

revelation:[英 [ˌrevəˈleɪʃn] 美 [ˌrɛvəˈleʃən] ]



revelation 基本解释

名词[宗]天启,启示; 揭发,暴露; 被揭露出来的事物; 意外的发现


revelation 相关例句


1. Her true nature was a revelation to me.


2. The revelation that he was her father astonished her.


3. What a revelation !


revelation 网络解释

1. revelation的近义词

1. 揭露:这其中包括CJ桑塞姆(C J Sansom)的(Revelation)、爱丽丝?西伯德(Alice Sebold)的(The Almost Moon)等作品. 这些电子书的价格从5英镑到10英镑不等,消费者可通过手机或登录网站购买. 麦克米伦集团数字化总监莎拉?

revelation 双语例句

1. Pip, who was originally mortifled to lealTl that his fortune came fromsomeone SO far beneath Estella, now learns that Estella is thedaughter of his secret benefactor and therefore springs from evenhumbler origins than himselfi The revelation, nevertheless, does not seem to change his feelings for her.


2. When you come together, every one of you hath a psalm, hath a doctrine, hath a revelation, hath a tongue, hath an interpretation: let all things be done to edification.



3. When ye come together, every one of you hath a psalm, hath a doctrine, hath a tongue, hath a revelation, hath an interpretation.


4. There are two parts for artistic conception on classic novel critics: one is criticist's revelation to the originality of classic novels; the other is criticist's critics on the artistic conception.


5. By looking at the Hebraic numbers, we can perceive the revelation we need to decree a new thing.


6. revelation

6. And how is this a deep and mystical revelation, exactly?


7. revelation

7. The book of Revelation is very deep in the Old Testament roots and Hebrew.


8. After the reform and opening up, Deng Xiao-ping and Jiang Ze-min's deep revelation on the essence of socialism have made us reach a new and scientific level on the cognition of socialism. The scientific outlook on development that was brought forward by the CPC Central Committee with Hu Jin-tao as the general secretary, is not only the important guiding principle of our country's economic and social development, but also the enrichment and development of the essence of socialism.


9. Taoism and the life philosophy and the political philosophy of Lao Tze provides the deep revelation on how to develop the library spirit today.


10. The access produced dividends, including Mr Obama's revelation of his deep distrust during the campaign of Bill Clinton, who was campaigning ruthlessly on behalf of his wife, Hillary.


11. revelation是什么意思

11. China is an old and civilization country that she ushered the spring days of reform and open-door to the whole world after she suffered a lot from abroad invasions and internal disorders almost past more than one hundred years. China's development solves not only the existence of one quarter of the world population and brings but also the deep revelation to the nations of the world. This shows the old and civilizaed orient rejuvenation.


12. revelation什么意思

12. To one who approaches it with a belief in God, and, therefore, in the probability of revelation, the Hebrews'story seems to offer the most remarkable instance of what looks like a process of revelationary experience.


13. It is a glorious revelation of his righteousness cf.


14. Coach Agostinelli favours a 4-4-2 formation, with expert full-backs Pivotto and Pesaresi lending strength to the flanks. Riccardo Allegretti is the midfield engine, guaranteeing both character and vision in the centre of the park, while up front, the Alabardati boast some interesting options with lightning quick and experienced striker Emiliano Testini, Mattia Graffiedi - who netted six times for Modena last year - and Eliakwu, a 21 year-old product of the Inter youth system who could prove to be a revelation this season.


15. revelation的解释

15. In Revelation 12, the Dragon represents China.


16. Here I will make a comparison between the revelation of the law of movements of gas in molecular physics and the examination of the surplus value in Capital.


17. Hence they teach that the attestation of Revelation is not the primary end of the miracle, but its main secondary end, though not the only one.


18. revelation

18. There is probably no other book of the Bible that is more affected by the choice of a covenant or dispensational approach than Revelation.


19. It must be a revelation, or a series of revelations, as much for the poet as for the reader.


20. revelation的反义词

20. A revelation, or a series of revelations, as much for the poet as


revelation 词典解释

1. 被揭示的真相;被揭露的内情

A revelation is a surprising or interesting fact that is made known to people.

e.g. ...the seemingly everlasting revelations about his private life.


e.g. ...the revelation that William had survived the initial attack.


2. 揭露;披露;透露

The revelation of something is the act of making it known.


e.g. ...following the revelation of his affair with a former secretary...


e.g. Further revelations are expected.


3. 意想不到的事物;非常好的事物

If you say that something you experienced was a revelation, you are saying that it was very surprising or very good.

e.g. The noise, the buildings, the people, came as a revelation...


e.g. Degas's work had been a revelation to her.


4. (上帝的)启示,默示

A divine revelation is a sign or explanation from God about his nature or purpose.

e.g. The whole system was based on divine revelation in the Scriptures.


revelation 单语例句

1. The revelation came Tuesday, just a week after Schwarzenegger and Shriver announced they had separated.

2. But Sunday's revelation suggests that even putting cartel gunmen in prison may not prevent them from continuing to commit crimes.

3. Gatlin's revelation came just days after Landis tested positive for a testosterone imbalance after his stirring comeback victory at the Tour de France.

4. The revelation over the construction project came Sunday in a report about the settlement activity published by Israeli left - wing NGO Peace Now.

5. The revelation on mass corruption in the building sector comes as the country struggles to put surging property prices under control.

6. The revelation of close White House involvement in the firing of eight federal prosecutors sent White House aides into full damage control mode on Tuesday.

7. Visiting The Rickshaw during the dearth of Spring Festival season was something of a revelation - life did still exist in the capital.

8. The revelation of deception makes it impossible to believe that governments are really enforcing rules adequately and fairly.

9. The gorgeous cocktail dresses he designed for this winter definitely come as a kind of revelation.

10. Bush said the latest revelation was " disgraceful " and did " great harm " to the country.

revelation 英英释义


1. an enlightening or astonishing disclosure

2. communication of knowledge to man by a divine or supernatural agency

Synonym: divine revelation

3. the speech act of making something evident

Synonym: disclosurerevealing