

rescind:[英 [rɪˈsɪnd] 美 [rɪˈsɪnd] ]


过去式:rescinded;   过去分词:rescinded;   现在分词:rescinding;

rescind 基本解释


及物动词撤销; 废除

rescind 网络解释

1. 撤销:request for proposal投标申请书 | rescind 撤销 | resell转售

2. rescind是什么意思

2. 撤销,废除:requite 回报,报酬,报复 | rescind 撤销,废除 | rescue 解救

3. 废止,取消:26 lift 解除,提起精神 | 27 rescind 废止,取消 | 28 audit 查帐

rescind 双语例句

1. rescind是什么意思

1. Even if most of countries endow sub-lessee with the remedial right of the responsibility of breach, but, according to the traditional civil law, the right of lease is a claim, when the lessee violates the lease contract, the lessor can rescind the lease contract and take back the leased property from the sub-lessee, which give rise to unfair to the sub-lessee.


2. rescind在线翻译

2. The government to rescind the law, saying it is not right.


3. rescind的近义词

3. If you cut my throat, I'll not be able to rescind the offer that brought you here.


4. rescind

4. You cannot rescind the contract simply because our payment is delayed by one day.


5. She has his power only for the issue he chooses to give her and he may rescind that authority at any time.


6. rescind的反义词

6. Article 30 Where a workers is under any of the following circumstances, the employer may rescind the labor contract


7. If one party fails to honor the contract, the other party is entitled to rescind it.


8. The board of directors of a listed company shall issue opinions expressly on the self-examination report of the purchasers, and engage a certified accountant firm, which has the qualifications of practicing securities business, or financial counselors to make special examination on the business status of the listed company during the transition period, and issue opinions on the comparison of the outstanding achievements of the company before and after the transfer of actual controlling right, whether the purchasers have failed to pay off the debts owed to the company, or failed to rescind the guaranty provided by the company or other circumstances of impairing the interests of the company; in case of any of the above-mentioned circumstances, the board of directors of the listed company shall take effective measures to protect the interests of the listed company.


9. Since clear minor details, as northeast area rescind a prohibition open and extensive development, began industrialized process quickly, make our country industrialized rate of progress the area with higher level of faster, development.


10. Rescind a prohibition in clear minor details the industrialized process that area of north of the middle east that put uncultivated land begins, period of the Republic of China basically reflects the high speed that processes trade for produce to develop, bogus full period presents the abnormal development that attachs most importance to industry.


11. Article 19 Consumers of a mail order or door-to -door sale, if unwilling to purchase the goods received by them, may return the goods or notify in writing the business operators to rescind the purchase contract within 7 days upon receipt of such goods without stating reasons or paying any expenses or the purchase price.


12. rescind的解释

12. If the seller rescind the contract, it may require the buyer to pay a fee for its use of the subject matter.


13. A voidable contract is one that a party will be entitled to rescind.


14. rescind是什么意思

14. Article 14 Under one of the following circumstances, the General Administration of Customs may rescind the record-keeping


15. If B does not pay rent over 15 days, then the owner the right to rescind, and requested B pay the rent and late fees, and hold 6.3 B of this contract default responsibility.


16. B In the event of the Vendor becoming entitled to exercise any right of rescission under the Principal Agreement, the Vendor shall, within 7 days after the Vendor becomes aware of the existence of such right notify the Purchaser in writing of such right and irrespective of whether or not such notice has been given by the Vendor the Purchaser shall notwithstanding any provisions herein contained to the contrary be entitled to rescind this Agreement by serving written notice of rescission on the Vendor.


