

medieval:[英 [ˌmediˈi:vl] 美 [ˌmidiˈivəl] ]


medieval 基本解释


medieval 同义词



medieval 反义词



medieval 网络解释

1. 中古世紀:配合以柱顶过梁(architrave)连结的圆柱,以及部分的彩石镶嵌(mosaic)装饰,都基本上全属于五世纪时古代基督信徒的手迹;大理石镶嵌图案(cosmatesque)的地板,和罗马式钟楼则是中古世纪(medieval)的工程;花格平顶式的天花(lacunar ceiling),

2. 中古的,中世纪的:mechanical 机械的 | medieval 中古的,中世纪的 | mental 心理的,精神的,

medieval 双语例句

1. Celebrating Florence's annual Easter pageant, a reenactor brandishes a medieval-style banner as he passes the cathedral in a tradition dating to the Crusades.


2. The Tithe Barn was built in the early 14th century as part of the medieval farmstead belonging to Shaftesbury Abbey.


3. The requirements of Medieval England tenants` resistances concerned about the status of tenants, rents, tallage and so on, all those related to tenants` self rights. In this sense, the history of tenants` resistance was a history of the development of tenants` rights.


4. Beyond The Majestic Malacca, Melaka's medieval charm, picturesque buildings, quaint shop houses and 600-year-old narrow alleys are perfect to explore in a trishaw or by foot.


5. medieval在线翻译

5. Stay in beautifully restored, medieval farm buildings at Hotel More di Cuna, set around 20 minutes drive from Siena and featuring spacious gardens and characteristic Tuscan décor and furnishings.


6. This medieval cathedral city is also home to the World Heritage site of Stonehenge.


7. In medieval England an attendant and shield bearer to a knight; a candidate for knighthood.


8. In medieval England) an attend and shield bearer to a knight; a candidate for knighthood.


9. Except for brief periods during the dark ages, medieval ages and cold war days, It has been a fairly flat world for most part of its history.


10. Though they were known to Medieval philosophers, tropes are relatively new to contemporary metaphysics, and have been called on to address a number of very different philosophical issues, including the Problem of Universals.


11. As` evocative vocalist Azam Ali renders innovative interpretations of medieval sacred and love songs, masterfully weaving traditional European period instruments — hurdy-gurdy, rebec, and vielle — with the rich vocal ornamentation and instruments of her own Middle Eastern heritage.

AS组合中杰出的声乐家Azam Ali对中世纪宗教和爱情歌曲的全新演绎,并在交织了欧洲传统乐器hurdy-gurdy,rebec,以及vielle的同时,用她自己受中东文化影响的嗓音进行演唱。

12. Barri Gotic - You could easily pass a whole day rambling through the medieval laneways of old Barcelona.


13. And with the old narrow barriers of their homeland f ell also the thousand-year-old barriers of the prescribed medieval way of thought.


14. In medieval Italy, students of law would hire a teacher to teach them Roman Law, especially Justinian's Code Corpus Juris.


15. He wore a Roman emperor's laurel crown, the embroidered gold slippers of a medieval king and an ermine shoulder cape that was grander than the pope's.


16. medieval的反义词

16. When I first had the idea of writing novels, I wanted to start with a medieval novel.


17. medieval的翻译

17. The flourishing of algebra in the medieval Islamic world and in Renaissance Europe was an outgrowth of the enormous simplification of computation through decimal notation.


18. Capital A great A many medieval manuscripts are in majuscule script.


19. Chinese cities were much larger than their equivalents in medieval Europe, and Chinese trade routes as extensive.


20. medieval的意思

20. Arles the first time the city can be traced back to BC for 46 years, but in the Middle Ages had been destroyed and aggression, until only the reconstruction of the 12th century, many magnificent medieval monuments, to become that period full of vitality and wealth proof, and in the 17 and 18th century during the construction of some houses, while the formation of the old city's most fascinating part of the charm.


medieval 词典解释in BRIT, also use 英国英语亦用 mediaeval

1. 中世纪的(指公元476年西罗马帝国灭亡至公元1500年左右这段时期)

Something that is medieval relates to or was made in the period of European history between the end of the Roman Empire in 476 AD and about 1500 AD.


e.g. ...a medieval castle.


e.g. ...the medieval chroniclers.


medieval 单语例句medieval的解释

1. Old Tibet was " hell on earth ", which made slavery of medieval Europe and America look pale by comparison.

2. Attractions in the castle complex include a beautiful and comprehensive medieval herb and medicinal plants garden.

3. They also can admire great art, stroll medieval town squares and savor some of the world's best beer.

4. Corvus Corax is a German band known for playing medieval music using authentic instruments.

5. Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin has likened the Security Council resolution on Libya to medieval calls for crusade.

6. Among other points the two sides disagree on is whether Japan was affiliated to China from ancient to medieval times.

7. The nation changed dramatically from savage medieval ways to a more refined style of living, evident by his palace at Versailles.

8. The people were slaves and serfs living in conditions that would make medieval Europe look like the Age of Enlightenment.

9. One for the more hardy rambler, this medieval fortress is only reachable after negotiating a lengthy pathway and several stone staircases.

10. Their gothic and metal influences combine to create some of the best medieval metal around.

medieval的近义词medieval 英英释义



1. as if belonging to the Middle Ages

old-fashioned and unenlightened

e.g. a medieval attitude toward dating

Synonym: mediaevalgothic

2. characteristic of the time of chivalry and knighthood in the Middle Ages

e.g. chivalric rites

the knightly years

Synonym: chivalricknightly

3. relating to or belonging to the Middle Ages

e.g. Medieval scholars

Medieval times

Synonym: mediaeval