

posture:[英 [ˈpɒstʃə(r)] 美 [ˈpɑ:stʃə(r)] ]


过去式:postured;   过去分词:postured;   现在分词:posturing;   复数形式:postures;

posture 基本解释

名词姿势; 看法; 态度; 立场


posture 相关例句


1. He enjoys posturing in front of an audience.



1. They are trying to adopt a more cooperative posture.


posture 网络解释

1. posture的解释

1. 姿势:十、姿势 姿势(posture)是指举止的状态. 健康成人躯干端正,肢体活动灵活适度. 正常的姿 势主要依靠骨骼结构和各部分肌肉的紧张度来保持,但亦受机体健康状况及精神状态的影 响,如疲劳和情绪低沉时可出现肩垂、弯背、拖拉蹒跚的步态.

2. 状态:工作组的结构可以被描述为基于组(group-based)的组织的统一体给出一个良好定义有助于澄清团队(TEAM)与团队工作(TEAMWORK)行为,后一点在任何组织形式中都是有价值的. -做出后备、交叉培训(Cross-training)及覆-确保状态(Posture)审计和资产控制团队支持 -辅导(Coach)其他人

posture 双语例句

1. Consequently, the time-sequential images are converted to a symbol posture sequence.


2. posture的近义词

2. Lou Di-clear along the refraction of light and shadow, in that endless stretches of fields and back swinging ridge where the father and brother to Hedao bending posture, to love the idea of a loved one poured on the sacred objects in the heavy, with its specific background, Gonggeng crafts, to a high price in exchange for sweat Yi Cha Yi Cha another bumper grain harvest of joy.


3. Walking posture from the dust of Yijin, the location of the statue from the design of Block in the end, the old vine on every detail Qingliqingwei Therefore, he Xiaoping Jiongjiongweishen more clearly the vision contained in the expectations.


4. Currently, Xiao San debut with the posture of the Housing remains open people's pursued.


5. posture的翻译

5. He has an elegant posture and his rip entry is especially outstanding.


6. Spring really strong spring with the summer dog day of autumn drilling more strong impulse displayed its heroic posture of the fruits of victory in the breeze, decked out with heavy hearts taste of things in landfill stabilization of the athletes were sent to the lips smiling Smith picked confident athletes such as acute arrow Qiangnu moment out process Wong smoke of gunfire not casual athletes have reached the end of Oh, the master sprinter Liu Xiang presence at the scene but ran faster than the arrow is faster than the arrow...



7. This study sample is from Apex, Microlife, and Pihsiang in the Public-Listed companies of the medical instrument of biotechnology through questionnaires, interviews and secondary data, and utilize SPACE matrix to analyze their strategy posture. Then we draw the future fit strategy according to each company's posture.


8. Eat cow`s milk may be a result of feeding posture is incorrect or improperly positioned to form a bottle of mandibular protrusion or retrusion.


9. posture的反义词

9. A kind of algorithm for the optimal path of manipulation arm, which possesses restraint of joint turning angle based on dynamic solution region and has n degree of freedom, was put forward. Under the known circumstances of the initial posture and the goal posture, this algorithm adopted the minimum of the sum of every joint turning angle as the optimal target to seek out the optimal path.


10. The Back Tracker revealed that the mechanical tools reduced posture angles significantly (p≤0.05) for installing the windows, but not for left lateroflexion during pre-assembly of windows.


11. One needs to think of the Tathagata-garbha in this connection in association with how the Buddha was in the womb of his own mother, Queen Maya: he entered into her womb radiant, complete, perfect, totally aware, and dwelt there full of light, in the lotus posture dispensing teachings to those who could see him.


12. We teach deepened Pilates study by analyzing key points and aligning of each posture. Students will gradually know all level exercises and how to.



13. He doesn't sit straight: his posture is very bad.


14. He doesn`t sit straight: his posture is very bad.


15. Companies Products women in red cardócapsules and defibrase posture and other countries show fresh capsules Capsule Series Supervisor word-oriented products; to cool baby Mabel Victoria snake skin cream and a new lipid-based ointment Tong Kin-source licensing ointment series; Yam Shu Jie pearl care solution series; honey Pipagao Lian, donkey-hide gelatin, such as oral liquid series and Jian Tong unlicensed herbal source Chongji series.


