

restive:[英 [ˈrestɪv] 美 [ˈrɛstɪv] ]


restive 基本解释

形容词焦躁不安的; 难以驾驭的,不受管束的

restive 相关例句


1. The crowd grew restive.


restive 网络解释

1. restive的解释

1. 倔强的:restitution 归还 | restive 倔强的 | restively 倔强地


2. 不安的,不稳定的:imperturbable沉着的a | restive不安的,不稳定的 | ticklish易发脾气的

3. restive

3. 不安静的,(人群等)难以控制的:petrol bomb 汽油弹 | restive 不安静的,(人群等)难以控制的 | ruthless 无情的,冷酷的,残忍的

4. restive的翻译

4. 不愿向前走的:restitutorrestorer 恢复器 | restive 不愿向前走的 | restively 难驾御地

restive 双语例句

1. restive的近义词

1. China has replaced its hard-line Communist party chief in Xinjiang province with a media-savvy politician with economic training more than nine months after the country's worst ethnic riots in decades claimed almost 200 lives in the country's restive western region.


2. It faces a restive population that lives in about 13 percent of the land area of China.


3. He is as restive as a donkey.


4. restive的解释

4. He needs to persuade a restive public that there is no magic that can provide them with risk-free energy.


5. The prime minister's second achievement has been to tackle Spain's restive regions.


6. restive的翻译

6. We are in Al-Anbar, which is the most restive area, besides Baghdad.



7. Violence in China's restive western region of Xinjiang has left at least 140 people dead and more than 800 people injured, state media say.


8. restive的意思

8. Local security officials say the attack late Wednesday in the restive North Waziristan region was aimed at a senior al-Qaida explosives expert, Egyptian-born Muhsin Musa Matwali Atwah.


9. Even many Republicans hanging on emerged from a bruising election restive and looking for a fresh direction.


10. Never mind that Russia is itself being incoherent in continuing to insist that Kosovo's independence from Serbia is still illegal (a stance driven in part by its wish to avoid setting a precedent for Chechnya or other restive republics within Russia).


11. His face was quite stolid, but he looked at her with restive eyes.


12. New details about Monday's attack -- one of the most audacious in this restive Muslim territory -- came with China on high alert for other violence or unrest that might embarrass the country ahead of Friday's start to the Olympic Games in Beijing.


13. In the south-east many of Mr Rigi`s Baluchis are restive.


14. Ethnic and religious minorities may still cause trouble too. In the south-east many of Mr Rigi`s Baluchis are restive.


15. restive的翻译

15. Everyday life is still difficult for most Haitians and there are signs that some of them are becoming restive.


16. restive的近义词

16. An examination was made of remorseless cross examination was making her restive.


17. A man chafes at having to stay away from his wife even for a single month, when he is on shipboard, at the mercy of wind and sea, but it is now nine long years that we have been kept here; I cannot, therefore, blame the Achaeans if they turn restive; still we shall be shamed if we go home empty after so long a stay- therefore, my friends, be patient yet a little longer that we may learn whether the prophesyings of Calchas were false or true.


18. Now Aleppo seems increasingly restive.


19. In an attempt to stabilise cotton supplies and soothe restive farmers in Xinjiang, in 2011 China set a cotton price floor and started stockpiling the material.


20. The audience grew restive.


restive 词典解释

1. 不耐烦的;厌烦的;不满的

If you are restive, you are impatient, bored, or dissatisfied.

e.g. The audience grew restive.


e.g. ...restive national minorities.



There were signs of restiveness among the younger members.

年轻成员流露出了不满的情绪。restive 单语例句

1. The activist reports couldn't be independently verified, as the journalists are banned from heading to restive areas.

2. When the chief minister of the state of Maharashtra reached the spot, restive crowds surrounded him shouting angry slogans.

3. The conflicting information couldn't be verified as journalists are banned of independently heading to restive areas.

4. Congo's restive capital is preparing for a second round presidential vote next month that many worry could plunge the city back into violence.

5. The blasts come as a dusk to dawn curfew has been emplaced in the restive seaside city of Mogadishu for a week.

6. The military operation started 10 days ago in the restive suburbs of Damascus.

7. The military operation started 10 days ago in the restive suburbs of the Syrian capital of Damascus.

8. Pakistani security forces have stepped up assaults in the restive northwest over the past year, largely clearing militants from the tribal areas along the Afghan border.

9. Sunni leaders have urged a postponement of the vote, largely because areas of Iraq where they dominate are too restive for preparations to begin.

10. With agitation from politicians and the media, our youths are getting more restive by the day.

restive的近义词restive 英英释义


1. impatient especially under restriction or delay

e.g. the government has done nothing to ease restrictions and manufacturers are growing restive

2. being in a tense state

Synonym: edgyhigh-strunghighly strungjitteryjumpynervyoverstrunguptight