

scapegoat:[英 [ˈskeɪpgəʊt] 美 [ˈskeɪpgoʊt] ]


过去式:scapegoated;   过去分词:scapegoated;   现在分词:scapegoating;   复数形式:scapegoats;

scapegoat 基本解释


名词替身; 代人受过的人,替罪羊


scapegoat 网络解释

1. 代罪羔羊:其名出自于代罪羔羊(Scapegoat)的意象恶魔化. 卡麦尔是最著名的能天使指挥官. 应该是炽天使之一. 能天使中出了很多堕天使,亦代表了卡麦尔也以光明天使和堕落天使之姿交互出现. 有人将卡麦尔列为神前的七名大天使之一,

scapegoat 双语例句


1. He has, after all, been made something of a scapegoat over the last 12 months as England's fortunes have careered from bad to worse.



2. Meanwhile, we notice that as a romance, Ivanhoe follows the long tradition of stereotyping female characters, either as angels or monsters. This author have analyzed Rebecca's role as a scapegoat as well as the madwoman Ulrica, in order to prove that women are discriminated against in this novel.



3. Japan is not willing to be the scapegoat of the old world.


4. The old curmudgeon found a new scapegoat and that let me out.


5. The size of an empty scapegoat tree is also considerably increased.



6. Sheng said: lure the fish were using devices, fishing is more proud, and he kept on pole in hand is really good, fish was more, never again scapegoat.


7. Fish too little too thin, not concentrated, a waste of nest material, often scapegoat......


8. scapegoat

8. The Scapegoat, a novel by Daphne du Maurier, is about two men who are amazed at the striking similarity in their appearance. They spend an evening together, but one runs off, stealing the other`s identity and leaving him to step into a life filled with problems.


9. If the United States truly wishes to compete on a fair and open playing field, it should review its policies, including its erroneous trade policies regarding China, rather than simply making China a scapegoat.


10. The official scapegoat for the disaster was Geoffrey de Rancon, who had made the decision to continue, and it was suggested that he be hanged (a suggestion which the King ignored).


11. The user class contains a public member of this class to make it compatible with scapegoat tree based containers.


12. The scapegoat: the focus of the tragic narrative is upon a person or agent overwhelmed by destructive events, whose suffering is not undertaken voluntarily, that is, by a deliberate act of heroism, and is often unrelated directly to the commission of certain deeds.


13. Fortunately Victoria Dunn found that women doctors took the assassination of the entire video process, anxious to wash his offense, and the activities behind the assassination, but also anxious to destroy the only evidence, then not only 100 Mr Dunn became the scapegoat debate, and even Victoria has also become a terrorist organization to assassinate the target, and the only insider to know the FBI has adopted the attitude of stand aside with arms folded.


14. This has many advantages since binary search tree hooks can also be used to insert values in splay containers and scapegoat trees.

这有许多优点,因为二分查找树钩子还可以用于将值插入到 splay 容器和替罪羊树中。

15. Private, listed companies and other financial institutions are faced with the end of the clearing and settlement issues such as income to you said that I was at this time scapegoat for them to do it?


16. scapegoat的近义词

16. Look the unseen bade him, the voice which now communicated with him who was the greatest of mankind, Septimus, lately taken from life to death, the Lord who had come to renew society, who lay like a coverlet, a snow blanket smitten only by the sun, for ever unwasted, suffering for ever, the scapegoat, the eternal sufferer, but he did not want it, he moaned, putting from him with a wave of his hand that eternal suffering, that eternal loneliness.

看着那些他所无视的东西,那声音现在在和他交流,他是人类中的一个优秀的个体,Septimus ,不久后将被夺去生命走向死亡,上帝前来让这个世界新陈代谢,不断更新,他躺在那里就像一条轻薄的被单,一条雪毯,只有太阳照耀着,永远都不浪费,永远遭受苦难,这个替罪羊,永久的受罪者,但是这一切并不是他所情愿经受的,他呻吟着,putting from him with a wave of his hand that eternal suffering ,那永远的孤独。

17. scapegoat的解释

17. They play you off to the bosses at their company. They use you as a scapegoat.



18. He is to cast lots for the two goats-one lot for the LORD and the other for the scapegoat.


19. His friends continue to argue that he has been made a scapegoat.


20. It is better to walk outside rather than be a scapegoat at home.


scapegoat 词典解释

1. 替罪羊;代人受过者

If you say that someone is made a scapegoat for something bad that has happened, you mean that people blame them and may punish them for it although it may not be their fault.

e.g. I don't deserve to be made the scapegoat for a couple of bad results.


2. 使代人受过;把…当替罪羊

To scapegoat someone means to blame them publicly for something bad that has happened, even though it was not their fault.


e.g. Ethnic minorities are continually scapegoated for the lack of jobs.



The teachers are fair and avoid favouritism and scapegoating.

教师们很公正,杜绝偏袒和乱扣帽子。scapegoat 单语例句scapegoat

1. " It is clear the CFA is trying to find a scapegoat for the incident, " said former CCTV sports commentator Huang Jianxiang on his blog.

2. Hair didn't agree with the ICC's decision to publish the private correspondence, but refused to criticize his employer and denied he'd been made a scapegoat.

3. When I exited the subway that night I had a definite scapegoat for my friends'illness - the subway.

4. It was more or less a scapegoat for the awkward division of work among responsible authorities.

5. When the economy is in recession or hit by other hardships, politicians usually have the flair to find a scapegoat.

6. China is the latest scapegoat for all that ails the American middle class.

7. The problems faced by American manufacturers have nothing to do with China - China is only a convenient'political'scapegoat for their problems.

8. The younger Shi turned himself in last Saturday, saying his brother was a scapegoat for him.

9. Ma was the " scapegoat " under the current system and invisible rules and that " the fairness of judicature has been damaged by politics " the article said.

10. " But making trade a scapegoat and enacting protectionist legislation would make us worse off, " Paulson said.

scapegoat 英英释义


1. someone who is punished for the errors of others

Synonym: whipping boy