OO method is presented.(2) From the aspect of system data description, this paper uses TLAC-based data modeling method to pick up characteristic data from fixture components and typical structures to compose low and line of TLAC, description hierarchy is proposed according to the different data storage.


9. compose在线翻译

9. Leben is inadvisable to compose in reply some medicine and is convinced, if antibiotic, sulfanilamide kind medicine etc. such as chloromycetin, illotycin, their but lactobacillus in killing or destroying leben.


10. In modern cities, few young people have time to compose poems and pictures.


11. As regarding rhythm: to compose in sequence of the musical phrase, not in sequence of the metronome.


12. According to the compose movement of position axis and direction axis, the turn table can achieve the two-dimension movement control.


13. Return have me that although support wireless get to the Internet, however I will not buy wireless net card of, so top indescribable, speed slow, download not line, however also not plan connect net line, main work is to do design, compose novel, ha ha.



14. College teachers coexist in the common natural and social environment. They access academic resources through competition; they maintain the academic stability through the adaptation or overcome of outside interference. In order to transmit and develop academics and then realize academics value, college teachers should do energy exchanges with the outside world. All of these compose academic activities of college teachers.


15. Found there is relativity between max effective activation wavelength λk and ion radius of photochromic compose in photochromic glass, and there is no relativity with based glass.


16. compose的意思

16. Mounts life praise Langfeiluo in so vast battlefield of world, our unable compose assumes a post of the cattle sheep that destiny orders about, we want to should as soon as daring general in battle on so magnificent stage of life.


17. Then, the paper gives the design principle of this network architecture, compose of component and message format.


18. compose的翻译

18. Harmonious culture construction is specific the initiative that reflects the harmonious; that to build compose person and nature, person and society, person and oneself this three-layer concerns to build dualism and the tune that get the inner world of the person with the unified photograph that use a sex, it is the substaintial connotation of socialistic harmony culture and purpose.


19. compose在线翻译

19. Viridescence of equestrian orchid colour and lustre, in northern region green period can amount to 280 days of above; Ma Lan's purple beautiful quietly elegant is beautiful, nectar faint scent, florescence is as long as 50 days, still can serve as the material that cut a flower; Malannai tramples, after experience tramples, need not breed can ego restores; Moderate of height of equestrian orchid plant, the leaf is much and erect grow, have stronger aspiration, decrease dry, drop in temperature action; Equestrian orchid vitality is strong, do not need daily conserve basically, managing water fertilizer and management are devoted; In the city that build plant segregation of two side afforest takes open greenbelt, road to wait with ground of compose flowers and plants in, ma Lan is unquestionable high grade material.


20. The system compose of power meter, micro- control unite, CDMA module, CDMA networks and computer etc.


compose 词典解释

1. 组成;构成

The things that something is composed of are its parts or members. The separate things that compose something are the parts or members that form it.

e.g. The force would be composed of troops from NATO countries...


e.g. Protein molecules compose all the complex working parts of living cells...


2. 谱写(乐曲);作(曲)

When someone composes a piece of music, they write it.

e.g. Vivaldi composed a large number of very fine concertos...


e.g. Cale also uses electronic keyboards to compose.


3. 创作,写(信、诗或演讲稿)

If you compose something such as a letter, poem, or speech, you write it, often using a lot of concentration or skill.

e.g. He started at once to compose a reply to Anna...


e.g. The document composed in Philadelphia transformed the confederation of sovereign states into a national government.


4. 为(照片、图像)构图

If you compose a picture or image, you arrange it in an attractive and artistic way.

e.g. Anthony dismounted with his camera and walked away from the walls to compose a shot...


e.g. The drawing is beautifully composed.


5. 使(自己)平静(或镇定);使(表情)镇静下来

If you compose yourself or if you compose your features, you succeed in becoming calm after you have been angry, excited, or upset.

e.g. She quickly composed herself as the car started off...


e.g. Then he composed his features, took Godwin's hand awkwardly and began to usher him from the office.


compose 单语例句

1. To try to dispel these and other rumors, the government commissioned a pop star to compose a catchy tune about the census.

2. These are the three colours that compose the back cover of the CD, and they are the colours that Cui wants to show to the listeners.

3. " I was flattered to be invited to compose the song, " said Rodriguez.

4. He says he will often put aside the telephone for a moment or two in stressful situations and take two minutes to compose himself.

5. Practitioners say that the sport not only develops a healthy and strong body, but also strengthens willpower and helps compose the mind.

6. Shanghai has invited eight French composers to a competition to compose distinctive music for this largest metropolis of China.

7. They first compose rhythms and then add lyrics, a process that gives Yan freedom and helps other members draw inspiration.

8. Seated in one of the stone towers, she would order her ministers to compose poems to eulogized the temple.

9. By June 1776 their efforts had become hopeless and a committee was formed to compose a formal declaration of independence.

10. All the user has to do is select the most appropriate Scene mode best for the scene and compose the shot.

compose 英英释义


1. make up plans or basic details for

e.g. frame a policy

Synonym: framedraw up

2. put together out of existing material

e.g. compile a list

Synonym: compile

3. produce a literary work

e.g. She composed a poem

He wrote four novels

Synonym: writepenindite

4. write music

e.g. Beethoven composed nine symphonies

Synonym: write

5. calm (someone, especially oneself)

make quiet

e.g. She had to compose herself before she could reply to this terrible insult

6. form the substance of

e.g. Greed and ambition composed his personality