

due:[英 [dju:] 美 [du:] ]



due 基本解释


形容词由于; 到期; 适当的; 预定

名词应有的权利; 应得到的东西; 应缴款

副词正向; 正对着

due 同义词


due 反义词




due 相关词组


1. due to : 由于;

due 相关例句


1. The bank loan is due this month.


2. When is the steamer due?


3. Phil's train is due at 7:00 p.m.


4. due是什么意思

4. I am due for a rise in pay.



1. due的反义词

1. She asked no more than her due.


due 情景对话



B:When is the (assignment/ project/ report) due?


A:It’s due tomorrow.




B:When is this book due back?


A:It’s due back (next Tuesday/ a week from Friday/ in three days).



A:Take it easy. Don’t work so hard.


B:I can’t take it easy. This is due in the morning.


due 网络解释

1. 到期:如果您今年购买了新房或您拥有出租地产(rental property)或是商业地产, 请注意各个县郡(County) 及市区(City)的地产税的税单(Bill of property tax) 都将在未来的几个月到期(Due ).

2. 会费:另外注意,除了会费(Due)之外(现在是50美元),不要选择任何另外收费的选项,例如印刷版杂志和光盘版以往杂志资料. 付款完毕,立刻会显示一张临时会员卡,你可以屏幕捕捉或采用打印成文件方式来保留,上面有你的会员编号,要记住.

3. due:drug utilization evaluation; 药物使用评估

4. due什么意思

4. due:drug use evaluation; 药物利用评价

due 双语例句

1. due是什么意思

1. Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention please: Due to 〈1.the poor weather condition at our airport 2.the poor weather condition over the air route 3.the poor weather condition over the Shanghai airport 4.aircraft reallocation 5.the maintenance of the aircraft 6.the aircraft maintenance at our airport 7.the aircraft maintenance at the Shanghai airport 8.air traffic congestion 9.the close-down of Shanghai airport 10.communication trouble〉(11), the 〔supplementary〕flight CA2986 to Shanghai has been delayed.

乘坐〔补班〕CA2986次航班前往上海的旅客请注意:由于〈1。本站天气不够飞行标准 2。航路天气不够飞行标准 3。上海天气不够飞行标准4。飞机调配原因 5。飞机机械原因 6。飞机在本站出现机械故障 7。飞机在上海机场出现机械故障 8。航行管制原因 9。上海机场关闭 10。通信原因〉(11),本次航班不能按时办理乘机手续。

2. According to the NHTSA`s Web site, the recall is due to a faulty drive shaft cover plate that could lead to a detached drive shaft.


3. Due to the mismatch of mechanical property between brazing filler metal and base metal, the welding residual stress was generated inevitably during the brazing process, which has great influence on the creep deformation and life.


4. Due to the formation of the chemical bonds between the coating layer and the inner wall of the capillary, the thermal stability of the column was greatly increased.


5. You can get a rough idea by dividing the amount due on the electric bill by the number of kilowatt-hours used that month.


6. The loops are identified to have the Burgers vector[100] and lie on(100)planes due to vacancy condensation.


7. On the basis of the above-mentioned condition, the std No.4 cylinder crank pin and bearing were burnt on Dec. 16, probably due to their non-parallelism not being measured when being repaired on Aug. 6, in Pusan, Korea.

根据上述情况,导致该轮主机右 No.4 缸曲柄肖及轴承于某年 12 月 16 日被烧坏有可能是在某年 8 月 6 日在朝鲜釜山进行修理时,没有对不平行度进行测量所致。

8. It is difficult to make due to the complex technology and large quantity of special module...

另外 ,技术复杂,专用组件多,制造难度大。

9. due的反义词

9. In particular, the Fano factor for the asymmetric contact structures is more than double that of symmetric ones due to increased backscattering, and is within the experimental range.

特别的,Al(001)面的非对称结构的单原子接触的Fano Factor是对称结构的两倍多,并且其计算数值在实验范围之内。

10. They are quite unhappy with the injustice of unequal opportunity for young people due to factors like connections with the rich and powerful and crony capitalism.


11. On the bridging beam of the temple, a spider spun her home there. Due to edified by burning joss stick and devotional sacrifice every day, the spider obtained the spirit of Buddha.


12. Due to the exploitation and utilization of deep groundwater in northern Shandong plain, a lot of environmental problms have been occurred, such as, the regional deep groundwater depression is continuously enlarging, in some area, deep groundwater exhausted and water quality is becoming more and more saltish, as well as land subsidence was aggravated and endemic appeared in some major towns. The reason is that the groundwater exploitation is most concentrated in towns areamabd tge exploiting methods is much more irrational.

摘 要:鲁北平原在深层地下水开发利用过程中,由于开采地段过于集中在城镇,加上不合理开采等因素,出现了区域性深层地下水超采漏斗不断扩大、部分地段地下水资源枯竭和水质咸化问题严重、重点城镇地面沉降加剧及饮用高氟高碘地下水引发的地方病呈上升趋势等诸多水环境问题。

13. The difference result is due to the difference of solubilityof WCp with various grain size.


14. due

14. The prefecture is so far due to receive 5 million yen ($55, 810) for the gold, minus expenses.


15. This is one of the exibit I have taken, as the others due to spot light shine on the art.



16. One surmises that the generally drab look of all American cities is due to failure on the part of architect's creative imagination.



