

signify:[英 [ˈsɪgnɪfaɪ] 美 [ˈsɪɡnəˌfaɪ] ]


过去式:signified;   过去分词:signified;   现在分词:signifying;

signify 基本解释

及物动词意味; 预示; 表示…的意思

不及物动词具有重要性,要紧; 辱骂


signify 同义词

动词expressstand formeancommunicate

signify 反义词



signify 相关例句


1. He signified his consent with a nod.


2. He signified his content with a nod.


3. A fever usually signifies that there is something wrong with the body.



4. He signified that he couldn't go with them.



1. signify

1. What he says does not signify.


signify 网络解释

1. 表示;意味:shun 回避 | signify 表示;意味 | spread 传播

2. 表示:sign, signature 签字 | signify 表示 | small companies regime 小公司体制

3. 点上标记、表示:design 设计 | signify 点上标记、表示 | significant 重要的、有意义的

signify 双语例句

1. It sounds a good bluebook and signify that you have great asperation and you want to be a succeful person.



2. His shuimo paintings have be possessed of a very signify status in the history.


3. Using a triangular file to mark in all the notches that signify the separations bewteen the zinc blocks.


4. Mike Armstrong felt that meeting a Taoist guru on his birthday must signify something, so he spent an evening with Tam Szeto - feng shui master, encironmental specialist and media star.



5. Pity and compassion are words appropriated to signify our fellow? feeling with the sorrow of others.


6. Japan has long been one of China`s largest trading partner countries in the world; China's advantages in textile industry and manual raw materials exportation, especially, signify as the key factors that foster this partnership.


7. signify的解释

7. It is certainly a matter of regret that the terms idea, idealist, and idealism, originally so rich in content, should be so far degraded as to signify such aberrations of thought.


8. Arrangements for each fine point as from the projection of lamplight to the touch of bedcover signify your sleep quality is highly valued.


9. Here Francis freely renounced his inheritance and, in a memorable act, stripped off his clothes as well to signify total abandonment to God.


10. Sports industry in china with some problems is still inceptive. So it is helpful to lay down the policy consistent in the industry that would lead sports markets in different regions nurturance and integrity, and that would signify the prosperity and equilibrium of industry development.


11. These might pass; but it becomes mere childishness when David is made to signify old and worn-out Israel, but Abishag Jesus on I Kings i.


12. signify在线翻译

12. Music symbol, signify out gradually on every shape to a certain extent.


13. The pipes of Pan signify the natural harmony of the spheres, and the god himself is a symbol of Saturn because this planet is enthroned in Capricorn, whose emblem is a goat



14. Western palmists, however, think this line is more likely to signify quality of life.


15. This is like to signify that it was used, but it also creates a tiny rest for the toothpick.


16. signify

16. This idiom is used to signify finding a boon companion or an ideal situation.


17. signify的解释

17. Go hence; good night; and here stands all your state: Either be gone before the watch be set, or by the break of day disguised from hence: Sojourn in Mantua; I'll find out your man, and he shall signify from time to time every good hap to you that chances here: Give me thy hand; 'tis late: farewell; good night.


18. Give/shoot sb a dirty look:(1)to look at someone in such a way as to signify one`s dislike of what that person is doing.


19. on the one hand the cr x-ray photograph bedside on the other hand the traditional x-ray photograph bedside, was improving the image quality, the photograph success ratio with and reduces patient and medical care personnel's aspect and so on radiation dose has made the signify cant contribution.



20. A common ranking method—term frequency/inverse document frequency—considers the distribution of words and their frequencies, then generates numerical weights for words that signify their importance in individual document s.


signify 词典解释

1. 表示;意味着;意思是

If an event, a sign, or a symbol signifies something, it is a sign of that thing or represents that thing.

e.g. The contrasting approaches to Europe signified a sharp difference between the major parties...


e.g. The symbol displayed outside a restaurant signifies there's excellent cuisine inside.


2. (用记号或手势)表明,表达,表示

If you signify something, you make a sign or gesture in order to communicate a particular meaning.

e.g. Two jurors signified their dissent...


e.g. The UN flag was raised at the airport yesterday to signify that control had passed into its hands.


signify 单语例句signify的解释

1. Those involved will have their fingerprints imprinted on a canvas to signify their commitment to use copyright products and reject pirated ones.

2. Protesters wave their hands to signify clapping during an Occupy Wall Street general assembly in New York's Washington Square on Saturday.

3. The talks signify the two countries'efforts to come to terms with each other.

4. Since " nine " is the highest odd digit, people take two of them together to signify longevity.

5. Thein Sein's tour to Europe will signify his first foreign trips in 2013.

6. To call someone " firstborn " is a way to signify the importance of a person.

7. Analysts said the comments were too general to signify any concrete change in policy.

8. Glutinous rice dumplings known as tangyuan are eaten to signify unity and harmony within the family.

9. I hate firecrackers even though for us Chinese they signify prosperity in business and good luck in our personal lives.

10. An arm holding a torch appeared in Philadelphia to signify freedom from tyranny, while the head was seen for the first time two years later in Paris.

signify 英英释义


1. denote or connote

e.g. `maison' means `house' in French

An example sentence would show what this word means

Synonym: meanintendstand for

2. convey or express a meaning

e.g. These words mean nothing to me!

What does his strange behavior signify?

3. make known with a word or signal

e.g. He signified his wish to pay the bill for our meal