

spinach:[英 [ˈspɪnɪtʃ] 美 [ˈspɪnɪtʃ] ]


spinach 基本解释

名词菠菜; 胡说八道


spinach 相关例句


1. Either you eat your spinach or you go without ice-cream.


spinach 网络解释

1. 菠菜: 菠菜(spinach) 菠菜(spinach) 菠菜是一或二年生草本植物,又叫 做菠菱,波斯草,赤根菜. 菠菜原产亚洲西部的伊朗,有 2000 年以上栽培历史.7 世纪初传入 中国.目前世界各国普遍栽培,中国 各地均有种植. 根据果实上刺的有无,

2. 洋菠菜:cucumber----黄瓜 | spinach----洋菠菜 | Spanish onion----西班牙洋葱(紫红色洋葱)

3. 最大伤害:MRJUAREZ =最大装填量 | SPINACH =最大伤害 | BUTTERUP =生命值最大

4. 英国菠菜 (大叶子):*Chinese spinach 菠菜 | *spinach 英国菠菜 (大叶子) | spring greens 春天的绿色蔬菜(通常是沙拉中用)

spinach 双语例句

1. Bobai is characterized by water spinach planted paddy fields, dense leaf stem length, leaf tail taper, 鲜绿crisp, the stem pick into a paragraph break, the fracture that split kink, with a sharp knife could not cut the stem I ping.


2. spinach

2. CF1-ATPase was isolated and purified from spinach chloroplast by cellulose DE-52 chromatography and ammonium sulfate fractionation. Then its purity and in-gel activity were detected through PAGE. The effects of temperature, pH value and salt concentration on the activity of CF1-ATPase were also studied, and the topography of CF1-ATPase was observed by AFM.


3. spinach

3. Please Run for nourishing food, such as succulents Clearing fruits (melon, grapes, pears, the Kai, sugar cane), celery, spinach, Lily, Tremella, duck, sea cucumbers, icefish, turtles, turtle meat.

适宜 请润滋补的食物,比如多汁清润的水果(西瓜、葡萄、梨、楷把、甘蔗)、芹菜、菠菜、百合、银耳、鸭肉、海参、银鱼、龟肉、鳖肉等。

4. spinach的反义词

4. The concentration of spinach powder fatsoluble extract was expressed as the level of βcarotene quantified with paper chromatography.



5. Spinach powder fatsoluble extract human gastric adenocarcinoma cell line


6. They grow a dozen kinds of vegetables inside their compound in the Sonapi industrial zone near the airport in Port-au-Prince, ranging from Chinese cabbage, spinach and sponge gourd to garlic and radish.


7. spinach的翻译

7. Cacti are part of the plant order Caryophyllales, which also includes members like beets, baby's breath, spinach, amaranth, tumbleweeds, carnations, rhubarb, buckwheat, plumbago, bougainvillea, chickweed and knotgrass.


8. The $4 billion packaged lettuce and spinach industry has safety measures. But the standard process—washing lettuce and spinach with chlorinated water—kills just 90 percent to 99 percent of microbes, which include bacteria. And that's only if the process is done well, which government inspection records show is not always the case.


9. It was seen that drinking tomato juice clears up eczema in a few days, and also carrot juice and spinach juice in combination are utile in eczema.

它被认为喝番茄汁澄清了湿疹在数天内,也胡萝卜汁和菠菜汁的组合是 utile 在湿疹。

10. For example, frying petals with cream. The condiment includes petals of white lotus flower, egg white, flour, spinach, cream, salad and salt. Put spinach stuffing into petals, put petals into paste made of egg white and flour, then fry them for 2 minutes in hot cream.


11. Good vegetarian sources of iron are dried beans, spinach, beet greens, prune juice, and dried fruit.


12. Yantiai pear and banana. Except VC there must be some unknown nitrite scavergers in onion, eggplant, fresh kidney bean, potato, coriander, Welsh onion, cucumber, spinach, chinese chive, black radish, green radish, watermelon, grape and apple.


13. spinach在线翻译

13. A protein from spinach leaves was isolated and purified by fractional precipitation and hydroxyapatite column chromatography, and in combination with electrophoresis and electroelution.


14. spinach的近义词

14. The attitude to job: It looks like I am very laze in leisure period, but I will become an industrious youth who just like the sailor with strong energy who can drink to tin of spinach when decided to do one thing.


15. spinach的近义词

15. The company has operated varieties: black beans Huang, Ching-jen, Dan spinach beans, peas, single, double green, big grain soybeans, mung beans, red beans and kidney beans and other types of dozens ofand garlic, onion, great burdock, asparagus and other merchandise business has its own cold storage warehouses.


16. Vegetable of the mustard family, better like the mouthfeel after the scald such as orchid, cauliflower passes on the west, they contain rich cellulose to be digested more easily also; Spinach, bamboo shoot, wild rice stem contain the vegetable with more oxalic acid best also scald, it is difficult to because oxalic acid is inside alvine path, be become with calcic union synthetic oxalic acid is calcic, disturb the human body absorption to calcium; The mustard such as rutabaga kind vegetable contains glucoside of sulfur acting grape, shui Chao, hydrolysis have a youthful look becomes volatile mustard oil, taste is better, and can promote digest absorb; Dust of can complete purify mixes the potherb scald such as purslane small bug, still can prevent allergy.



17. This is far from being handsome of water spinach.


18. Black, black clothing and want to increase the available water to soak uncooked spinach!


19. Water spinach can not become the flower, it is life needs; and our students should not have to spend the gene, and vegetables fate.


20. Only when we discard our prejudice to water spinach can we appreciate their truth and beauty.


spinach 词典解释

1. 菠菜

Spinach is a vegetable with large dark green leaves that you chop up and boil in water before eating.

spinach 单语例句

1. I called a Chinese friend who was coming over to dinner to buy white wine and spinach.

2. We once tried making colorful dumplings by mixing spinach, tomato and carrot juice into the dough.

3. The king prawns were juicy, while the chick pea and spinach soup was tasty and healthy.

4. The colour comes from spinach and the cake has dried coconut and yolk inside.

5. The tactile treats continue with a crispy spring roll with shrimps and garlic, crunchy and juicy and with an unexpected filling of what looked like chopped spinach.

6. A salad with spinach has more than three times the amount of folate as one with iceberg lettuce.

7. The bacteria also can be found on sprouts or leafy vegetables such as spinach.

8. Food and Drug Administration warned consumers not to eat fresh spinach until further notice.

9. The oysters were fresh and succulent but what held it all together was the creamed spinach and cheese topping.

10. Eating plenty of green leafy vegetables such as kale, spinach and collard greens could decrease skin cancer risk says a study.

spinach 英英释义


1. dark green leaves

eaten cooked or raw in salads

2. southwestern Asian plant widely cultivated for its succulent edible dark green leaves

Synonym: spinach plantprickly-seeded spinachSpinacia oleracea