17. He reached the railway station just one minute before the train was due to leave.


18. due的翻译

18. Highways in the area were closed due to heavy snow and icy conditions.


19. According to analysis, emergence of the current situation of active rental market there are three factors: First, the center region due to the relocation of municipal progress slowed down the impact of second-hand housing downtown sharp drop in demand.


20. due

20. In practice, there may be differences, but they are due to implementation details and limitations rather than theoretical differences.


due 词典解释

1. 由于;因为

If an event is due to something, it happens or exists as a direct result of that thing.

e.g. The country's economic problems are largely due to the weakness of the recovery...


e.g. If the trip is a success, a lot of this will be due to Mr Green's efforts.


2. 由于,因为(构成原因状语,有些英语国家的人认为该用法不正确)

You can say due to to introduce the reason for something happening. Some speakers of English believe that it is not correct to use due to in this way.


e.g. Due to the large volume of letters he receives Dave regrets he is unable to answer queries personally...


e.g. Jobs could be lost in the defence industry due to political changes sweeping Europe.


3. 到期的;预期的;预定到达的

If something is due at a particular time, it is expected to happen, be done, or arrive at that time.


e.g. The results are due at the end of the month...


e.g. The first price increases are due to come into force in July...


4. 适当的;适合的;充分的

Due attention or consideration is the proper, reasonable, or deserved amount of it under the circumstances.

e.g. After due consideration it was decided to send him away to live with foster parents...


e.g. I do hope that people will make use of footpaths and treat them with due attention that is needed.


5. 应有的;应得的;应得到的

Something that is due, or that is due to someone, is owed to them, either as a debt or because they have a right to it.

e.g. I was sent a cheque for £1,525 and advised that no further pension was due...

我收到了一张 1,525 英镑的支票,并被告知我应得的养老金到此为止。

e.g. I've got some leave due to me and I was going to Tasmania for a fortnight.


6. (期待很长时间后)预期应得的,预计应到的

If someone is due for something, that thing is planned to happen or be given to them now, or very soon, often after they have been waiting for it for a long time.

e.g. The deputy chief inspector rang me up and said, 'Miss Smith, you know you are due for a move?'...


e.g. He is not due for release until 2020.

他要到 2020 年才能被释放。

7. 会(员)费

Dues are sums of money that you give regularly to an organization that you belong to, for example a social club or trade union, in order to pay for being a member.

e.g. Only 18 of the UN's 180 members had paid their dues by the January deadline.

在一月最后期限前联合国 180 个成员国只有 18 个缴纳了会费。

8. (用在north,south,east或west前表示方向)正

Due is used before the words 'north', 'south', 'east', or 'west' to indicate that something is in exactly the direction mentioned.

e.g. They headed due north...


e.g. The Thames flows due south from Oxford, through the market town of Abingdon.


9. 在适当的时候;到一定的时候

If you say that something will happen or take place in due course, you mean that you cannot make it happen any quicker and it will happen when the time is right for it.


e.g. In due course the baby was born...


e.g. The arrangements will be published in due course.


10. 给…以应有的评价;公道地对待…

You can say 'to give him his due', or 'giving him his due' when you are admitting that there are some good things about someone, even though there are things that you do not like about them.

e.g. To give Linda her due, she had tried to encourage John in his school work.


e.g. You can say 'with due respect' when you are about to disagree politely with someone.


due 单语例句due的近义词

1. Due to the language barriers and ignorance of Russian customs, most Chinese business people in Russia fail to enter the upper echelons of Russian society.

2. Aso's Liberal Democratic Party faces a tough battle in a general election due by October, with the main opposition Democratic Party now leading in voter polls.

3. The investigation was ordered by police for " damaging business reputation ", though Qiu was later exonerated due to pressure from GAPP.

4. Due to the overwhelming importance of the postal savings business to the postal system, efforts to correct the interest rate problem have long met strong resistance.

5. The school has topped the Financial Times'European business school rankings for the past three consecutive years due to its faculty and management programs.

6. Prior to establishing a business or conducting any kind of business transactions, examine the transaction's scope to determine how comprehensive the due diligence should be.

7. Due to the traditional belief that business partnerships should be based on mutual trust, many small companies in China do not sign contracts with overseas customers.

8. Service on the busy Line 1 was disrupted due to an electrical failure, which reportedly triggered the collision in the tunnel a little after seven in the morning.

9. The judge on Thursday encouraged Butler to get his client's financial information to the court, saying it was past due.

10. Gains have been mainly due to Nokia's push into the rural market, where many people buy handsets for the first time.

due的意思due 英英释义


1. that which is deserved or owed

e.g. give the devil his due

2. a payment that is due (e.g., as the price of membership)

e.g. the society dropped him for non-payment of dues



1. owed and payable immediately or on demand

e.g. payment is due

2. suitable to or expected in the circumstances

e.g. all due respect

due cause to honor them

a long due promotion

in due course

due esteem

exercising due care

3. capable of being assigned or credited to

e.g. punctuation errors ascribable to careless proofreading

the cancellation of the concert was due to the rain

the oversight was not imputable to him

Synonym: ascribableimputablereferable


1. directly or exactly


e.g. went due North