16. Methods 10 patients(9 were congenital and was traumatic)of SOP with marked compensatory head posture(the tilting angle degree of head toward the uninvolved side was ≥20°)were performed Harada—Ito procedures.5patients had ≥10 degrees subjective excyclotropia with double Maddox rod test and 5 patients were not cooperative with subjective tests and showed no improvement of their head tilt af...


17. By one peaceful condition choice life, is I makes each kind of posture under the sunlight the fate.....


18. Mr. Bryant's litigious posture comes after a study conducted for the Ontario Environment Ministry found that more than half of the province's smog arrives on the wind from northern U. S.


19. In order to meet the requirement of trace and posture controlling when the robot works in complex and badly environment, the paper pup forward a new advanced PED to design the controller and ensure the robot to have well trace and posture adjusting ability. At last, we have done some experiments on the robot.


20. Joint, occipitoatloid and post-atlantal-arcuate we consider- ed that the anatomic position exposed in each of the ten postures has both its generality and specificity, and only when a specific posture is apphed to its aim, or a general one chosen according to clinical...


posture 词典解释

1. (坐、立的)姿势,姿态

Your posture is the position in which you stand or sit.


e.g. You can make your stomach look flatter instantly by improving your posture...


e.g. Exercise, fresh air, and good posture are all helpful...


2. 态度;立场

A posture is an attitude that you have towards something.

e.g. The military machine is ready to change its defensive posture to one prepared for action...


e.g. None of the banks changed their posture on the deal as a result of the inquiry.


3. 故作姿态;装腔作势;装模作样

You can say that someone is posturing when you disapprove of their behaviour because you think they are trying to give a particular impression in order to deceive people.

e.g. She says the President may just be posturing.



Any calls for a new UN resolution are largely political posturing...


There's been a lot of posturing on both sides.

双方有很多时候都是在装腔作势。posture 单语例句

1. She also suggests that workers " change things up " and vary their physical activity or posture at work.

2. " The world has changed a great deal and our posture must change with it, " Bush told a Veterans of Foreign Wars convention in Cincinnati.

3. Zapatero said a common EU posture will make things easier for the bloc's governments and citizens.

4. Without a moral compass or a legal basis for his actions, he cannot long survive his untenable posture of offending all his East Asian neighbors.

5. Without a moral compass or a legal basis for his actions, he cannot long survive his untenable posture of reckless adventurism in forging a foreign policy.

6. After more than two decades of public advocacy for Tibetan independence, he changed his political posture to allegedly recognize China's sovereignty over Tibet.

7. Flamenco dance is marked by complex patterns of rhythm and sophisticated footwork with dancing that emphasizes the grace and posture of the upper body.

8. The relaxed, affable demeanor Wen displayed in Washington is typical of Beijing's current posture in foreign affairs.

9. The deployment is Tokyo's riskiest military mission since World War II and a major step away from a purely defensive military posture.

10. Iraqi officials struck a defiant posture today, with the defense minister predicting a fight to the death for Baghdad.

posture 英英释义



1. characteristic way of bearing one's body

e.g. stood with good posture

Synonym: carriagebearing

2. the arrangement of the body and its limbs

e.g. he assumed an attitude of surrender

Synonym: positionattitude

3. capability in terms of personnel and materiel that affect the capacity to fight a war

e.g. we faced an army of great strength

politicians have neglected our military posture

Synonym: military capabilitymilitary strengthstrengthmilitary posture

4. a rationalized mental attitude

Synonym: positionstance



1. assume a posture as for artistic purposes

e.g. We don't know the woman who posed for Leonardo so often

Synonym: modelposesit

2. behave affectedly or unnaturally in order to impress others

e.g. Don't pay any attention to him--he is always posing to impress his peers!

She postured and made a total fool of herself

Synonym: pose