17. Whether or not the Lender shall have made such entry or taken possession as aforesaid) sell, assign, call in, collect and convert into money the Property or any part thereof or any interest therein subject to any prior estates, interest and rights to which the Property is subject, but free from this Legal Charge/Mortgage and all other estates, interests, tenancies and rights to which this Legal Charge/Mortgage has priority with full power to sell the same either together or in parcels and either by public auction or tender or private contract or partly by public auction or tender and partly by private contract and with such stipulations as to title or evidence of commencement of title or otherwise as the Lender shall think expedient and either for a lump sum or for a sum to be paid by instalments or for a sum on account and subject to a mortgage or other security for the balance and with full power to give any option to purchase the same or to buy in or rescind or vary any contract of sale of the same and to re-sell the same without being responsible for any loss which may be occasioned thereby with power for the Lender to enter into a Deed of Mutual Covenant or Sub-Deed of Mutual Covenant or Supplemental Deed of Mutual Covenant and/or Management Agreement and/or any other documents of a similar nature or grant any rights easements or privileges as the Lender shall in its absolute discretion think fit and with full power to compromise and effect compositions, and for the purposes aforesaid or any of them to execute and do all such assurances and things as the Lender shall think fit, PROVIDED HOWEVER that where the event of default relates to the payment of any moneys payable hereunder no such sale, assignment, calling in, collection or conversion into money shall be put into effect until the Lender shall first have made a demand for payment of such moneys to the Borrower and default shall have been made in payment thereof for a period of one calendar month

8.2.7 (不论贷款人已否如前述般进入物业或取得物业管有权)在下述条件下将物业或其任何部份出售、转让、收回、收取及折现:受限於物业原先已受其限制的产业权,权益及权利,但不受本法律押记/按揭影响,亦不受所有其他排在本法律押记/按揭之后的产业权、权益、租约及权利影响。全权以公开拍卖、投标或私人合约,或部份以公开拍卖或投标、部份以私人合约的形式,并根据贷款人就业权、业权开始的证据或其他事项认为适当的规定出售物业或其任何部份,而售价可整笔付款或分期付款,或部份款额入账而余额以按揭或其他抵押支付;全权给予认购权或买入、撤销或更改有关物业或其任何部份的售卖合约,并将物业或其任何部份再出售而无须为因此而引致的任何损失负责。贷款人并有权订立公契、公契分契或补充公契及/或管理协议及/或任何其他性质相若的文件,或授予任何按贷款人的绝对酌情权认为合适的权利、地役权或特权;全权作出妥协与达成债务重整协议,并为上述所有或任何目的签立及作出贷款人认为适当的转易与事情。但如失责事件涉及本契据须付的任何付款,则不得进行上述出售、转让、收回、收取或折现,直至贷款人先向借款人提出付款要求而上述款项欠付达一个公历月为止。

18. Thus far, American International Group officials have refused to rescind the payments.



19. Article 193 In case of the donee's illegal acts resulting in the death of the donator or the loss of the donator's civil of capacity conduct, the heir or statutory agent of the donator may rescind the donation.


20. rescind什么意思

20. If after further study he finds that it is, he would rescind any federal legal opinion that allows its use, he wrote.


rescind 词典解释

1. 废除;废止;撤销;停止

If a government or a group of people in power rescind a law or agreement, they officially withdraw it and state that it is no longer valid.

e.g. Trade Union leaders have demanded the government rescind the price rise.


rescind 单语例句rescind的解释

1. If they continue to do so, authorities will rescind their licenses.

2. The DOJ statement Wednesday added not even the Chief Executive himself had the authority to rescind the order.

3. Bush and Obama met as the main transition news of the day was the Democratic team's preparations to rescind many of the incumbent's executive orders.

4. This could open the gate for employers to rescind all existing paid entitlements.

5. That wouldn't rescind the bonuses, just require AIG to account for them differently.

6. The Shenyang public security authorities'move to rescind temporary residential permits is a positive development in the wake of Sun's case.

7. Scolari was furious with Riley's decision and called on the official to rescind the card, which would stop Lampard being banned for three matches.

8. The Times has introduced digital subscription fees twice before, only to rescind them because they weren't bringing in enough revenue.

9. MasterCard says it should have been offered the right to extend its contracts and wants FIFA to rescind its agreement with Visa.

10. That is because no group will easily agree to rescind its positions during the structuring of interests.

rescind的翻译rescind 英英释义


1. cancel officially

e.g. He revoked the ban on smoking

lift an embargo

vacate a death sentence

Synonym: revokeannulliftcountermandreverserepealoverturnvacate