

holiness:[英 [ˈhəʊlinəs] 美 [ˈhoʊlinəs] ]


holiness 基本解释


holiness 相关例句


1. She could feel the holiness of the place.


holiness 网络解释

1. 神圣/纯洁/洁白:holily /神圣地/ | holiness /神圣/纯洁/洁白/ | holism /整体主义/

2. 圣者:Ive seen too much religion in the eyes of too many murderers.|为非作歹 | Holiness...|圣者... | is in right action...|侠也

holiness 双语例句

1. holiness

1. We are to live a life of holiness and obedience.



2. This is another phenomenon of Phra Somdej Bung Prayasuren`s holiness.


3. If holiness means otherworldliness, I can only say that our children are too much in the world.


4. We treat lightly the justice and holiness of God.


5. The way of gathering herbs must perform according to ancient method in every step to maintain the h erb`s holiness.


6. This is its holiness; this is how it heals.


7. During this very sad and devastating time, my thoughts and prayers go out to all the tulkus, khenpos, lamas, and thousands upon thousands of monks and nuns that were under His Holiness's care.



8. 6 Forthwith he speaketh with thee of righteousness, of purity, of holiness, and of contentment, of every righteous deed and of every glorious virtue.


9. holiness的反义词

9. The Most High God came down to us in a perfect way through the humble Virgin Mary, without losing anything of his divinity or holiness.



10. Some Holiness denominations, most notably the Church of the Nazarene, flatly reject the use of tongues, while others, the largest being the Church of God, Cleveland, TN, and the Pentecostal Holiness Church, teach both glossolalia and entire sanctification.


11. Superficial happiness without spiritual holiness in one of hell's major exports.


12. Thus says the Lord GOD: See! I am coming at you, Sidon; I will be glorified in your midst. Then they shall know that I am the LORD, when I inflict punishments upon it and use it to manifest my holiness.


13. And that, that is the wish of His Holiness!


14. According to him, he was attending a puja at His Holiness's monastery with his father, who was sick at the time.


15. His Holiness kept looking at the boy and later asked his uncle to come and see him.


16. It was related to me that His Holiness was walking around the stupa at Boudhanath and came across the boy on his way to school.

顶果亲哲仁波切在 Boudhanath绕佛塔时经过他在上学的路上。

17. Johnathan, Bub`s long dead angel father appeared to them both and told Bub that HIS HOLINESS had another job for him savin some old man from burning up in his cabin cause he done moved his bed too close to the fire, so Bub told Miss Huneysuckel to wait right there for him and he`d be back in a little speck of time to help her get on home.



18. That's where holiness becomes practical.


19. Desire holiness in a way that your hearts burn with this ardent wish.


20. Perfect innocence, almost caught up into heaven in a mysterious assumption, attached to the earth by virtue, already possessing something of heaven through holiness.


holiness 单语例句

1. His Holiness is anything but that - for on the surface he is the very embodiment of worldly success.

2. It is a pity we have to date never heard Your Holiness giving a wholesome account of what things were like in those days.

3. Her guesthouse has even been sanctified by the holiness of Lord Buddha, who stayed there as her guest on several occasions.

4. We have no idea who told that National Geographic reporter that horrible story that Your Holiness used a human skull to drink.

5. If the Han people are making them up, how we wish Your Holiness speak up and lay it bare.

6. The new texts are masterpieces extolling the holiness and purity of love.

7. This tourist sport once lost its sense of holiness or religiousness due to its economic development.

8. I assure you the holiness of the holy night is a bit lost here.

holiness 英英释义


1. the quality of being holy

Synonym: sanctitysanctitude