

similarity:[英 [ˌsɪməˈlærəti] 美 [ˌsɪməˈlærɪti] ]



similarity 基本解释


名词类似; 相像性; 相仿性; 类似性,相似物

similarity 反义词



similarity 相关例句


1. similarity

1. The similarity between the two reports suggests that they were written by the same person.



2. Bees and wasps both sting, but they have other similarities, too.


similarity 网络解释

1. similarity

1. 相似律:相似律相似律(similarity)是格式塔学派提出的知觉整体性的组织原则之一,指物理属性(强度、颜色、大小、形状等)相似的客体易被知觉为一个整体. 连续律连续律(continuity)是格式塔学派提出的知觉整体性的组织原则之一,

similarity 双语例句


1. A proper way is to assign weights to the categories. The weights are determined based on the concept of risk in this paper, that is, the category which has a closer relationship with accident consequence is assigned with greater weight. The relationship is measured by the similarity between their corresponding time series created from historical accident statistical data. The similarity is calculated by Euclidean distance.


2. Some time is devoted to an overview of known solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations emphasizing the assumptions and techniques required to obtain them. A major portion of the course is concerned with thin, incompressible laminar shear layers. Similarity and integral methods will be used to obtain solutions for two-dimensional and axisymmetric boundary layers, jets and wakes.



3. By studying on self-similarity and Fano factor curve of time series of spontaneous discharge of auditory nerve in guinea pig, we conclude that time series of spontaneous discharge of auditory nerve differ from random noise, and have the certain temporal structure that exits in re-ordered guassian time series.


4. The paper tries to compare some color words in their usage, and further to explore the difference and similarity between English and Chinese.


5. similarity的翻译

5. The genetic similarity between Zea mays L.


6. In this dissertation, we propose two region-based segmentation algorithms and two edge-based segmentation algorithms for echocardiographic images. The first proposed algorithm of region-based segmentation scheme is fuzzy Hopfield neural network with fixed weight approach. This approach incorporated the global gray-level information and local gray-level information to construct a fuzzy Hopfield neural network. When the network converges to a stable state, the segmentation result will be obtained. A new approach using alpha-shape points is another proposed algorithm of region-based category. The region of interest corresponds to one of the clusters under a properly selected alpha. We identify the heart chamber in the ultrasound image by comparing the similarity between the alpha-connected components against the heart chamber obtained from the AQ image.



7. Simil, Simul-similar The two pills are alike in color and shape, but there the similarity ends.



8. It is essential to determine the legal protection range of the patented product and the similarity of industrial design in a patent infringement case, and the industrial design list and factors of product should be considered then.


9. similarity

9. In this paper, the hydraulic model of the combustion chamber of the oil - burning roller hearth kiln with heavy fuel is built up according to the theory of similarity.


10. There are many Chinese characters with complex Structure. The similarity calculation of Chinese character glyph is a fundamental research in Chinese information processing.


11. similarity

11. The identification in the two-dimensional spaces is of much stronger resolution ability than in one-dimensional space, because it analyzes finger print spectra from both similarity and difference.


12. similarity是什么意思

12. In this project, impellers fit for the concentrated wind energy turbine were designed and made according to the fluid mechanics, aerodynamics, dynamic similarity principle, optimization for impeller design and wind tunnel test were done. Design system of serial impeller of CWET was established based on the domestic and overseas design theory and wind tunnel test.


13. In our study, two important lepidopteron pests, beet armyworm and cotton bollworm were surveyed for their endogenous piggyBac. As a result, endogenous piggyBac elements were found in these two insects, and one of the piggyBac elements isolated from the genome of cotton bollworm was intact and thought to be potentially active.1 Clonging and sequence analysis of piggyBac from beet armywormUsing PCR technique, with degenerate primers, a DNA fragment of piggyBac-like element was cloned from the genome of beet armyworm, spodoptera exigua hubner. The DNA fragment was 456bp in length, and the deduced amino acid sequence shares 50%- 78% similarity with other piggyBac elements from insects. But one stop code was found in this DNA fragment.

