

terrestrial:[英 [təˈrestriəl] 美 [təˈrɛstriəl] ]



terrestrial 基本解释

形容词陆地的; 地球的; 人间的; 类地行星的



terrestrial 反义词


terrestrial 网络解释

1. 地球:塔索尼斯在这个星区建立了七个繁荣的殖民地之后,军事力量大大增强,并成立了一个新的联合政府,为纪念地球(Terrestrial)而将这个联合政府命名为特兰(Terran) 联邦,由塔索尼斯及其下属的殖民地组成.

2. terrestrial

2. 地面:安捷伦科技从2005年起在北京设立数字电视测试的研发中心,开发全球各种制式的数字电视测试产品,服务全球客户,支持包括移动(mobile),地面(terrestrial),卫星(satellite)和有线(cable)数字电视的系统测试.

3. 生:兰科植物为单子叶草本,多分布在热带及亚热带,生活环境也由海边、草原、森林一直延伸到三千公尺的高山,而生态习性更包括了地生(terrestrial)、著生(epiphytic)及腐生(saprophytic).

4. 地球的,陆地的:remote-sensing 遥感的 | terrestrial 地球的,陆地的 | geomagnetism 地磁

terrestrial 双语例句

1. A swarm of Jurassic insects and reptiles, allegory of the long terrestrial migration the Pendulum was tracing, aimed at me like angry archons with their long archeopterix-beaks; the planes of Bréguet, Blériot, Esnault, and the helicopter of Dufaux.


2. Lignin, one of the most abundant terrestrial biopolymers, is indispensable for plant structure and defense.


3. Overtly, I had so-called normal relationships with a number of terrestrial women having pumpkins or pears for breasts; inly, I was consumed by a hell furnace of localized lust for every passing nymphet whom as a law-abiding poltroon I never dared approach.


4. Based on deep research on the principle of the system, we build models of terrestrial beacon antenna and receiver of the system, simulate the system in the ideal communication channel with the communication system simulation software-System View.

根据现役仪表着陆系统的工作原理建立系统的地面信标、天线及机载接收设备的数学模型,利用通信系统仿真软件System View实现了理想信道环境下仪表着陆系统的仿真,分析了该仿真方案的缺陷。

5. Based on deep research on the principle of the system, we build models of terrestrial beacon、antenna and receiver of the system, simulate the system in the ideal communication channel with the communication system simulation software-SystemView.


6. Clearly we have a problem here -- as the current terrestrial channel allocations are limited to 6 MHz!


7. Land-use/Land-cover change and terrestrial carbon cycle are the current international research hotspots on...


8. terrestrial

8. Land-use/Land-cover change and terrestrial carbon cycle are the current international research hotspots on global change research area.


9. It is one of the most decisive factors that the feedback of terrestrial ecosystems to current changing climate for the development of future global climate, which promotes the studies on the response of regional ecosystems to global warming.

摘 要:陆地生态系统对全球升温的响应是决定全球变化发展方向的重要因素之一,而物候对全球升温的响应是其中最为重要的内容之一。

10. Natural land cover information is important for analysing and understanding of the current terrestrial situation, es-pecially in the study area that is facing the environmental deteriorating increasingly.


11. terrestrial的反义词

11. Forest biomass estimation is the groundwork of analyzing carbon cycle and its dynamics in terrestrial ecosystems, but the current estimation models had the problem of un-compatibility between total forest biomass and its components.


12. The current terrestrial seismic exploration in China mostly adopts the dynamite`s exploding inside a well. And the main shortcoming of the dynamite as the hypocenter is that it is unsafe. So it is significant to develop the seismic exploring safety detection equipment with automatic ignition.


13. terrestrial在线翻译

13. The founding of BAMC is an important achievement of Beijing media industry in the movement of industrial innovation and consolidation reform. Serving for the society and citizen is the responsibility of BAMC. The reformation and innovation is the guideline. By building two network platforms of the terrestrial digital video broadcasting and cable TV network, BAMC concentrates on forming two business integration on content and services and hopefully it will become a first class business operator in networks and platform in the sub-divisional market.


14. A member of the Crossopterygii, a group of bony fishes with paired, rounded fins that are extinct except for the coelacanths and are regarded as ancestors of amphibians and other terrestrial vertebrates.


15. We also found that the femur is shorter than the tarsometatarsus in terrestrial birds while the reverse is true in arboreal birds.


16. MediaCorp TV HD5 is Singapore's first over-the-air HDTV channel, simulcasting HD version of Channel 5 programming when available. It is the first terrestrial broadcast HD channel in South-East Asia and also first in the world to use MPEG4/AVC compression.

新传媒的高清第五播道是新加坡,东南亚,和世界上第一个免费的可用室外天线接收(over-the-air DVB-T broadcast)的数字高清频道,它和新传媒的普通第五播道是同步的。

17. The Cu Se〓-based polycrystalline thin-film are one of the most promising candidates for their terrestrial application in high-efficiency and stability photovoltaic devices.


18. terrestrial

18. The man whose virtue has no source except a purely terrestrial prudence will, in such a world, become an adventurer if he has the courage, and, if not, will seek obscurity as a timid time-server.


19. Secondly, the Solar Fraunhofer line was linked to the molecular oxygen absorption by the terrestrial atmosphere at 688nm and 760nm.


20. terrestrial的近义词

20. And a secular change in terrestrial sediment composition.


terrestrial 词典解释

1. (动植物)陆地的,陆生的,陆栖的

A terrestrial animal or plant lives on land or on the ground rather than in the sea, in trees, or in the air.

e.g. Terrestrial and aquatic fauna may sometimes be found resting together under a loose stone.


2. 地球的;地球上的

Terrestrial means relating to the planet Earth rather than to some other part of the universe.

e.g. ...terrestrial life forms.


3. (电视频道)地面的(有别于卫星转播的)

Terrestrial television channels are transmitted using equipment situated at ground level, and not by satellite.


terrestrial 单语例句

1. Conducted by the University of Hong Kong and commissioned by ATV in December, the survey said 23 percent of 514 interviewees chose not to watch digital terrestrial TV.

2. Only receivers capable of reception of local digital terrestrial television services will be affixed with the label.

3. Terrestrial digital TV transmission can deliver signals to fixed TV sets and mobile televisions such as the ones on buses.

4. Terrestrial digital TV transmission can deliver television signals to fixed television sets and mobile televisions found on some city buses.

5. He estimates that 90 percent of viewers will switch to digital terrestrial TV within five years.

6. Many people believed the problem to be a telecommunications breakdown, but experts attributed it to be disturbance of " abnormal terrestrial magnetism waves ".

7. But it says lava flowing to the sea will likely affect marine and terrestrial iguanas, sea lions and other fauna.

8. Regarding the steadiness of transition, he said that terrestrial route was more reliable than undersea cables for data transition.

9. The responsibilities of forestry and veterinary departments in jointly monitoring the source of terrestrial wild animal epidemics are set forth.

10. It is to closely cooperate with the ground SDF to deal with all possible terrestrial terrorist attacks.