

perfunctory:[英 [pəˈfʌŋktəri] 美 [pərˈfʌŋktəri] ]


perfunctory 基本解释

形容词敷衍的; 马虎的; 肤浅的; 浅薄的

perfunctory 相关例句


1. perfunctory

1. There was a perfunctory search of his bags at the airport.


perfunctory 网络解释

1. 敷衍,表面,不关心的:perforate 穿孔,凿孔 | perfunctory 敷衍,表面,不关心的 | perish 腐坏,死

2. 敷衍的:perfunctorily 敷衍 | perfunctory 敷衍的 | perfuse 灌注

3. 敷衍的,例行公事的:Erudite 博学的 | Perfunctory 敷衍的,例行公事的 | Salubrious (气候等)有益健康的

4. perfunctory的近义词

4. 马马虎虎,例行公事的:Explicit 明确的,直率的 | Perfunctory 马马虎虎,例行公事的 | Squalid 肮脏的,卑劣的

perfunctory 双语例句

1. The lazy little boy gave his face perfunctory washing.



2. The furnished room received its latest guest with a first glow of pseudo-hospitality, a hectic, haggard, perfunctory welcome like the specious smile of a demirep.


3. Kin Tsai and Zhangqian already registered for marriage, but on the 12th of this month to re-submit the wedding is still very much look forward to, in addition to personally invite more than 200 friends and relatives to fly to the Philippines, the ceremony, the wedding and the dress will never perfunctory.


4. In the Christian home we saw love in action, but in the government home the care was impersonal and perfunctory.


5. perfunctory的解释

5. He made a circuit of the docks and the tidal harbor. The security was perfunctory


6. perfunctory的近义词

6. The ominous quality of these ***ualized images, combined with the perfunctory rapidity of ***ual transactions with prostitutes, leaves Joe sick and weary after his release.


7. Those partisan so perfunctory that they think a step by step toward a dead end rather than reflection.


8. perfunctory的意思

8. We are not about perfunctory behavior because trust is essential to social interaction.


9. perfunctory的意思

9. However, and I was not the case of local accounts but also for many years are not in its original address of those living there had a few people at the square of 75, also received excessive placement fees, etc. Young, I am on this issue many times to the village committee will be reflected, first said that my compensation for the excessive fees but ask when the cadres have not changed, and above compensation for the relevant documents, and village affairs, said nothing, all the residents to understand the situation they have only to work, the cadre come before we can, but not a direct answer each time and solve our problems, always perfunctory prevaricate.


10. Design and implementation, and have a, perfunctory function of the coll...


11. perfunctory是什么意思

11. His actions, in all that related to his family, were of the most perfunctory kind.


12. perfunctory

12. Even then, it is true, most people will rely on perfunctory techniques for finding and evaluating information online.


13. Most of these masses will go away, but perfunctory, so most of the patients did not have.


14. perfunctory的近义词

14. Significantly, the fundamental issue of controlling a flying machine seems to have been addressed in only the most perfunctory way by most of those who sought to build a successful flying machine.


15. The limitations of Ms Finkel's approach are most apparent in her perfunctory treatment of the empire's final, tumultuous years.


16. perfunctory的近义词

16. France has called a mathematician galois, it is very very young, participated in two examinations polytechnic university of paris, the first seventeen or eighteen years old, young and fit, most of the perfunctory argument, do not bother to write clear and rejected examiner put the proposal to him, and when the examination is unreasonable, they were refused.


17. The realist in murder writes of a world in which gangsters can rule nations and almost rule cities, in which hotels and apartment houses and celebrated restaurants are owned by men who made their money out of brothels, in which a screen star can be the fingerman for a mob, and the nice man down the hall is a boss of the numbers racket; a world where a judge with a cellar full of bootleg liquor can send a man to jail for having a pint in his pocket, where the mayor of your town may have condoned murder as an instrument of moneymaking, where no man can walk down a dark street in safety because law and order are things we talk about but refrain from practising; a world where you may witness a hold-up in broad daylight and see who did it, but you will fade quickly back into the crowd rather than tell anyone, because the hold-up men may have friends with long guns, or the police may not like your testimony, and in any case the shyster for the defense will be allowed to abuse and vilify you in open court, before a jury of selected morons, without any but the most perfunctory interference from a political judge.


18. This will be another important demonstration that the rectification movement is not being conducted in a perfunctory way.



19. Not worthy of the law reflects a psychological, if a person is engaged in a self that is not worth doing, often remain cynical, perfunctory attitude, not only the low success rate, but even if they succeed, not think much of a sense of achievement.



20. Every have calamity, issue the proposal of a few perfunctory, ground of type of wait for windfalls awaits subscriber to come; And the final whereaboutldirection to other people of money of masses place alms, do not do any explaining.


perfunctory 词典解释

1. 敷衍的;潦草的;马马虎虎的

A perfunctory action is done quickly and carelessly, and shows a lack of interest in what you are doing.


e.g. She gave the list only a perfunctory glance...


e.g. ...a perfunctory handshake...



Melina was perfunctorily introduced to the men.

梅利娜被草草地介绍给了男士们。perfunctory 单语例句

1. General art education in school has either been perfunctory or simply skipped.

2. But checks on the government institutions were mostly conducted in a perfunctory way, especially when it came to the financial and justice departments.

3. There were no wardrobe malfunctions whatsoever during Timberlake's perfunctory show kickoff.

4. A South Korean official described the exchange between Roh and the Japanese leader as " perfunctory ".

5. Yang reported the case to the deputy dean of the college where Li Ming studies, but received a perfunctory reply.

6. Much of the blame can be placed on the perfunctory book by David Ives and Paul Blake.

7. The first comments were perfunctory, but he clearly wanted a response from me.

perfunctory 英英释义



1. hasty and without attention to detail

not thorough

e.g. a casual (or cursory) inspection failed to reveal the house's structural flaws

a passing glance

perfunctory courtesy

Synonym: casualcursorypassing(a)

2. as a formality only

e.g. a one-candidate pro forma election

Synonym: pro forma