由于转座子很难用常规的RT-PCR和RACE技术进行克隆鉴定,故本研究在兼并引物PCR的基础上,利用inverse PCR和vectorret PCR技术,不仅调查了鳞翅目两种重要的农业害虫甜菜夜蛾和棉铃虫的內源piggyBac存在情况,同时克隆到了內源性的piggyBac转座子,并且从棉铃虫中获得了一个结构完整、具有潜在活性的piggyBac转座子HaPLE1.1甜菜夜蛾piggyBac转座子基因的克隆与序列分析采用PCR技术,利用兼并引物,从甜菜夜蛾基因组中克隆出一个內源性piggyBac类似因子的DNA片段,并命名为SePLE。


14. On the basis of simplicity and transparency of SAFER, we get E/D similarity and more security.


15. We extracted seven compared features of the code as the input of the neural network, and obtained the program similarity through the network calculation. Comparing the result with the threshold value, we can find all groups of simlar programs.


16. All these algorithms use the common threshold method, that is, calculating the similarity of the successive frames and set a threshold to detect scene change.


17. QS? Query Similarity?


18. Using the similarity principle, the jet velocity distribution of oxygen gun was investigated in the process of the oxygen top-blown autothermic smelting nickel-copper concentrate, and its mathematical model was established.


19. ResultsThe similarity, digit span, digit sign, picture, picture remembrance, vision renew in patients after treatment were higher than those before treatment (P.05). As to the total number, total error number and persistent error number of WCST (P. 05).DiscussionIn this study, thirty - five patients who took Risperdal treatment have cognitive function disorder in different disagree, after 12 weeks, nine items among twelve items reflecting cognitive function have significant difference, indicate cognitive deficits in schizophrenia are reversible and related to new type antipsychotic drug.

实验结果 35例患者在服用利培酮治疗前和治疗12周后认知功能的测验的比较,在相似性、数字广度、数字符号、填图、图片回忆、视觉再生测验中有显著性差异(P<O.05L在*qT中,总测验数、总错误数、持续错误数均有显著性差异沙<o.05人讨论本研究中35例病人应用利培酮治疗前均有程度不同的认知功能损害,经12周治疗后,反映认知功能的十二项分测验中的九项均与治疗前呈显著性差异,提示精神分裂症的认知功能损害具有可逆性,且与新型抗精神病药物密切相关。

20. similarity的解释

20. In addition, patients who had current abuse and past dependence on alcohol or drugs were excluded. Cognitive functions were measured with neuropsychologi-cal, including understanding, similarity, digit span, digit sign, picture, picture remembrance, vision renew, reorganization, touch memory, and WCST (total number, total error number and persistent error number).


similarity 词典解释

1. 相像;类似;近似

If there is a similarity between two or more things, they are similar to each other.

e.g. The astonishing similarity between my brother and my first-born son...


e.g. There was a very basic similarity in our philosophy...


2. 相似处;相似点;类似的地方

Similarities are features that things have which make them similar to each other.

e.g. There were significant similarities between mother and son...


e.g. The similarities between Mars and Earth were enough to keep alive hopes of some form of Martian life.


similarity 单语例句similarity在线翻译

1. " His photography has shown some stylistic similarity with the calendar paintings of the same time, " Fudan University professor Gu Zheng says.

2. The focus of the case falls on the similarity of the two trademarks.

3. Based on the above, the court found for trademark infringement on the basis of trademark similarity.

4. It was refused on the ground of similarity to a few trademarks owned by an affiliated company and one trademark owned by the merged company.

5. There is a similarity between the Chinese fascination with money and the American fixation on size.

6. Although its preliminary screening function serves to eliminate identical or highly similar marks, the Trademark Office checks similarity in a rigid and prescribed manner.

7. Strategic mutual benefit reflects the contemporary characteristics of interdependency and similarity, with the East China Sea issue a case in point.

8. Studies show that inbound FDI form China in the US today displays a striking similarity to Japanese investment 20 years ago.

9. Zhou said the similarity in anatomic features has increased the difficulty in distinguishing early birds from dinosaurs in some ways.

10. But a more specific similarity is that highly indebted Eurozone countries and Chinese provinces and counties have been spending too much of a common currency.

similarity 英英释义


1. the quality of being similar

2. a Gestalt principle of organization holding that (other things being equal) parts of a stimulus field that are similar to each other tend to be perceived as belonging together as a unit

Synonym: law of similarity