

evident:[英 [ˈevɪdənt] 美 [ˈɛvɪdənt] ]


evident 基本解释

形容词明显的,明白的; 昭著; 彰

evident 同义词




evident 反义词


evident 相关例句


1. The applause made it evident the play was a hit.


2. It was evident that she liked him still.


3. It is evident that he is not equal to the job.


4. It's evident that you are tired.


evident 网络解释

1. evident是什么意思

1. 明显的:evidence 证据;迹象;明显 | evident 明显的 | evolution 进化


2. 明显的,显著的:ultimate 最终的,最后的 | evident 明显的,显著的 | denture 假牙

3. evident是什么意思

3. 迷的:evidence 迷 | evident 迷的 | evolute 缩闭线

evident 双语例句

1. evident的反义词

1. It is evident that Bach's music has and will continue to shape my life in years to come.


2. Result: The salt appetite of the rat was reliably evident from 13 d ays of age in both male and female rats, but no reliably evident from the age of 12 days and under.


3. The elements, if arranged according to their atomic mass, exhibit an evident periodicity of properties.


4. evident

4. However, in Husserl's early works, the relationship between perception and intention is not self-evident.


5. It was clearly evident who the better coach was last night.


6. Egyptian wisdom is evident in Proverbs, making it possible to date the nucleus of the book to pre exilic times.


7. evident

7. Since its low computations and evident, ∑? -STAP is of great practical value in the engineering.


8. The object of such exercise is evident; for the Greek authors excel in copiousness of matter, and have introduced a vast deal of art into the study of eloquence; and, in translating them, we may use the very best words, for all that we use may be our own.


9. Refers to the mineral composition of emerald crystal surface and cleavage plane of When the composition of the mineral particles thick jade, particularly evident.


10. evident是什么意思

10. Last, it also empirically emonstrated that the index of blue-green party difference is a better measure because of its evident transitivity and its stronger statistical association with voting decision.


11. A sharp division of opinion was evident among the members.


12. Today, traces of past structures are still evident, presenting interesting opportunities for transforming this site, its existing structures, as well as its water's edge.


13. evident

13. The micronucleus test has shown that cystamine has evident radioprotective effect at chromosome damage of blood lymphocyties and nucleated bone-marrow cells in irradiation rats. The Dose-Reduction Factor is 1.89 and 1.81 respectively.


14. evident

14. The purified product appears evident antibacterial activity with method of agar diffusion.


15. I infer as evident from the faith and works of the four sects--which are the caesarean clergy, the various monks, the various canons, and the friars-that nobody belonging to them is a member of Christ in the catalogue of the saints, unless he forsakes in the end the sect which he stupidly embraced.


16. It is evident tous what friends we have been for years and how much we have seen ofeach other.


17. AD 10. It is evident that neither of Herod's sons, Philip and Antipas, had yet reigned thirty-four years, since the writer, hazarding a prediction that proved false, says that the sons should enjoy shorter reigns than their father.


18. The importance of the self-system is evident as it appears to underlie the development of the metacognitive system and helps to determine the quality of academic achievement.


19. But the errors with the Fourier transform method are -1062nT/m and 1442nT/m, there is large departure between the calculating curve and theoretical curve and evident influence by effective magnetic dip angle in computing.

而Fourier变换法计算的水平和垂向一阶导数最大误差分别为-1062 nT/m、1442 nT/m,计算曲线与理论曲线偏离大,受磁化倾角的影响也较大。

20. After 12 months, boths of the types recur rate were declined and had evident different.


evident 词典解释

1. 明显的;显然的;清楚的

If something is evident, you notice it easily and clearly.

e.g. His footprints were clearly evident in the heavy dust...


e.g. The threat of inflation is already evident in bond prices.


2. 显然的;明显的

You use evident to show that you are certain about a situation or fact and your interpretation of it.

e.g. It was evident that she had once been a beauty...


e.g. The cities are bombarded day after day in an evident effort to force their surrender.


3. see also: self-evident

evident 单语例句evident在线翻译

1. China's democratic system has its evident superiority over the Western capitalist democratic system.

2. But the other symptoms of cerebral palsy were very much evident, such as constant drooling and an inability to hold his neck erect.

3. This hubris was as evident in the Bush administration as it had been among President Bill Clinton's foreign policy elite.

4. The commercial consideration of Lenovo wanting to purchase IBM's PC unit is evident.

5. Queen Rania said the power of the individual was evident in the new generation of companies that will fundamentally change the global competitive landscape.

6. The tsunami disaster has made evident the need for a complete set of charity laws, says a commentary in the Legal Daily.

7. This compulsion is evident in restaurants more starkly than anywhere else, especially during Spring Festival.

8. Nowhere is this more evident than in the Confucian demand for a strict period of mourning for deceased parents.

9. Chen Kaige's consummate storytelling skills are clearly evident in the first half.

10. He noted the Court of Appeal showed evident disgust toward Chan's appeal based upon its harshly worded judgment.

evident 英英释义


1. capable of being seen or noticed

e.g. a discernible change in attitude

a clearly evident erasure in the manuscript

an observable change in behavior

Synonym: discernibleobservable

2. clearly revealed to the mind or the senses or judgment

e.g. the effects of the drought are apparent to anyone who sees the parched fields

evident hostility

manifest disapproval

patent advantages

made his meaning plain

it is plain that he is no reactionary

in plain view

Synonym: apparentmanifestpatentplainunmistakable