

rebuff:[英 [rɪˈbʌf] 美 [rɪˈbʌf] ]


过去式:rebuffed;   过去分词:rebuffed;   现在分词:rebuffing;

rebuff 基本解释

名词断然拒绝; 挫败

及物动词断然拒绝; 阻碍


rebuff 相关例句


1. His suggestion was very sharply rebuffed.


rebuff 网络解释

1. 断然拒绝:对某个要求严峻或断然的反应或拒绝:nocturnal 夜的, 夜曲的 | rebuff 断然拒绝:对某个要求严峻或断然的反应或拒绝 | rebuttal 反驳:反驳的行为

2. 回绝:rebellious 反叛的 | rebuff 回绝 | rebuild 重建

3. 断然拒绝:buff brownish yellow 浅黄色牛皮;皮肤 | rebuff 断然拒绝 | cuff 袖口,v. 用手轻拍

4. (回来不作那件事情)断然拒绝:overt 公然的 | rebuff (回来不作那件事情)断然拒绝 | somber 阴沉的 郁闷的

rebuff 双语例句

1. Facts are the most powerful rebuff to rumormonger s.


2. Her kindness to him is meet with a cruel rebuff.


3. rebuff的近义词

3. Everywhere meet with a rebuff, I spent time in the company they say is not enough passion, reticent.


4. This proposition, in accordance with the dialectical materialism that is the only respect the objective laws, act in accordance with the laws of nature, we will not meet with a rebuff in practice.


5. Be snubbed; meet with a rebuff


6. This is very important when you need to drink water, have the combat bug, or you need to rebuff fortitude.


7. But from the current fact, all four groups still insist on their false views, do not want to give up their evil thought of the conscious permanence view, and continuously rebuff and slander the true Tathagatagarbha dharma in private.


8. I tried to pacify him, but got a rebuff for my pains.


9. But his refusal to offer a premium earned a swift rebuff from Anglo.


10. We speak not just with words, but with the sometimes more expressive language of our bodies. The eyes can convey love or hate, joy or sadness, welcome or rebuff.


11. Was often in public rebuff of Zhi-Qiang Ren Pan Shiyi, this has to do a low profile shape, declined to answer.


12. rebuff

12. China's rebuff sets back the Atlanta-based soft-drink maker's strategy to expand in China, its fourth-largest market, after the U. S., Mexico and Brazil, when sales in the U. S. are slowing.



13. After so many disappointing times when I would flinch from his sharp rebuff I began to withdraw my own warm displays of affection.


14. Xiao Zhi stopped OK, I rebuff a lot, exhorted the wish child care, and You You miss the worries and Xiao Zhi promise to their home, they will give my family the current situation of Xiangxi fellow people.


15. All eyes met her with a glance of eager curiosity, and she met all eyes with one of rebuff and coldness.



16. All eyes met her with a glance of eager curiosity, and she met all eyes with one of rebuff and coldness; she looked neither flurried nor merry: she walked stiffly to her seat, and took it in silence.


17. The International Monetary Fund has softened its stance on the Chinese renminbi, calling the currency moderately undervalued against a basket of currencies, an important change in wording that will make it easier for Beijing to rebuff foreign criticism of its exchange rate regime.


18. He would rebuff enquiries in such a way as to preclude any further discussion.



19. Good news now arrived from Tobruk, where the audacious and persistent enemy met their first definite rebuff.


20. I tried to calm him down, but got a rebuff for my pains.


rebuff 词典解释

1. 拒绝;回绝

If you rebuff someone or rebuff a suggestion that they make, you refuse to do what they suggest.

e.g. He wanted sex with Julie but she rebuffed him...


e.g. His proposals have already been rebuffed by the Prime Minister.


rebuff 单语例句rebuff

1. People may rebuff this restriction order because it could be detrimental to social integration and even discriminative to migrants.

2. China and India have already asked airlines to rebuff mandatory requests from the EU for data needed to fix emissions payments.

3. The latest health scare to dog China's top drug inspector has prompted a rebuff from Beijing.

4. It is unlikely that the Obama administration will either rebuff or fully accept the DPRK's conditions to end the hostility between the two countries.

5. Yang's rebuff is now looking like a horrible mistake as online advertisers curtail their spending in anticipation of the worst recession in a quarter century.

6. Anything short of that is likely to be viewed as a rebuff of the offer in Western capitals.

7. Leaders of the two governments must rebuff such ramblings with real and determined action.

8. The rebuff reflects Noda's inability in dealing with the Diaoyu Islands issue.

9. Shi and the rest of the monks can remain tranquil during such programs because they are trained to rebuff all outside influences and temptations.

10. He has also long raised the specter of an Islamist takeover of Yemen to solicit international funds and rebuff calls that he stand down.

rebuff 英英释义


1. a deliberate discourteous act (usually as an expression of anger or disapproval)

Synonym: slight

2. an instance of driving away or warding off

Synonym: snubrepulse


1. reject outright and bluntly

e.g. She snubbed his proposal

Synonym: snubrepel

2. force or drive back

e.g. repel the attacker

fight off the onslaught

rebuff the attack

Synonym: repelrepulsefight offdrive back