

pertain:[英 [pəˈteɪn] 美 [pərˈteɪn] ]


过去式:pertained;   过去分词:pertained;   现在分词:pertaining;

pertain 基本解释

不及物动词适合; 关于,有关; 附属,从属

pertain 相关例句


1. pertain

1. His remark did not pertain to the question.


2. Her conduct hardly pertains to a lady.


3. pertain的翻译

3. This lesson pertains to marine animals.


4. We own the house and the land pertaining to it.


pertain 网络解释

1. 属於,适於:persuade 说服,使相信 | pertain 属於,适於 | pertinacious 执拗,固执的

2. 相关:detain 拘留 | pertain 相关 | contain 包含,包括

3. 相关、贴切:detain 拘留 | pertain 相关、贴切 | retain 保留

4. pertain

4. 相关,从属:attain 获得 | pertain 相关,从属 | maintain 坚持,维持

pertain 双语例句

1. The results are as follows: the dwarf mutant A846 pertain to half-dwarf type, which height is about 38.64 cm on average, preponderating over the half-height of the wild-type, the elongation stage of the mutant represent dwarf character, internode elongation patterns of caulis are similarly the sh-type dwarf mutant, in which the first internode shows specific reduction, the elongation of these cells in the elongation zone immediately above the IM was dissimilar to the wild-type, longitudinal length of parenchyma cells were curtate, also the first internode exhibit markedly, which average is under the corresponding internode of the wild-type, the differentiation of the IM of each internodes of stem was similar to wild-type, as well as the number of internodes and the length of sheath of flag leaf.


2. pertain是什么意思

2. I'm afraid that your remark does not pertain to the question.


3. One is to make the tax problem pertain to the taxrefund ascertain by national laws so that it guarantees not only the national revenues, but the legal rights of taxpayers as well.


4. What I have learned from these past years is that there is always a lonely and sensitive internal world that we pertain, behind what it looks like superficially in the world that we live in.


5. A number of his quatrains are believed by scholars of prophecy to pertain to our time, and warn of dire events.


6. I have therefore whereof I may glory through Jesus Christ in those things which pertain to God.

15:17 所以论到神的事我在基督耶稣埵野i夸的。

7. pertain在线翻译

7. Understanding of performance concepts such as overdraws and batch sizes, and how they pertain to particle effects.


8. pertain的翻译

8. Right Action and Livelihood pertain to our bodily activities, Right Speech to our verbal ones, and the remainder to the domain of the mind and heart.


9. My mother let none of this idling, as she saw it, pertain to her, she went her own way with or without her calling cards, and though she was fond of her friends and they were fond of her, she had little time for small talk.



10. It contains all of the terms and conditions that pertain to this software product.


11. Now many of these issues pertain more to big companies than to small businesses.



12. A. S. Byatt 在小说 Possesion 中这样说: A man is the history of his breaths and thoughts, acts, atoms and wounds, love, indifference and dislike; also of his race and his nation, the soil that fed him and his forebears, the stones and sands of his familiar places, long-silenced battles and struggles of conscience, of the smiles of girls and the slow utterance of old woman, of accidents and the gradual action of inexorable law, of all this and something else too, a single flame which in every way obeys the laws that pertain to Fire itself, and yet is lit and put out from moment to the next, and never be relumed in the whole waste of time to come.



13. Ob touch teg It does not pertain to the young to instruct their elders.


14. Limitations of these findings are that BRFSS survey participants include only noninstitutionalized persons with landline telephones, BRFSS questions regarding folic acid consumption do not specify the recommended daily dose and pertain only to vitamin supplements, possible failure to document all NTDs, and prevalence of NTDs, which are rare, might be affected by even slight variations in surveillance methods.


15. It does not pertain to you to instruct him.


16. In a network, pertain ing to devices, programs, or domains that are connected by a data link or that share common control.



17. And if you learn to imagine vividly enough and to also draw heavily upon the inner sense or conscious of what is right or wrong, you will come to detect the most fundamental principles that pertain to your life.


18. These nouns all pertain to a person's actions as they constitute a means of evaluation by others.


19. These, under colour of a right of patronage which they pretend to hold in ecclesiastical benefices, without the support of any apostolic privileges, or of collations or letters from the ordinaries, or even of any pretence of a title, presume to confer benefices not only on clerics but also on layfolk; to punish at their own whim priests and clerics who are at fault; to remove, purloin and usurp in an arbitrary way, either directly or by ordering others, the tithes of everything on which they are obliged by law to pay, as well as tithes belonging to cathedrals, and other things which pertain to diocesan law and jurisdiction and are the exclusive concern of bishops; to forbid such tithes and any fruits to be taken out of their cities, lands and territories; to seize and unjustly hold fiefs, possessions and lands; to induce and compel, by threats, terror and other indirect means, the granting to them of fiefs and goods of churches and the conferring of ecclesiastical benefices on persons nominated by them; and not only to permit but even expressly to command very many other losses, damages and injuries to be inflicted on the aforesaid clerics and churches and their prelates.

这些,根据肤色的赞助权,他们假装在教会举行benefices ,不支持任何使徒特权,或排序或来信普通,甚至任何藉口标题,擅自不仅赋予benefices对神职人员,而且layfolk ;来惩罚自己心血来潮神父和神职人员谁是罪魁祸首;删除,窃和篡夺任意方式,直接或通过命令他人的什一税的一切,他们都必须受到法律支付的金额,以及什一税属於教堂,和其他的东西涉及到拔萃的法律和管辖权,并独家关注主教;禁止任何此类什一税和将要采取的水果离开自己的城市,土地和领土;抓住和不公正举行领地,财产和土地;诱导和强迫,威胁,恐怖和其他间接方式,给予他们的领地和货物的教堂和赋予教会benefices关於他们提名的人选;不仅允许但是,即使明确指挥很多其他损失,损害和伤害是对上述神职人员和教堂,他们的主教。

20. And if you learn to imagine vividly enough and to also 11draw heavily upon the inner sense or conscious of what is right or wrong, you will come to detect the most fundamental principles that pertain to your life.


pertain 词典解释

1. 与…相关;属于;适用(于)

If one thing pertains to another, it relates, belongs, or applies to it.

e.g. The restrictions he imposed pertained to the type and height of buildings and the activities for which they could be used...


e.g. I would much rather that you asked Mrs Zuckerman any questions pertaining to herself.


pertain 单语例句pertain

1. The best researched health benefits pertain to improved digestive health, especially prevention and relief from constipation.

2. The remaining 20 percent pertain to local governments approving land use against the law.

3. " Sinochem has not yet clarified the terms and conditions that pertain to the revised price, " Nufarm said in the statement.

4. The new law combines two existing laws that pertain to exiting and entering the country and to foreigners.

5. The new version is expected to pertain to $ 100 billion worth of procurement contracts from the organization's 42 member countries.

6. The resolution's weapons embargo does not pertain to Sudan's government forces, which Washington says are aiding the Janjaweed.

pertain 英英释义



1. be a part or attribute of

Synonym: appertain

2. be relevant to

e.g. There were lots of questions referring to her talk

My remark pertained to your earlier comments

Synonym: referrelateconcerncome tobear ontouchtouch onhave-to doe with