

modicum:[英 [ˈmɒdɪkəm] 美 [ˈmɑ:dɪkəm] ]


  复数形式:modicums; modica;

modicum 基本解释



modicum 网络解释

1. 少量:modimodus的复数 | modicum少量 | modifiability可缓和性;可修改性

2. 一点点,少量:Grimy 肮脏的,积满污垢的 | Modicum 一点点,少量 | Discrepancy 差异,矛盾,不一致


3. 少量的:Homo sapiens n. 智人(现代人的学名) | modicum 少量的 | mausoleum 坟墓

4. 一点点:sexism性别歧视 | modicum一点点 | friction摩擦力

modicum 双语例句

1. modicum的解释

1. All in all, I`m almost to a point that I have figured out how to work and blog and podcast and still keep a modicum of sanity in my life.


2. A modicum of anxiety about its ambitions is more than just cold-war paranoia.


3. A tradition-bound view of sales personnel is that they are mavericks, on their own in the field, and desirous of at least a modicum of latitude--and that they prefer this kind of environment.


4. It would include a modicum of subsidy, on research into technologies that are still a long way from being marketable, such as carbon capture and storage.



5. In her lay a Godframed Godgiven preformed possibility which thou hast fructified with thy modicum of man's work.


6. There's not even a modicum of truth in her statement.


7. modicum的翻译

7. If he had a modicum of sense, he wouldn't do such a thing.


8. If you are in the entertainment business you expect a modicum of entertainment.


9. In the life of Afghanistan`s villages even a modicum of democracy is worth something.


10. This has brought back a modicum of stability.


11. But some tourists still on some of the more serious situations can not do a modicum of respect!


12. Then a modicum of peace, monetary stability and open markets was all that was expected.


13. modicum

13. Our test sample measured 2335 lumens in its brightest mode, which can light up a small lecture hall quite well if it has a modicum of light control.


14. I regret none of that time, and have achieved my own modicum of success — and an even greater deal of fulfillment.


15. modicum的意思

15. Mathematics is a technical subject, and students should learn a modicum of technical skills because these skills are the source of its power.


16. modicum

16. We try to give our kids a clean home, clean clothes, and a modicum of attention.


17. So go climbing, have fun, and remember, all it takes to succeed is a modicum of talent and a lot of dedication.

因此出去攀岩吧,享受快乐,并且记住成功的因素是一点点的天赋加 N 多的奉献。

18. What we care about is getting our job done swiftly, effectively, and with a modicum of ease and dignity.



19. A proper theory of education must include moral qualities such as inpartiality, kindliness and a modicum of self control.


20. The mission of segmenting is that the target def ects from the complicated wood-grain background should be achieved during the stage of image segmentation. And then calculating based on analyzing the laminated flooring defects to find out the feature parameter which could reflect the qualified and the defected flooring's attribute. At this stage, the parameter need to be dimensions reduced as well, in order to make sure the parameter is distinctive, reliable, independent and modicum, and reduce the complexity of classifier meanwhile. When coming to the classifier designing, we want to create one kind of classifier which can assign different identifiers to the qualified floor and defective floor.


modicum 词典解释

1. (尤指好事或值得拥有的事物)少量,一点点

A modicum of something, especially something that is good or desirable, is a reasonable but not large amount of it.


e.g. I'd like to think I've had a modicum of success.


e.g. ...a modicum of privacy.


modicum 单语例句

1. Anyone with even a modicum of human compassion would feel the same.

2. It's very easy to understand for someone with a modicum of English, but a translation tool will throw up its arms and put in something ridiculous.

3. Ruan sisters now have their own online garment shop and a modicum of respect.

4. I seriously doubt anyone with a modicum of knowledge about the Middle Kingdom would say yes.